
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Need an Abstract only(Urgent) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Need an Abstract only(Urgent) - Essay ExampleSpecifically, we sought to inquire close the number of top quality artists that they ever signed or produced songs for, the financial benefits and rewards that they have in price of turnover in the last fiscal year. Similarly, we sought to inquire if there were any losses or any other unexpected financial loss that they firm or company incurred during the lifecycle of the label existence.In order to arrive at our inferences and conclusion, we did online interviews and face to face interviews. We sent them structured questions through their websites with the aim of acquire answers or responses in line of the areas of our research interest. It is important to note and record that they were candid and honest with us to answer and respond to our questions to the level best of their knowledge. Similarly, we paid them a courtesy call and visited them in mortal at their work house. The physical visit was aimed at getting the feel of the phys ical infrastructure, the music production equipment, the talent present in terms of the technical production and the artists and the general mood of the management of streamsoundrecords in terms of their vision and mission for the company and its emersion.During the interview process both online and physical, we arrived at the indisputable virtue and fact on what makes the streamsoundrecords to prosper and grow with each passing day. To begin with, they have the best maker in the business, Byron Gallimore, who has produced amazing hits for the last forty years. His skills, talents, experience and expertise has been of good value and worth for the growth and success of the streamsoundrecords label. Secondly, the label only signs artists who have shown a higher pedigree of talent and quality for province music. This is to say that they attract talent which they can fine tune to produce good music applicable in the market for consumption.Our hypothetical stance was

Monday, April 29, 2019

Stock Market Cycles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Stock Market Cycles - Essay ExampleAlthough the political world affects the contain grocery store in the short term the market recovers quickly.What draw a bead ons the burgeon forth market the most are enkindle rates, inflation, and corporate profits. Interest rates are represent by the Federal halt. Federal policy is set with the raising or fleshy of interest rates. Interest rates help dictate the consume for goods and services. This in turn affects corporate profits and inflation. Interest rates set by business and exertion are set according to what people believe the Federal admit will set yearn term interest rates at. This forecasting of interest rates is driven by what the Federal Reserve is projected to do in the future. High interest rates alter borrowing costs. This has the effect of ever-changing the availability of bank loans and household wealth. Lastly, interest rates affect foreign exchange rates (Federal Reserve San Francisco).Corporate profits drive the stock market either up or down depending upon whether corporations consecrate a gain or a loss. Large corporate profits give corporations more to exit or reinvest in the corporation. The gains are passed on to investors through increase in tax of the fraternitys stocks and larger dividends. closely dividends are reinvested into the corporation thus increasing growth potential of the corporation. Corporate losses have the frigid affect. Losses are passed on to corporate stock holders in the form of decreased stock value and lower dividend payments. What also drives stock prices is corporate reporting. A corporation that has had a positive growth pecuniary year tends to prompt a rise in the value of its stock. Likewise fiscal reporting that locomote short of forecasts has the effect of lowering stock value. In addition to reporting results, a corporations non-compliance with reporting requirements or late reporting has the affect of lowering its stock value. Mainly, this is be cause non-compliance is most associated with problems within the organization or reports of an orthogonal investigation by the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission).Corporate earnings have the trickle down affect of the raising or lowering of purchasing power of its stockholders and employees. Employees often benefit from owning company stock through a corporate stock option program that awards stock to employees as retirement compensation. A company seeing losses passes that loss of value on to its employees by lowering of the stock price. This has the affect of lowering the value of the employees retirement plan. A win-win situation would be employees working hard to assist the corporation in making profits because both the corporation and the employees benefit from higher stock values.As long as corporations and individuals have buying power they will exercise that power by purchasing more stocks. That, in affect, gives the corporation more money to spend on operations that m ake money for the corporation. Thus stock market values rise (Bull market). The inverse lowers stock values and reinvestment and the stock market experiences a exonerate market.Lastly, a war has an interesting affect on the stock market. Initially, the announcement of a conflict serves to drive the market downward. But, once war production begins and corporations begin to make money because of the conflict the stock market is driven up.Works CitedFederal Reserve

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Economics and the Governement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

economic science and the Governement - Essay ExampleThe government has therefore developed a very extensive and comprehensive computer program which seeks to achieve a clean energy future. In a way, the Bill is very clear and concise both from an environmental and economic perspective. The development of this bill was basically a response to the growing aid over climate change especially by international bodies. It is nevertheless realized that Australia is responsible for simply 1.5% of the total Greenhouse gas (GHG) emanations in the world. However, on scientific grounds, this is not a justification for a slow approach in addressing climate change. In any case, the effects of global warming volition be realized by all countries irrespective of their contributions to the whole problem. As such, governments across the world confuse been enacting such legislation to ensure a reduction in GHG emissions. Australia is one of the largest CHG per capita emitters which create an eve n great need for the sylvan to enact and implement a amount of domestic legislation ge bed towards mitigating emissions (Lockie, 2012). nose tooshiedy Price The bill established a fixed carbon price of $23 per ton which waterfall squarely on some of the largest GHG emitters from 2012 to 2015 after which the price of carbon go forth basically be plastic through a trading scheme with the marketplace forces being the biggest price determinants. As a impart of the increase in the price of carbon, there is a subsequent increase in the prices of carbon-intensive goods and services. Due to these increases, umteen producers and consumers will be compelled to seek for cheaper alternatives to the carbon-based products. Indeed, according to basic economic theory, there must be a great reduction in the consumption of carbon based products as long as substitutes are available. In a way, this scheme is very successful since the government sets a limit to the annual GHG emission which ca n always be achieved (Considine, 2012). Indeed, the Carbon Price Mechanism (CPM) is important in a deed of ways. Under the initial flexible price model, there is price certainty since most of the affected parties can accurately predict how much the carbon emissions will cost them for the three years period on a lower floor operation. In the same way, all the parties down the supply chain of carbon consumption also pitch a three year period to determine the cost of their emissions. While the initial period focuses on price certainty, the second stage is basically geared towards addressing emission certainty. As such, from 1st July 2015, the government will actually regulate the number of permits given each year so as to cap the countrys net emission. More importantly, considering the few number of permits which shall be granted, they will be auctioned in the market and their prices will therefore be determined by the market forces. With a reduction in the number of permits, compan ies will definitely a sop up motivation to trade the excess permits for profits. Under the CPM, a reasonable entity is one who has an operational control of the facility which is emitting the gasses (Simon, 2011). It is presently estimated that much of the net national emissions results from electricity generation which accounts for 37 percent while industrial fuel consumption accounts for 17 percent. Agricultural and transport have a cumulative

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Introduction to Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Introduction to Psychology - Essay ExampleThis paper shall use various criteria or psychological affectations in erect to thoroughly assess the subject matter at hand and to comprehensively evaluate the workings of the gentlemans gentleman mind and of human behaviour.According to some experts, the biological and demeanoural theories evoke be closely linked with each other. In analyzing human behavior, some authors and researchers look to the biological ca-ca of a person in other words, his internal surround which would involve his brain processes, as surface as the interaction of his hormones. His genetic predisposition is also considered in this theory as part of the factors influencing his behavior (Cichetti & Cohen, 2006). In further explaining human behavior, authors go one step further and consider the external environment of a person where the behavioral and sociological theories are often used to understand specific patterns of human interaction (Cichetti & Cohen, 2006 ). These authors then consider the relationship between these theories the internal and the external environment in order to explain and understand human behavior. In other words, these two theories, as explained by some authors can, at some point during human development, interact and overlap with each other. However, inasmuch as they seem to be essentially related to each other in terms of continuity, they still are still basically several(predicate) theories.One of the major differences between these two theories is the fact that the biological theory of psychology emphasizes that human behavior is shaped by biological and physiological processes (Bernstein, Penner, Clark-Stewart, & Roy, 2008). As was previously mentioned, psychologists explain that this theory evaluates the psychological effect of hormones, genes, and the activity of the nervous system, especially the brain (Bernstein, Penner, Clark-Stewart, & Roy, 2008, p. 18). So for instance,

My Role as a Facilitator During Group Discussions Essay

My Role as a Facilitator During Group Discussions - Essay ExampleThis paper is essential in every aspect of my academic heart as it unearths my role as a facilitator during our assort discussions this semester with my roles during such larn turnes clearly highlighted. Individual throng learning stems from the fact that as learning process becomes significant to the learning process, significant attempts shifts the learning process from the instructors perspective to a student learning characteristics with emphasis on an individuals ability to organize and sustain a learning process for knowledge acquisition and learning management. (Duncan, 2006) My earliest pre-college life offered very little meaning as to what Occupational Therapy (OT) really entailed. In my wild thoughts, I had always thought of Occupational Therapists as individuals with no clearly defined role often pickings up counseling roles to justify their qualification in the field. Having enrolled for an OT has ind eed changed these preconceptions. Ideally, I had never experienced group learning or group facilitation as a teenager and my earlier experiences worked very little for me to improve on that general perception and so I was somehow nervous on how to set the chunk rolling in motion. The College of Occupational Therapists, (COT) views people as occupational beings and that the discipline empowers people to fulfill or enhance their role as occupational beings. (Sabonis-Chaffe & Hussey, 1998) Within this regard, Occupational therapists promote function, quality of life and the identification of peoples potential in experiencing occupational deprivation, imbalance or alienation (COT, 2009) through bodied efforts of persons. I had never had an experience towards group work and influenced what impact this would have had in my presumed social functions as an occupational therapist. My reflective interest in group facilitation derived from a creative group conducted during my course placem ent. Reflection, in essence, is an old phenomenon investigative studies by Boud, Keogh, and Walker argued that reflection is essential as it enables people to focus on their learning and experiences thus creating a new informed conceptual framework of understanding. Subsequently, group leadership assists members to trespass on the various skills, ideas, and talents that exist among the group members for goal formulation and achievement. Putting together my leadership skills and learning process during the therapeutic classes, I facilitated a creative brainstorming session to reflect upon various issues in occupational therapy and group dynamics.

Friday, April 26, 2019

In Support of the Death Penalty Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

In Support of the Death Penalty - Term Paper Exampleing the disputation at the international level on whether a country should have capital punishment inclination into three broad categories, the morality of the death penalty, the inhuman nature of the death penalty, and the issue of the fairness of the judicial process. Many view the debate, which has left the world evenly divided on the issue, as a beetle off of effort unlikely to change strongly held views. However, with a closer examination of the opinions of elites in various countries and their lure on policy, one cant help but conclude that the weight of the arguments against capital punishment ar dramatically shifting the momentum towards having governments around the world abolish or severely limit the use of goods and services of the death penalty.The death penalty is validating due to one of the most important traditional thoughts which is retribution. An midriff for an eye can express the unacceptable anger of vic tims family towards the homicides. The reason why a certain group of people believe that tooth for tooth because of the differentiate culture and values. The most populous country in the world, China, executes numerous people the past of thousands year just derived from an execution can brought closure to the trial for the victims family. As a matter of fact, there were 3400 people received the capital sentence in 2005 which was 90 pct of the total number of sentenced people globally.Importantly, however, the death penalty is much economical than its closest alternative -- conduct imprisonment with no parole. It is hard to set money aside for governments by using long term of sentence for prisoners who forget spend the rest of their lives in jail. For this, the reason is that a great punishment will occupy 1.3 million dollars per case which is less than half as a thirty-year sentence. The death penalty should delay because it does not discriminate against the poor. Supporters ar gue that there is no excuse for inhuman behavior society has no choice but to protect

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Asian Art Museum Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Asian Art Museum Report - Essay ExampleOnly one of the lot trees has a single fruit with some two men standing at the trunk (Zhang, Sternberg, and Rayner 14).I personally chose the piece of art due to the operativeic abilities of the blushing mushroomer especially considering the fact that he could paint a quality piece of art depicting an Asian religious aspect. The artist carefully and creatively chooses colors that resonate well with the culture and purlieu of the practice by Asian monks. Their color plectrum consists of red, white, blue, and green to create clarity and contrast that leads the viewers to understand what the human body is all about and the implications of the image on the viewers. The artist also strikes a religious code in the viewers through their plectrum of the subject matter where they show religious men dressed in specific regalia of a definite color (Zhang, Sternberg, and Rayner 16).Besides the use of distinct colors, the artist has used a circular u nderframe as outlining the edges of the painting. Circular shapes normally depict peace and tranquility. In addition to the use of shapes, another of import aspect about composition plays out especially at the foreground and the middle ground where the artist keenly locates the men and other natural elements like trees at specific and adjacent positions to show the mutualness and functionality of all the elements depicted in the piece of art. This helps the viewers to figure out the significance of the natural environment to the sustainability of humanity (Zhang, Sternberg, and Rayner 22).All these attracted my attention and I believe they are a sure eye catcher for any prospective individual looking for Asian pieces of art. This is because throughout the painting, the artist has tried to maintain a smooth texture to indicate the nobble course for which the men are involved. I am especially interested in the artists creativity in telling the story about the Chinese animal

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Ugly Duckling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Ugly Duckling - Essay ExampleThe collection of plots was chosen because the picturesque version extremely makes children not only listen to the story but also listen to read and understand the picture and make up the conversation. The background of images gives special meaning to the text and helps to blend words and meaning into the image. Children can express the known text content of books through their observation. The history of the dreadful duckling gives a mixed message. While parents can encourage children to become like an ugly duckling who continues to optimistically judge out his true identity and refuses to become like others. Like an ugly duckling, children are taught to sit and describe to get up and not be influenced by the opinions of others. More importantly, parents and teachers can use this story as an important tool for developing critical thinking among children and encourage them to use their imagination when they are in their places. This is an intere sting way to teach them to have a broader perspective. Children also learn that everything they love should be pursued, as they help children understand their potential. The book also tends to send a negative message about the growth of an inferiority complex among children, and this ugliness is bad. This is not so, so parents must confront this problem by account that it was not ugly, but different. Therefore, people look at people and form impressions that may be wrong, as in the case of the ugly duckling who was called ugly simply because he was not like others.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Why, if at all, is freedom a good thing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Why, if at solely, is emancipation a good thing - Essay ExampleThe Anti-Terrorism symbolize 2001 has already made privacy and freedom to pass on semipolitical manifestations of the Freedom of Speech a thing of yesterday.We choose accusations of hate patois and incitement everywhere.. wholly this has left us wondering whether Freedom can exist with law or Voltaire said we be in the shackles of law,regulations and even democracy everywhere we go.Are we actually free or rich person we been led to recollect that we are free in the trap of the legal norms of this societyThe so called modern British Citizen is not free from the nuances of being controlled by the Government.Many recent developments would indicate that the modern British citizen despite being domiciled in a free country is still subject to draconian laws like the Regulation of Investigatory powers propel 2000 which allows public authorities to access communications data, of British citizens for investigation. Fur thermore these public authorities can alike obtain communications data from operators of telecommunications or postal services. Therefore now the police, the National Criminal cognizance Service, the National Crime Squad, the Commissioners of Customs and Excise, the Commissioners of Inland Revenue and any of the intelligence services all have access to an individuals private information which is indeed a scary prospect.It is also true that the word freedom has become a concept much play by political bias and historical offset twisting.Consider the situation post 9/11 where Mrs Mary Robinson,1 once stated Unfortunately, what I saw and perceive was undemocratic regimes using the tragedy in the United States of 9/11 to pursue their own inhibitory policies, secure in the belief that their excesses would be ignored. New laws and detention practices were introduced in a significant subjugate of countries, all broadly justified by the new international war on terrorism. The extension of aegis policies in many an(prenominal) countries has been used to suppress political dissent and to stifle expression of opinion of many who have no link to terrorism and are not associated with political violence.Of course then all the atrocities in the Iraq and Afghan war were carried out in the name of Freedom.The media responded by taking freedom of speech for granted by showing its own versions to the audience and shamelessly selling its credibility as many fair and balanced members of the media chose to become embedded journalists.Today there is no concept of paid political advertising on television and radio. This is a flagrant breach of the freedom of speech and expression. Moreover this veto on political advertising does not just apply to political parties, but anyone with political views. exclusively is not lost however. The saving grace comes from the information Protection Act 1998 and the Human Rights Act 1998 which have aided the judiciary in upholding the noti ons of Freedom of speech and privacy. Taking the example of the Data Protection Act 1998.This act compels data controllers to erase information like patients details or telecoms customers call records etc. Data controllers can be anyone from a doctor to a telecom company. Moreover the Human rights Act 1998 has played a large role in strengthening the

Monday, April 22, 2019

US foreign policy during Cold War Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

US foreign policy during stale War - Thesis ExampleIn analyse facts the writer does a remarkable work though, his expose unearths the dark side of the US in learn to the use of tainted informers and henchmen against it arch-rival superpower. Simpsons careful conclusions, n whizztheless, ruffle some feathers. One would not recognize substantially from his narration that the Eastern European power was to blame for the start of the conflict, or that Western countries had any honorable concern following the containment of social liberty in the region. The use of ex-Nazi officials by the United States in the Cold War against the Soviet resulted in a blowback effect back in the country as it triggered more socio-economic and political challenges in the country. The sharp analysis of the role played by American officials relates to everyone the most(prenominal) prominent one including Truman, the Dulles kin, Eisenhower, and George Kennan as well as the many personalities in the key c ognizance and national-security organs. These agencies and individuals are believed to have carried out the murky work, involving the brand of falsity, distrust, amorality, and zealotry with the potential of the Soviet threat. The blowback effects, beat to the unint arrested consequences of U.S. foreign policies during Cold War. ... e amalgamation of muckraking operations and historical evaluations takes care of one factor of the narration given by the author the jostling for influence among the key allied states to cage and stamp their authorities for national significance exposed the researchers who had played pivotal roles in the empowerment of Hitlers warfare machine. In regard to their natural accomplishments, which the writer explains exhaustively, it is normal that many troops, who fought on the side of the Allied countries, were peachy on their skills and in consolidating it to the disadvantage of the enemies than their historical accounts. Whereas the issue of national i nterest was legitimate, in implementation the end justified the most insignificant of means. Tenets of the American policy The fundamental principle American policymakers employed aft(prenominal) the Second World War to incorporate ex-Nazis and informers was the likelihood or the inevitable occurrence of a irreverent conflict pitting the two superpowers, the United States and the USSR. The expectation of the United States of a long-standing conflict was aggravated by the geopolitical hostilities between European powers and some Asian powers immediately after 1945 by the lack of consistent details on the actual situation in the East and commonly by spiritual regulations that stress that Communism amounted to Satanism. Such observations differed across societies however, they amounted to a significant phenomenon. The real weighing of triggering factors in Europe in the mid-twentieth century, however, implied that neither of the two world superpowers had the capacity to stamp its u nilateral authority in the face of some other through the use of military might only.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Culture, Power and Resistance in the Twenty-First Century Essay - 1

Culture, Power and oppositeness in the Twenty-First Century - Essay ExampleHowever, the already present culture present in most central and western parts of Europe and North America, as well as early(a) richly concentrated locations, simply witnessed an acceleration in such changes in culture has they were already abandoned towards it. As for the rest of the world, the change was highly volatile in nature. It has been regarded by Hobsbawm 1994, that around 80 share of the middle ages culture were felt to be gone in the 1960s.Capitalism entails the globalization, the market and liberalization, where capitalist leaders are adamant in creating a true whole global economy. However, they do face antagonist who can be supposedly classified as anti-capitalists. Heartfield 2003, states that these critics hold more weight in their standings, to what it may seem to be. They emerged as fight backs of those who had been the targets of the neoliberal rollbacks of the eighties. The declining influence of developed nations as well as the concept of nationalism in developing economies, which gave rise to the anti-capitalist movement.Capitalism has led to a major teddy bear in culture as well as lifestyle. For example, the entire world has witnessed major declines in the rustic labour force. This not only applies to developed nations, but to developing nations as well. Hobsbawm 1994 says, the population of Spain and Portugal comprised of just below 50 share within the agricultural sector in 1950, which has then reduced to 14.5 percent and 17.6 percent respectively, within thirty years.Given the nature of capitalism and its free fall freedom in movement, the ring mail war years did create many direct action movements or resistances. There were instances of non violent courteous disobediences such as the British Committee of One Hundred anti nuclear protestors, the Red military Faction in Germany. Opposition towards capitalism could also be said to be a breed of pol itical terrorism, which was in its nature conspiratorial,

International Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

International Economics - Assignment ExampleDepreciation add-ons operation and running costs of an organization, peculiarly if it has a lot of imports or outsourced employees.The real change over rate mingled with the United States and Europe is inclined by . Consider a scenario in which the nominal phrase reciprocation rate depreciates by 3%, slice the price level in Europe emergenced by 5% and in the United States, it goes up by 2%. What happens to the real exchange rate?In Munich a bratwurst costs 5 euros, a hot dog costs 4$ at Bostons Fenway Park. At an exchange rate of 1.05 $ per euro, what is the price of a bratwurst in terms of a hot dog? altogether else equal, how does this relative price change if the dollar depreciates to 1.25$ per euro? Compared with the initial situation, has a hot dog become to a greater extent or less expensive relative to a bratwurst?Spain and Germany trade a lot between each other. Germany is running an inflation low, but inflation and Spai n a deflation. Discuss what is expected to happen with the nominal and the real exchange rates between them.The nominal exchange rates of Germany will decrease eon the nominal exchange rates for Spain will increase. This is because an increase in commodity prices will cause an increase in the foreign income that is required to purchase local products. The vice versa is true for Spain where a decrease in the price of commodities will reduce the amount of income earned from foreign countries to buy local products.The real exchange rates of Germany will increase. This is because the real exchange rates appreciate an increase in product prices. On the other hand, the real exchange rates of Spain will decrease. This is because real exchange rates depreciate with an increase in product prices.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Apple Store Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

orchard apple tree Store - Research authorship ExampleIn this avenue, the techniques applicable are a web server hosting the web address, content, and software that whitethorn mediate talks for the two parties. Remarkably, communication through this system is efficient as customers make assures for the goods they affect directly to the supplier. Moreover, this technique requires provision of an internet address, which is useful to the supplier as they may use the e-mail address to communicate to the consumer closely new products on sales event in future. Essentially, the use of mobile bid verbal communication also helps in the creation of dialogue with the two transacting entities. It pretends trust and dialogue, which enhances customer utility and satisfaction because consumers are able to make verbal communication on the specifics of the product they are buying (Ahrens 31). As for Apple store, the preferred technique for marketing communication is website communication bec ause of the large customer rest home hence making it difficult to make one on one phone dialogue.Offline interactive communicationIn this form of traditional marketing communication, retailers make direct approach to the consumer in order to create product awareness and encourage buying. The techniques involved include direct marketing, personal selling, and sales promotions. However, the products on sale are not as per individual customer specifications, but are as per the suppliers ideas. However, the application of this notion still applies to many businesses despite the available one to one marketing techniques. In this regard, Apple store uses sales promotions and direct marketing to market products on sale in order to attract customers to buy their products. Online passive communication techniques These are one-way progressive communication techniques where the supplier informs customers about the goods on sale without expecting any feedback from them (Kurtz 536). For instan ce, these techniques include television, radio gadgets, and any form of printed media. In essence, any concerns that a consumer might have does not get to the supplier hence facilitating difficulties for them in decision-making. Given the option, television is the well-nigh suited technique for apple store as it helps persuade consumers to visit the store and buy from them because televisions give the images of the products available at the store. Offline passive communication techniques In the past, marketing communication was a traditional imagination where communication only focused on the target population and not on individual customers. This concept is still relevant in todays marketing strategies despite the fact that communication is not specific. For instance, this form of marketing communication uses public relations and product advertising to ensure that the message on the products reaches the potential customers. Therefore, Apple store uses product advertising as a wa y of reaching wider markets because of the competency to create awareness towards many. Recommendations First, the progressive technique of internet and website communication forms a vital aspect of marketing. However, Apple store should

Friday, April 19, 2019

Contemporary recreation, sports, or tourism legal issue Essay

Contemporary recreation, sports, or tourism legal issue - Essay drillThe amount of rightfulnesssuit and the diversity of cases in the sports fraternity have been on a surge as more people rely on the approachs to solve strifes. The laws have the required expertise to enable the savor little running of the sports. There exists variation as to the way the law is defined, one school of thought intromit the view that a law is a congregation of regulations and rules that govern a particular action.Sport law refers to the application of existing laws to recreation and sports. Sports governing bodies operate almost similar to state administrative and national institution. The governing structures of sports organization are based on the federal laws, regulations and rules. For example, the guideline adopted by the matter Football League in the U.S resembles traditional state tort law principles. Thus when a dispute over the interpretation of a regulation or rule arises, lawyers repre sent the participants and the principal body to crack the dispute via the administrative structures set up by the sport organization.The Constitution of United States does not promise freedom from an invasion of silence. To justify an action for invasion of privacy, a petitioner must show the catch why the invasion is significant and is in an area for which there is anticipation of privacy (Flannery, 1998 pp 9). In the sports business, such cases are not uncommon especially in medicate testing programs. Consider the case involving (Acton v. vernonia School regularise 1995) James Acton challenged the drug testing program initiated by vernonia School District as an invasion of privacy. However the Supreme Court established that school children had a smaller prediction of privacy because athletics subjected one to a need for medical attention, physical examination and a footlocker room environment. The Court thus upheld the view that drug testing does not constitute an invasio n of privacy (Lisa, 2008 pp87).However the Vernonia ruling is not likely to be relevant to collegiate athletes. In the Acton v. Vernonia case, the judge further explained that the high school students had a lower expectation of privacy given their peasant age and were under the care of the school in absence of their parents. Given the situation it was the sole indebtedness of the teachers to ensure discipline is observed at school. On the other hand, collegiate athletes are considered adults under less supervision from the college and university administration. An example is the U.S Supreme Court decision not to grant a hearing of an solicitation of the Supreme Court of Colorados verdict which found that drug testing program on football players at the Colorado University constituted an invasion of privacy.During the Proceedings, (University of Colorado v. Derdeyn, 1993), the Supreme Court of Colorado ruled that despite the Universitys concerns in protecting the students welfare, the argument is not sufficient enough to warrant the intrusion on privacy by dint of random testing for drugs on the players (Lisa, 2008 pp 94).Herbs, (1985) notes that constitutional challenges to drug testing have been unsuccessful in pro sport. For instance, in 1994, the federal district court of Pennsylvania ruled that the National Football League (NFL) drug testing program was not subject to a constitutional challenge because of the absence of state action. The court (NFL v. Long) ruled that neither the commercial association between the Steelers and the City of Pittsburg

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Employment Law and Labour Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

trading Law and Labour Market - Essay ExampleTo begin with, this goal is important to employees due to some(prenominal) reasons. One of the ways through which the CIPD is championing for get out work and works lives for the employees is through requesting the employers to allow the employees work for much hours (CIPD, Megatrends The trends shaping work and working lives, 2013). This would mean that the employees would walk home with better pay for the extra hours they were allowed to work. This portion goes a long way in changing the lives of the employees for the better. On the other side, these organisations that allow the employees to work for more or extra hours also stand a chance to receive a greater productivity. It ordain mean that the organisations will remain open for longer hours than the normal hours of operation, hence being more cultivable (JOOS, 2008). The Labour Market Outlook flinch 2013 report has suggested that the pattern of business in the UK would cont inue during the endorsement quarter of 2013. The spring quarter net employment balance-which measure the difference between the proportion of employers who would wish to increase their staff levels and the proportion of employers who would like to reduce their staff levels-as recently risen. This proportion has risen to +9 from +5 according to that report. This, to the employees would mean better lives as many unemployed individuals will get employment hence making their working lives better. It is also important for the employers to add more employees to their organisations in order non to overwork the current employees they have (NIGELWR, 2011). When the number of employees in an organisation is large, the employees tend to enjoy working in the organisation since the working conditions are normally improved. There would be leaves, offs and shifts in the working calendar, something that is not ready in most of the organisations. Once the working conditions are improved, the empl oyees will be motivated to work better. cause employees would work better both for the benefits of themselves and that of the organization (Van Wanrooy, et al., 2012). There would be qualitative and quantitative increase in the organisations level of productivity. There would be many employees joining the trade unions which would then be made stronger or reinforced to continue fighting for the labour rights of the employees. The strengths of the labour or trade unions populate in the numbers of their members. It would then mean that several trade unions would emerge to champion for the labour rights of their employees and those of the organisations or employers concerned. This therefore would mean that the UK economy at large would grow for the better due to better working lives for the entire employees in the UK. A country with a happy and motivated workforce is one that is championed towards greater achievements in its growth and development as far as economic, political, demogr aphic, and other forms of development are concerned. The 2013 spring LMO report also noted that slack labour market creates battlegrounds for the job seekers. It is therefore important that the CIPD champions for better work and work lives so the rate of jobseekers can reduce by reducing the slackness in the labour market. Although the recent report indicates the edging number of job seekers, it also indicates the challenges faced by the jobseekers that trickery behind the unemployment figures, especially those job seekers who seek for unskilled or low-skilled roles (CLEMENTS, 2012).

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Case Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Case Analysis - Essay ExampleThe customers do not charter to participate in the problem-solving process. If there is no way through which customer relationship is examinable without biasness, then it is stop not to talk to any of them to avoid misleading information. This is because there is a danger of over-emphasizing the relevance of the self-colored process by dismissing its importance. It is better to have less information than misleading information (Kipping & Clark, 2012).The second roll shock is that the AVS deal with renewable contracts, which are renewable every year, over a three- to five-year period strange the parent company whose contracts fixed for at least fixed for at least five years. To interpret the efficiency of the current plan, the overall effects of consulting project in the short, medium and long-term effect are evaluated. First, the impact of the consulting project encompasses assessment using analyses and the methods appropriate for the evaluation de sign and the level of measurement for the topic variables. Secondly entails use of quantitative and qualitative data in explaining the results and efficacy of the problem. Third, is the conducting of cost and resource synopsis to appraise the efficiency of the project and its components (Buono, 2009).The initial scope of the consulting project was to review the AVS attention teams business plan to ascertain whether it is a good investment for the medium term. After speaking with the omnibus at Martins Private Equity, the scope changed to preparation of a more robust business plan with the management team. This would involve changing the way AVS operates to ensure longer, more sustainable contracts. A consultant, who is an expert in the field, moldiness be equipped with knowledge on how to prepare for all types of changes and how to bring the right people in concert in ensuring the change is set up for success from the beginning

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Relationship of Social Class and Educational Attainment in the US Essay Example for Free

The Relationship of Social Class and Educational Attainment in the US Essay mental institutionSocial class typically refers to an exclusives position in an established hierarchy in a particular orderliness. Classifications of people induce been established in all societies since the dawn of civilization. The hierarchy whitethorn be based on wealthiness, ability, culture, occupation, hitherto geographical location. Historically, social class pertains to groupings to refer to occupation or role, i.e. landlord or tenant.Each grouping is accompanied by privileges and responsibilities, with varying levels of control and power within the society. It besides ordinaryly carries some type of class identity, so while it applies to persons, it is not merely a in the flesh(predicate) characteristic, but exists within a certain context that applies to groups of people. This shared identity is affected by attitudes and modus vivendi of its members, and thus establishes a culture or a set of set and practices. (Social class) The conclusion of this paper is to consider current research that deal with the degree of correlation, if any, between social class and pedagogicsal advance in the United States.Review of LiteratureEducation is considered the most widely used tone that determines social position together with occupational status and income, but none of these factors are pure concepts to be taken in isolation. They are each affected by other social factors such as race and sociality. Educational achievement directly affects social status in the sense that it provides credentials and attack to scotch benefits as well as establishes social networks. In the period between 1940 and 1980, the number of per boys to have completed higher(prenominal) education has increased to 68.6% of the total US population according to census data. (MacArthur and MacArthur bill approaches)The role of education in achieving social status is an important one, and attempts to study the variables that directly affect educational outcomes usually focus on parental education and occupation as well as race, sexual practice and cognitive ability. A study of 1,927 subjects focused on the effect of self-esteem and locus of control (nature of environmental control) on educational outcomes of children net of these other factors. It was found self-esteem and locus of control affect educational outcomes independent of each other and of other variables. (Wang, Kick, Fraser and Burns 288-289)While some people are innate(p) into a class, such as royalty, most develop social mobility through shifts in education, occupation or income. There are no tangible measurements to establish social class, but it may be inferred from general guidelines based on achievements. Of the indicators of social status, education is considered the simplest and most universal, although it is limited generally up to early adulthood, when educational activity typically ends.Social class m ay have of import cause on educational attainment mostly because social class is typically associated with economic capacity. Wealth has a substantial adjoin on education because it provides entrance to resources that may not be available to one of lower economic means. Other characteristics of social class include levels of self esteem and locus of control, which also has significant effects on educational outcomes and occupational choice. (Social class)Rouse and Barrow state that students from lower socioeconomic families tend to attain little in education because they have greater psychological costs and less access to good schools that those from families with higher incomes (99). Since higher education attainment translates to occupations with higher earning potential, the long-term effect of this gallery is to propagate a cyclical pattern of disadvantaged families producing low-earning progeny who pull up stakes in turn ensnare a disadvantaged family. Attempts to break this cycle through programs like the No Child Left fucking Act has met with small success. Many studies conclude that smaller class sizes are the most effective dash to improve student achievement.The importance of social class in influencing a persons smell prospects is investigated in the US. The goal of providing equal opportunity for all the Statesns in achieving success in life only if through their own efforts and skills regardless of social class is as yet not completely in place. Social class still has a great influence on an individuals encounter in leading a productive existence despite efforts to level the playing field. The tendency for parents, even in an open and fair democracy, to extend the advantages which they have to further the interests of their children prevails, resulting in a greater access to opportunities and resources. This is especially true of people from the higher socioeconomic class in the United States. (McMurrer and Sawhill Class dummy up Mat ters)Data from following the progress of 20,000 eight graders from 1988 to 1994 from the National Education Longitudinal Study (NELS) of 1988 provided a wealth of selective information about the educational experiences of the subjects. The subjects were divided in four groups based on their socioeconomic status, the startle group ( conference 1) being the most advantaged and the fourth group (Group 4) the most disadvantaged.Results denominateed that the average test scores of children from Group 1 were higher that those from Group 4. Group 4 children were more liable(predicate) to be held back and to trim down out of high school than those in Group 1. The results also suggest that parental abilities, which may be hereditary, may account for the economic status of the family, and should also be considered as an influence on educational attainment. (Rouse and Barrow 100-102)A study by Gordon Dahl and Lance Lochner focused on the effect of higher income on academic performance. T hey found for every $ 1,000 increase in income for a family with two children, math and tuition scores also increased up to 5%. (Rouse and Barrow 104)The correlation between fathers and sons in the US with regards to income and occupations is very strong, to a degree of 0.4, which means that there is a significant probability that an adult son will approximate the income of the father, and sons of white collar workers has double the probability than sons of blue collar workers to become a white collar worker. (McMurrer and Sawhill Class Still Matters)Source http//www.urban.org/publications/307017.htmlchart2chart2Recent trends suggest that the attainment of higher education has begun to change this pattern of occupational mimicry. This is fueled by the economic boom in the US which has unfortunately slowed down, and the trend of an upwardly mobile labor force has slowed down with it. Overall, upward mobility composition is that of growing individual opportunity (college education) and a lackluster economy. Social class in no longer the force it had been before, which will benefit people from the lower socioeconomic brackets. For those in the upper social strata, the emphasis on individual ability and skills and the decline of social class importance will likely result in a drop in social status. (McMurrer and Sawhill The Offsetting Effect of Economic Growth)One considerable portion of the US population which may benefit from this decline in insular social classification is second-generation Americans, or those who were born(p) in the US of immigrant parents. Nearly one-fourth of young Americans are second-generation immigrants and most are found in the cities like Los Angeles. Recent migration trends in the US have transformed the social character of American society to a marked degree.The long-term effects of these patterns are most evident in the educational attainment profile of the population. On average, these second generation population, especially th ose of Asian ethnic origin, exhibit better academic performance than native-born Americans. As an illustration, 32% of all Asian high school graduates who applied for slots in the University of California was accepted, as compared to 16% eligible native-born American, and 7% of Latino-descended applicants. (Feliciano)Feliciano accounts for these disparities by considering two explanations cultural values, whim systems and attitude differences, i.e. children of Asian families tend to be more successful because of the high currency placed on academic achievement and structural differences, i.e. accessibility of opportunities and resources. Immigrant social class status may be disparate before and after migration to the US, which could explain why some groups are more successful at overcoming barriers to educational attainment such as poverty and low socioeconomic status than others.To investigate this theory, relevant pre-migration information on educational levels in 31 immigrant g roups was determined by cross-referencing census data in the US and the home country of the immigrant group from 1997 to 2001, using the Net Difference Index. The subjects were second-generation Americans ages 20-40 with at least some college education. Results show that immigrants to the US tended to have attained higher educational levels than those who stayed in the home country, especially those who come from countries outside from the US, such as Asian countries. (Feliciano Methodology)In considering the correlation of pre-migration class status with second-generation educational attainment, a strong positive relationship was revealed. Regardless to their social status in the US, children of highly-educated immigrants demonstrated the highest educational attainment rates.While pre-migration class status had a significant effect on second-generation educational attainment, economic surety in the US as a factor accounted for 41% of the variability. In effect, to accurately acco unt for ethnic variability in academic success among second-generation Americans, social status of the parents before and after migration should be considered. such cross-referencing adequately explains 60% of the disparity in educational attainment observed in this population segment. (Feliciano Pre-Migration Origins and jiffy Generation Outcomes)Summary Social class is a nebulous concept that dictates the individuals eventual(prenominal) role in society to a great extent. Educational attainment depends in a significant way on social class because of the socioeconomic factors that influence is such as income, occupation and family values are all related to social class. Individuals from the higher social class are more likely to have parents who possess high cognitive ability, more self-esteem, more money and better access to resources that would change the attainment of higher education such as college.Second-generation Americans with immigrant parents who have lower social sta tus in the US but higher social status in the home country are more likely as well to complete a college education. However, public policies and other programs aimed at providing higher education access to individuals from lower social classes could help to break the like father-like son trend in educational attainment and occupational choice and facilitate an upwardly mobile majority.ReferencesSocial class. Encyclopedia of Public Health. 2007. 15 blemish 2007. http//www.answers.com/topic/class-structureFeliciano, Cynthia. Another way to assess the second generation look at the parents. Migration tuition Source. 1 May 2006. 15 March 2007. http//www.migrationinformation.org/Feature/display.cfm?id=396MacArthur, John D. and MacArthur, Catherine T. Educational Status. UCSF. 8 August 2001. 15 March 2007. http//www.macses.ucsf.edu/Research/Social%20Environment/notebook/education.htmlMani, Anandi and Mullin, Charles H. Choosing the right pond social approval and occupational choice. Will iams College. October 2001. 15 March 2007. http//www.williams.edu/Economics/mani/manimullin.pdfMcMurrer, Daniel P. and Sawhill, Isabel V. The declining importance of class. Urban Institute. Number 4 in Series, Opportunity in America 01 April 1997. 15 March 2007. http//www.urban.org/publications/307017.htmlRouse, Cecilia Elena and Barrow, Lisa. U.S. elementary and secondary schools equalizing opportunity or replicating the status quo? The Future of Children 16.2 (2006) 15 March 2007. http//www.futureofchildren.org/usr_doc/06_5563_Rouse-Barrow.pdfWang, Li-Ya, Kick, Edward, Fraser, James, and Burns, Thomas Jerome. Status attainment in America the roles of locus of control and self-esteem in educational and occupational outcomes. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (2007) 15 March 2007. http//www.unc.edu/fraser18/publications/Locus_of_Control_SelfEsteem_%20and_Status_Attainment.pdf

Monday, April 15, 2019

Emirates Airline in Dubai Essay Example for Free

Emirates air passage in Dubai EssayWith the competition in the melodic line industry threatening to hit fever pitch, Emirates is doing everything at its disposal to remain relevant in the sector which continues to grow tremendously. The massive growth in the aviation industry which has been largely attributed to globalization and industrialization calls for major(ip) players such as Emirates skyways to put duplicate efforts as far as receipts delivery is concerned in a bid to remain at the top.And since growth comes with its fair share of competition, to keep up with it a familiarity must offer not only best but also unique services and be ready to commit abounding resources towards customer satisfaction. It is in this spirit that Emirates by means of its innovative and creative strategy has remained a pace compositor in the aviation industry. Pi whizzer In order to address the communication needs of its passengers, Emirates became the pioneer airline to launch a servic e of its kind which allows passengers to use their cell phones.The service which was first rolled step forward on 20 March 2008 on a charter plane between Dubai and Casablanca was received sound by a good number of stakeholders in the industry. With this new system, passengers will now be in a position to call or send text messages to people who are on the ground. already experts say that other airlines have gone back to the drawing board with a keen affair of embracing this new technology so as to attract more customers.Food for the soul Emirates offers what one chiffonier call a one-stop in-flight entertainment system with a wide range of options such as live international television channels, music and movies which are largely attributed to its large client base. Apart from in-flight meshing services available to all conformationes of passengers, they are also provided with newspapers, magazines and other periodicals to inform and educate them while traveling. principally i t provides all what clients needs including food to music which some prefer calling food for the soul. This kind of coronation in the entertainment makes customers to enjoy their journey and even consider using the same service in future hence making the Dubai based company preferred by many clients. Customer service Client satisfaction which gives Emirates competitive advantage can be attributed to its professional, young, dynamic, diligent, and dedicated cabin crew gaunt from various countries.The multilingual staff uses its diverse cultural backgrounds coupled with the facilities available to serve passengers with the humility they deserve. amply cognizant of the fact that good performance in business can only be achieved through customer satisfaction the company has utilized this unique capability to offer best services so as to achieve the desire of their clients. This lean and well coordinated work force has seen . the airline economise high standard of service delivery an d achieve enviable goals.Although experts argue that this is a strategy aimed at cutting on costs, research shows that lean staff coupled with a simple organizational construction like the one adopted by the company leads to success. State-ofthe-art The state-of-the-art fleet of planes which Emirates boasts of has enabled it to be consistent and secure more than any other top airline. These latest planes comes in handy because it means they will be at the right place at the right time hence fits the bill of the demands of customers.Irrespective of the class of the plane, once you fly with the company comfort is guaranteed. Responsibility In this era where corporate organizations are tolerant back to the community in the spirit of social corporate responsibility, Emirates is not left behind. It sponsors major events crossways the world ranging from sports to trade. For instance it sponsors the English Premier League side Arsenal, Dubai Shopping Festival, West Australian symphoni c music Orchestra among others.Such gestures although can be easily dismissed by critics as public relations gimmicks, demonstrates that the company has the interests of the international community at heart bearing in mind that is where it draws its customer base from. The creativity and friendliness in which Emirates has handled its sponsored activities has really ripped off if the profits it continues to register is something to go by. Strategic position It is classic to note that the strategic position of Dubai, home base of Emirates gives it an edge to do business.Strategic because one can conveniently fly to Dubai before connecting with ease to other cities like Manchester or Rome while avoiding an extra trip hence saving on costs. Apart from being a commercial hub, Dubai is a major tourism attraction a factor which makes the aviation industry to blossom. Those who fly with Emirates airlines attest that their ambitions are met a clear manifestation that that its objective of offering best services on every route it operates is to the full achieved. Its value for clients has won accolades and trust from many quarters making it an airline you can bank on.

Berlin Wall versus “The Wall” Essay Example for Free

Berlin Wall versus The Wall EssayIn this novel, the narrator mentions about the Wall that is reinforced across the church which force some large number in Gilead getting separate from the others. Marg atomic number 18t Atwood uses the reference of the Berlin mole to describe the hem in in this novel. The Berlin wall was built by the Democratic republic to separate Germany into eastmost Berlin and West Berlin. Proves of that will be the similarities of both wall including the barriers that placed around these walls and the consequences of the rebellions who against the public policies and usage of these walls. From the novel, Offred describes the wall as the gates have sentries and there are ugly new floodlights mounted on admixture posts above it, and barbed wire along the bottom and broken glass set in cover along the top. (Page 40). This description matches the security status of the Berlin Wall guard towers were placed along large concrete walls, many kinds of anti-vehic le trenches and other defences were built around the wall. These two walls had a common purpose which is to prevent people to cross the line between social statuses or to prevent people from massive emigration and defection. overly many people who tried to cross the Berlin Wall ended up dead, because those people are arduous to go against the rule made by the Germany Democratic Republicans the same thing happened in the novel, when people tries to go against the rule which made by the Gilead government, for example, the Guardians who committed the Gender Treachery (Page 53) receives death penalty and their body are hanging onto the wall which reminds everyone about the authority.Therefore, the wall from the handmaids tale is referenced from the Berlin wall because both of the walls are the legacy of separation within the nation.The GileadThe name of the formal U.S.A. is Gilead, it is originally comes from the bible. Margaret Atwood uses this name because from the Bible, it describe s Gilead as a country that is always in the war, this matches the situation from the novel, the handmaids talks about the war all the time The war is going well, I hear she says. Praise be, I reply. (Page 24).Furthermore, the country Gilead from the novel was very spiritual, which connect to the bible.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Muscular and Fitness Project Essay Example for Free

Muscular and physical fitness Project EssayMy class participants fork everywhere a good overall health. Many of them have quick upper body strength and a moderate strength on the legs. They lack a centerfield body and abdominal strength and have very low levels of flexibility. They need the most amount of acidify in flexibility.Weekly Routine for Flexibility practiceDayFlex ExercisesMuscle poke outedReps quantifyRepsTimeRepsTimeMonLying Quad StretchQuads420420425MonModified Hurdlers StretchHamstrings420420425Wed upper Back/Torso StretchTraps220220225Mon calfskin StretchGastrocnemius420420425Wed begin Back StretchLatisimus Dorsi220220225FriChest/Bicep StretchPecs/Biceps220220225FriShoulder/Tricep StretchTriceps/Deltoids420420425WedLying type AB StretchAbdominal160160170Weekly Routine for Muscle WorkoutDayMuscle ExercisesMuscle StretchedSetsRepsResistanceSetsRepsResistanceMonLungesQuads31010 lbs11510 lbsWedPush UpsPecs310 no(prenominal)115noneMonHamstring CurlHamstrings31010 l bs11510 lbsWed suddenly RowsLatisimus Dorsi31010 lbs11510 lbsMonCalf RisesGastrocnemius310 no(prenominal)115NoneFriTricep DipsTriceps310None115NoneFriShoulder ShrugsTraps31010 lbs11510 lbsFriBicep CurlBiceps31010 lbs11510 lbsFriLateral RisesDeltoids31010 lbs11510 lbsWedLeg LiftsAbdominal310None115None*You need to vary your workouts and want to give time for your body to recover from the workout. * Safety GuidelinesNever reside if you feel any painNever exercise a certain muscle group every(prenominal) day, make sure you give your muscles time to rest Never lift more than you outhouse safelyNever wear clothes that restrict your movementNever over stretch out or over lift, it result do more harm than help constantly warm up with a light cardiovascular activity beforehand Always white plague proper lifting techniqueAlways breathe correctlyAlways train to have muscle balanceAlways control the weight when liftingResearch how to correctly do each exercise from a reliable source b efore starting and make sure you have proper body alignment at all times SPORT/FITT principlesSpecificityhomework should be knowing to meet a specific need. gain Flexibility typeface You want to development the range of enquiry inyour berm muscles. Increase Muscular control practice You want to improve your tendinous survival of the fittest in your shoulder muscles. ProgressionTraining should start slowly and gradually.Increase Flexibility Example Your shoulder stretches go away be fulfiled slowly and gradually become more challenging. Increase Muscular Condition Example You will make out shoulder shrugs as part of your muscular fitness routine and gradually increase the challenge of this activity. soakTraining should require you to do more than you normally do. Apply the principle of Overload by changing the Frequency, Intensity, Time and/or Type (FITT) of activity you perform Frequency How often you perform the activity.Increase Flexibility Example In week one, you w ill stretch three times per week and gradually work up to stretching five days per week. Increase Muscular Condition Example In week one, you do shoulder shrugs two times per week and gradually work up to three times per week over a 4 week period. Intensity How intensely you perform the activity.Increase Flexibility Example As your flexibility increases you will gently extend how far you oppose your shoulder stretches. Increase Muscular Condition Example In week one you will use three pound weights and gradually work up to eight pound weights over a four week period. Time The duration of your activity.Increase Flexibility Example You will start by property your shoulder stretch for 20 seconds and gradually work your way up to 40 second holds over a four week period. Increase Muscular Condition Example In week one, you will attempt to do eight repetitions and gradually work up to 12 to 18 repetitions over a four week period. Type The type of activity you perform.Increase Flexibilit y Example You will likewise perform some chest and back stretches to further enhance the flexibility in these related and connectedmuscle groups. Increase Muscular Condition Example You will also incorporate some push-ups into your routine. ReversibilityTraining should continue or you will reverse your improvement. Increase Flexibility Example You must continue to stretch or your improvements will reverse. Increase Muscular Condition Example You must continue to perform muscular training exercises or your improvements will reverse. TediumTraining should include a variety of activities to avoid boredom. Increase Flexibility Example You will try some yoga poses that incorporate shoulder stretches. Increase Muscular Condition Example You will also swim laps in the pool and use the water as resistance.EquipmentDumbbells Dumbbells ar good for a variety of exercise. They qualifying a great range of motion and have a undertake size. Dumbbells are not expensive. The ones pictured are $ 7 each for a total of $14.They offer a resistance of 10 lbs. total. Leg Weights They are mainly used to exercise leg muscles. They plenty add a small bit of resistance to an exercise (3 lbs. each). They would cost about $25 for a pair.Steps Steps are used for calf exercises and for balancing while doing other exercises. They are compact and easy to use. The one pictured is way out of budget, $40, so it is not recommended to buy them. Rather you can use your own stairs if you have them.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Amusement Parks Essay Example for Free

Amusement Parks EssayAt half a dozen Flags on Friday July 19, 2013 a char char was riding the Texas Giant rollercoaster when she fell out of her restraints. Carmen Brown, a witness, says that the woman had asked the staff to check her restraints shortly out front the ride was starting. The human being that she had asked asked the woman if she heard the restraints click, the woman responded saying it didnt sound like everyone elses. The gentleman then, nonchalantly, told her that as long as it clicked it was okay. Nothing else was ever done to ensure the womans restraints were secure. somewhat witnesses have reported that as the rollercoaster was making a turn the woman was thrown out. The name of the dupe and any further information has not been released. It is suspected that the woman was with her son. When the train had returned from the ride, it was reported that two the great unwashed were shouting, one was screaming My mom My mom. The rollercoaster staff parked the trai n far enough forward from the platform so no one was allowed get off of the train. www.dallasnews.comDue to the traumatic experience and plurality fearing the safety of the rides at Six Flags, the company will probably lose a good allot of money because people will not want or continue going to their park. This accident has caused an surprising economic change in not only Six Flags but in all other amusement parks as well. Society will now have this negative view on amusement parks which means, for a little while at least, they will not want to go to the parks. This will cause the parks income to decline which can be very bad for the company, especially for Six Flags, who declared bankruptcy in 2009.When society loses trust in something they will usually pull abide their economic support, leaving companies with fewer customers. It is important that companies and organizations remember that they have to keep the customer happy and safe. If not they will no long-term have any c ustomers. The majority of the people that witnessed the tragic event of the woman falling to her death due to a mechanical issue will probably no longer return to the park and they will likely have a large influence on their friends and family to not trust the park as well.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Globe Theatre Essay Example for Free

solid ground area EssayWilliam Shakespe ar was born on April 26, 1564. William Shakespeare was the son of John Shakespeare, an alderman and a successful glover originally from Snitterfield, and bloody shame Arden, the daughter of an affluent landowning farmer. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon. He was the third child of eight and the firstborn surviving son. Scholars nurse surmised that he most likely attended the Kings New School, in Stratford, which taught reading, writing and the classics. internal representation CAREER around of Shakespeares plays were published in quarto editions from 1594. By 1598, his name had become a marketing point and began to appear on the title pageboys. Shakespeare continued to act in his own and other plays by and by his success as a dramatist. EARLY WORKS With the exception of Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeares first plays were mostly histories pen in the ahead of time 1590s. Richard II, Henry VI (parts 1, 2 and 3) and Henry V dra matize the destructive results of weak or corrupt rulers, and yield been interpreted by drama historians as Shakespeares way of justifying the origins of the Tudor Dynasty.Shakespeare also wrote some(prenominal) comedies during his early period the witty romance A Midsummer Nights Dream, the quixotic Merchant of Venice, the wit and pun of Much Ado about Nothing, the charming As You worry It and Twelfth Night. Other plays, possibly compose before 1600, implicate Titus Andronicus, The Comedy of Errors, The Taming of the Shrew and The devil Gentle workforce of Verona. LATER WORKS It was in William Shakespeares later period, by and by 1600, that he wrote the tragedies Hamlet, King Lear, Othello and Macbeth. In these, Shakespeares characters present vivid impressions of human temperament that are timeless(prenominal) and universal. perchance the outstrip know of these plays is Hamlet, which explores betrayal, retri thoion, incest and lesson failure. These moral failures often drive the twists and turns of Shakespeares plots, destroying the hero and those he loves. In William Shakespeares last-place period, he wrote several tragicomedies. Among these are Cymbeline, The Winters Tale and The Tempest. Though graver in tone than the comedies, they are non the dark tragedies of King Lear or Macbeth because they end with reconciliation and forgiveness.JULIUS CAESARThe Tragedy of Julius Caesar is a calamity by William Shakespeare, believed to obtain been written in 1599. It portrays the 44 BC conspiracy against the Roman dictator Julius Caesar, his assassination, and the defeat of the conspirators at the scrap of Philippi. It is one of several plays written by Shakespeare based on true events from Roman history, which also include Coriolanus and Antony and Cleopatra. THE TEMPEST The Tempest is a play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in 161011, and thought by many critics to be the last play that Shakespeare wrote alone.It is set on a r emote island, where Prospero, the rightful Duke of Milan, plots to make his daughter Miranda to her rightful place using illusion and skilful manipulation. He conjures up a storm, the eponymic tempest, to lure his usurping brother Antonio and the complicit King Alonso of Naples to the island. There, his machinations bring about the revelation of Antonios lowly nature, the redemption of the King, and the marriage of Miranda to Alonsos son, Ferdinand. THE TAMING OF THE shrewmouse The Taming of the Shrew is a waggery by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written mingled with 1590 and 1592.The play begins with a bod device, often referred to as the Induction,1 in which a mischievous nobleman tricks a drunkentinker named Christopher Sly into believing he is actually a nobleman himself. The nobleman then(prenominal) has the play per make for Slys diversion. The main plot depicts the courtship of Petruchio, a gentleman of Verona, and Katherina, the headstrong, obdurate shrew. Initially, Katherina is an unwilling participant in the relationship, unless Petruchio tempers her with various psychological tormentsthe taminguntil she becomes a docile and obedient b nark.The subplot features a competition mingled with the suitors of Katherinas more desirable sister, Bianca. HAMLET The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, the play dramatizes the revenge. Prince Hamlet exacts on his uncle Claudius for murdering King Hamlet, Claudiuss brother and Prince Hamlets father, and then succeeding to the throne and taking as his wife Gertrude, the old kings widow and Prince Hamlets mother.The play vividly portrays some(prenominal) true and feigned madnessfrom overwhelming grief to seething rage and explores themes of tr distributivelyery, revenge, incest, and moral corruption. Hamlet is Shakespeares continuing play and among the most powerful and influential tragedies in English literature, with a stor y capable of plainly endless retelling and adaptation by others. 1 The play was one of Shakespeares most popular works during his lifetime and tranquillise ranks among his most-performed, topping the Royal Shakespeare Companys performance list since 1879.TWELFTH NIGHT Twelfth Night or, What You Will is a comedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written around 160102 as aTwelfth Nights entertainment for the close of the Christmas season. The play expand on the musical interludes and riotous disorder expected of the occasion,1 with plot elements drawn from the short story Of Apollonius and Silla by Barnabe Rich, based on a story by Matteo Bandello. The first recorded performance was on 2 February 1602, at Candlemas, the formal end of Christmastide in the days calendar.The play was not published until its inclusion in the 1623 source Folio. MACBETH Macbeth was written by William Shakespeare. It is considered one of his darkest and most powerful tragedies. Set in Scotla nd, the play dramatizes the destructive psychological and political effects produced when evil is chosen as a way to fulfil the dream for power. The play is believed to have been written amidst 1603 and 1607, and is most commonly dated 1606. The earliest account of a performance of what was plausibly Shakespeares play is April 1611, when Simon Forman recorded seeing such a play at the chunk Theatre.It was first published in the Folio of 1623, possibly from a prompt book. It was most likely written during the reign of pile I, who had been James VI of Scotland before he succeeded to the English throne in 1603. James was a patron of Shakespeares acting company, and of all the plays Shakespeare wrote during Jamess reign, Macbeth most clearly reflects the playwrights relationship with the sovereign. MERCHANT OF VENICE The Merchant of Venice is a play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1596 and 1598.Though classified as a comedyin the First Folio and shar ing certain aspects with Shakespeares other romantic comedies, the play is perhaps most remembered for its dramatic scenes, and is best cognize for Shylock and the famous Hath not a Jew eyes? speech. Also notable is Portias speech about the quality of mercy. The title character is the merchant Antonio, not the Jewish moneylender Shylock, who is the plays most prominent and most famous character. THE COMEDY OF ERRORS The Comedy of Errors is one of William Shakespeares early plays.It is his shortest and one of his most farcical comedies, with a major part of the humour coming from slapstick and ill-conceived identity, in addition to puns and word play. The Comedy of Errors (along with The Tempest) is one of only twain of Shakespeares plays to observe the classical unities. It has been adapt for opera, stage, screen and musical theatre. The Comedy of Errors tells the story of two sets of identical twins that were accidentally separated at birth. Antipholus of Syracuse and his serv ant, Dromio of Syracuse, arrive in Ephesus, which turns out to be the home of their twinbrothers, Antipholus of Ephesus and his servant, Dromio of Ephesus. When the Syracusans encounter the conversances and families of their twins, a serial publication of wild mishaps based on mistaken identitieslead to wrongful beatings, a near-seduction, the arrest of Antipholus of Ephesus, and false accusations of infidelity, theft, madness, and demonic possession. POEMS In 1593 and 1594, when the theatres were closed because of plague, Shakespeare published two write up poems on erotic themes, Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece. He dedicated them to Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton.In Venus and Adonis, an innocent Adonis rejects the sexual advances of Venus while in The Rape of Lucrece, the virtuous wife Lucrece is raped by the lustful Tarquin. Influenced by Ovids Metamorphoses, the poems show the guilt and moral confusion that result from uncontrolled lust. 124 Both proved popular and were often reprinted during Shakespeares lifetime. A third narrative poem, A Lovers Complaint, in which a new-make woman laments her seduction by a persuasive suitor, was printed in the first edition of the Sonnets in 1609.Most scholars now accept that Shakespeare wrote A Lovers Complaint. Critics consider that its fine qualities are marred by leaden effects. The Phoenix and the Turtle, printed in Robert Chesters 1601 Loves Martyr, mourns the deaths of the legendary phoenix and his lover, the faithful turtle dove. SONNETS print in 1609, the Sonnets were the last of Shakespeares non-dramatic works to be printed. Scholars are not certain when each of the 154 sonnets was composed, but render suggests that Shakespeare wrote sonnets throughout his career for a private readership.Even before the two un conditionised sonnets appeared in The emotional Pilgrim in 1599, Francis Meres had referred in 1598 to Shakespeares sugred Sonnets among his private friends. Few analysts believe t hat the published collection follows Shakespeares intended sequence. He seems to have planned two contrasting series one about uncontrollable lust for a hook up with woman of dark complexion (the dark lady), and one about conflicted love for a fair young man (the fair youth).It remains unclear if these figures represent real individuals, or if the authorial I who addresses them represents Shakespeare himself, though Wordsworth believed that with the sonnets Shakespeare unlocked his heart. The 1609 edition was dedicated to a Mr. W. H. , credited as the only begetter of the poems. It is not known whether this was written by Shakespeare himself or by the publisher, doubting Thomas Thorpe, whose initials appear at the foot of the dedication page nor is it known who Mr. W. H. was, despite numerous theories, or whether Shakespeare even authorised the publication.Critics praise the Sonnets as a weighty meditation on the nature of love, sexual passion, procreation, death, and time. ESTABL ISHING HIMSELF By 1597, 15 of the 37 plays written by William Shakespeare were published. cultured records show that at this time he purchased the second largest house in Stratford, called New House, for his family. It was a tetrad-day ride by horse from Stratford to capital of the United Kingdom, so it is believed that Shakespeare spent most of his time in the metropolis writing and acting and came home once a stratum during the 40-day Lenten period, when the theatres were closed.By 1599, William Shakespeare and his business partners built their own dramaturgy on the south bank of the Thames River, which they called the Globe. In 1605, Shakespeare purchased leases of real estate near Stratford for 440 pounds, which doubled in treasure and earned him 60 pounds a year. THE MERMAID TAVERN GROUP About this time Shakespeare became one of the group of now-famous writers who collected at the Mermaid Tavern located on Bread Street in Cheapside. The Friday Street Club (also called th e Mermaid Clu was formed by Sir Walter Raleigh. Ben Jonson was its leading spirit. Shakespeare was a popular member.He was admired for his levelnt and loved for his kindliness. Thomas Fuller, writing about 50 years later, gave an amusing account of the conversational duels between Shakespeare and Jonson Many were the wit-combats betwixt him and Ben Jonson which two I behold like a Spanish great galleon and an English man-of-war Master Jonson (like the former) was built far higher in learning solid, but slow, in his performances. Shakespeare, with the English man-of-war, lesser in bulk, but lighter in sailing, could turn with all tides, tack about, and take advantage of all winds, by the quickness of his wit and invention. Jonson sometimes criticized Shakespeare harshly. Nevertheless he later wrote a eulogy of Shakespeare that is remarkable for its feeling and acuteness. In it he said Leave thee alone, for the comparison Of all that insolent Greece or haughty Rome direct forth, or since did from their ashes come. Triumph, my Britain, thou hast one to show To whom all scenes of Europe homage owe. He was not of an age, but for all time Sweet Swan of Avon what a sight it were To see thee in our waters even so appear, And make those flights upon the banks of Thames, That so did take Eliza, and our JamesWRITING STYLE William Shakespeares early plays were written in the stuffy style of the day, with elaborate metaphors and rhetorical phrases that didnt always align naturally with the storys plot or characters. However, Shakespeare was very innovative, adapting the tralatitious style to his own purposes and creating a freer flow of words. With only small degrees of variation, Shakespeare primarily used a deliberate pattern consisting of lines of unrhymed iambic pentameter, or blank verse, to compose his plays.At the same time, there are passages in all the plays that deviate from this and use forms of poetry or simple prose. Shakespeare combined poetic reputat ion with a practical sense of the theatre. Like all playwrights of the time, he dramatised stories from sources such as Plutarch and Holinshed. He reshaped each plot to create several centres of interest and to show as many sides of a narrative to the audition as possible. This strength of design ensures that a Shakespeare play can survive translation, cutting and wide commentary without loss to its core drama.As Shakespeares mastery grew, he gave his characters clearer and more varied motivations and distinctive patterns of speech. coupling AND LIFE IN LONDON In 1582, when he was 18, he married Anne Hathaway. She was from Shottery, a village a mile (1. 6 kilometers) from Stratford. Anne was seven or eight years older than Shakespeare. From this difference in their ages, a story arose that they were unhappy together. Their first daughter, Susanna, was born in 1583. In 1585 a twin boy and girl, Hamnet and Judith, were born. What Shakespeare did between 1583 and 1592 is not known.V arious stories are told. He may have taught school, worked in a lawyers office, served on a rich mans estate, or traveled with a company of actors. One famous story says that about 1584 he and some friends were caught poaching on the estate of Sir Thomas Lucy of Carlecote, near Warwick, and were forced to leave town. A less likely story is that he was in London in 1588. There he was supposed to have held horses for theater patrons and later to have worked in the theaters as a page. By 1592, however, Shakespeare was definitely in London and was already recognized as an actor and playwright.He was then 28 years old. In that year Robert Greene, a playwright, accused him of borrowing from the plays of others. Between 1592 and 1594, plague kept the London theaters closed most of the time. During these years Shakespeare wrote his earliest sonnets and two long narrative poems, Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece. Both were printed by Richard Field, a boyhood friend from Stratford. The y were well received and helped establish him as a poet. RELIGION Some scholars claim that members of Shakespeares family were Catholics, at a time when Catholic practice was against the law.Shakespeares mother, Mary Arden, certainly came from a pious Catholic family. The strongest recite might be a Catholic statement of faith signed by John Shakespeare, open up in 1757 in the rafters of his former house in Henley Street. The document is now lost, however, and scholars differ as to its authenticity. In 1591 the authorities reported that John Shakespeare had missed church for fear of process for debt, a common Catholic excuse. In 1606 the name of Williams daughter Susanna appears on a list of those who failed to attend Easter communion in Stratford.Scholars find evidence both for and against Shakespeares Catholicism in his plays, but the truth may be insufferable to prove either way. SHAKESPEARE PROSPERS Until 1598 Shakespeares theater work was confined to a district northeast of London. This was outside the city walls, in the parish of Shoreditch. Located there were two playhouses, the Theatre and the Curtain. Both were managed by James Burbage, whose son Richard Burbage was Shakespeares friend and the greatest tragic actor of his day. Up to 1596 Shakespeare lived near these theaters in Bishopsgate, where the North Road entered the city.Sometime between 1596 and 1599, he move across the Thames River to a district called Bankside. There, two theaters, the Rose and the Swan, had been built by Philip Henslowe. He was James Burbages chief competitor in London as a theater manager. The Burbages also moved to this district in 1598 and built the famous Globe Theatre. Its sign showed Atlas supporting the world. Shakespeare was associated with the Globe Theatre for the rest of his active life. He owned shares in it, which brought him much money. Meanwhile, in 1597, Shakespeare had bought New Place, the largest house in Stratford.During the next three years he bough t other property in Stratford and in London. The year before, his father, probably at Shakespeares suggestion, applied for and was granted a coat of arms. It bore the motto Non sanz droictNot without right. From this time on, Shakespeare could write gentlemans gentleman after his name. This meant much to him, for in his day actors were classed legally with criminals and vagrants. Shakespeares name first appeared on the title pages of his printed plays in 1598. In the same year Francis Meres, in Palladis Tamia Wits Treasury, praised him as a poet and dramatist.Meress comments on 12 of Shakespeares plays showed that Shakespeares splendor was recognized in his own time. HONORED AS ACTOR AND PLAYWRIGHT Queen Elizabeth I died in 1603. King James I followed her to the throne. Shakespeares theatrical company was taken under the kings patronage and called the Kings Company. Shakespeare and the other actors were made officers of the royal household. The theatrical company was the most suc cessful of its time. Before it was the Kings Company, it had been known as the Earl of Derbys and the Lord Chamberlains.In 1608 the company acquired the Blackfriars Theatre. This was a smaller and more aristocratic theater than the Globe. Thereafter the company alternated between the two playhouses. Plays by Shakespeare were also performed at the royal court and in the castles of the nobles. After 1603 Shakespeare probably acted little, although he was unchanging a good actor. His favorite roles seem to have been old Adam in As You Like It and the Ghost in Hamlet. In 1607, when he was 43, he may have suffered a serious physiological breakdown.In the same year his older daughter Susanna married John Hall, a doctor. The next year Shakespeares first grandchild, Elizabeth, was born. Also in 1607 his brother Edmund, also a London actor, died at the age of 27. dry land THEATRE The Globe Theatre was a theatre in London associated with William Shakespeare. It was built in 1599 by Shakesp eares playing company, the Lord Chamberlains Men, on land owned by Thomas Brend and inherited by his son, Nicholas Brend and grandson Sir Matthew Brend, and was unmake by fire on 29 June 1613.A second Globe Theatre was built on the same site by June 1614 and closed in 1642. A modern reconstruction of the Globe, named Shakespeares Globe, opened in 1997 approximately 750 feet (230 m) from the site of the original theatre. The Globe was owned by actors who were also shareholders in Lord Chamberlains Men. Two of the six Globe shareholders, Richard Burbage and his brother Cuthbert Burbage, owned double shares of the whole, or 25% each the other four men, Shakespeare, John Heminges, Augustine Phillips, andThomas Pope, owned a single share FAMOUS QUOTESAll the worlds a stage, and all the men and women merely players they have their exits and their entrances and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have grea tness thrust upon them. Lifes but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Listen to many, speak to a few. CRITICAL REPUTATION Shakespeare was not grand in his lifetime, but he received a large amount of praise.In 1598, the cleric and author Francis Meres singled him out from a group of English writers as the most excellent in both comedy and tragedy. And the authors of the Parnassus plays at St Johns College, Cambridge, numbered him with Chaucer, Gower and Spenser. In the First Folio, Ben Jonson called Shakespeare the Soul of the age, the applause, delight, the wonder of our stage, though he had remarked elsewhere that Shakespeare wanted art. frontmost FOLIO Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, Tragedies is the 1623 published collection of William Shakespeares plays.Modern scholars commonly refer to it as the First Folio. Printed i n page number format and containing 36 plays (see list of Shakespeares plays), it was prepared by Shakespeares colleagues John Heminges and Henry Condell. It was dedicated to the incomparable coupling of brethren William Herbert, 3rd Earl of Pembroke and his brother Philip Herbert, Earl of Montgomery (later 4th Earl of Pembroke). Although eighteen of Shakespeares plays had been published in quarto prior to 1623, the First Folio is the only reliable textual matter for about twenty of the plays, and a valuable source text even for many of those previously published.The Folio includes all of the plays generally accepted to be Shakespeares, with the exception of Pericles, Prince of tyre and The Two Noble Kinsmen, and the two lost plays, Cardenio and Loves Labours Won. W. W. Greg has argued that Edward Knight, the book-keeper or book-holder (prompter) of the Kings Men, did the actual proofreading of the manuscript sources for the First Folio. Knight is known to have been responsible for maintaining and annotating the companys scripts, and making sure that the cuts and changes ordered by the Master of the Revels were complied with.DEATH Shakespeare died on 23 April 1616 and was survived by his wife and two daughters. Susanna had married a physician, John Hall, in 1607, and Judith had married Thomas Quiney, a vintner, two months before Shakespeares death. In his will, Shakespeare left the bulk of his large estate to his sr. daughter Susanna. The terms instructed that she pass it down intact to the first son of her body. Shakespeares will scarcely mentions his wife, Anne, who was probably entitled to one third of his estate automatically.He did make a point, however, of leaving her my second best bed, a bequest that has led to much speculation. Some scholars see the bequest as an insult to Anne, whereas others believe that the second-best bed would have been the matrimonial bed and therefore rich in significance. Shakespeare was buried in the chancel of the Holy Trinity Church two days after his death. The epitaph carved into the stone slab diligence his grave includes a curse against moving his bones, which was carefully avoided during restoration of the church in 2008.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Trickster Tale Revised Essay Example for Free

Trickster Tale revise Essay king of beastss are the only cats in the animal kingdom with a mane. A lions mane, which is to say, the majestic transport of hair growing around the large male cats neck and framing its face is central and unequalled to its appearance, and has always been an iconic symbol of a lions strength and physical fortitude, and one which appears to crown and affirm his denomination as the apparent king of the jungle. But the lion wasnt always king of the jungle, and it didnt always have its mane. Once, in the far stretches of an African savannah, where every animal was said to be born and breathed into existence, there lived a maneless male lion, who lacked confidence in his appearance and was unsure of himself, only if at the very(prenominal) time, was cunning and malicious. nonpareil afternoon, lion traveled the extent of the savannah looking for a waterhole, and came across a creature with quaternary spindly legs and a set of what appeared to be bra nches of wood stemming from above its head, who went by the name cervid. cervid told Lion that it was the first time he had ever seen a creature who appeared so plain and was devoid of some(prenominal) markings and distinctive features whatsoever. Lion was insulted by Deers disparaging remark, but told Deer that he had never seen as to a greater extent common a creature as well, because many of the creatures Lion has come across with bore the same twigs or branches of wood on their heads, and that contrary to Deers remark, Lion, not having the said feature, was in fact, what made him distinct and unique.This brought Deer to contemplate on his appearance. Lion persuaded Deer to rid himself of the bland topic stemming from his head which made Deer plain, and Deer did as Lion directed, removed his horns and walked away, pleased and elated by his apparent newfound uniqueness. Lion, upon Deers departure, took the horns, and wore it for himself. joyous with his change of appearance, Li on proudly roamed the savannah, and upon reaching the waterhole, came across an animal whose bark was covered with striped markings of scurrilous and sporty, who was called zebra. Zebra told Lion that he knew of many animals which grew horns above their heads, but none which bore the same markings of vague and white as his. Lion, refusing to be categorized among the many animals who shared the features he thought would separate and distinguish him from the remain of the creatures in the grasslands, and finding that the lie he told Deer appeared to be, in fact, true, dispatched of his horns, and took Zebras band for his own. Bearing stripes of black and white, Lion was on his way home when he saw Cheetah, who bore black circular markings against his cook flesh, stood looking at Lion, laughing. Lion demanded to know what Cheetah found hilarious, and Cheetah replied that Lions black and white stripes not only look unnatural and unsophisticated against his flesh, but was about the most ridiculous thing he had ever seen in the grasslands so far. This incensed and angered Lion the most as he had gone through great lengths reinventing himself, and being called ridiculous and laughed at to his face was more than he could take.So he rid himself of the unnatural and unsophisticated markings that was Zebras and was about to take Cheetahs spots for his own when Cheetah evaded him. Lion ran after Cheetah, but Cheetah proved too fast for him to apprehend. As though speed wasnt already enough of a factor, his pursuit of Cheetah brought him across various obstacles, including pool of sticky muck up, which Lion arose from tucker and grimy, and after which, he gave up the chase and retired to sleep. In the instance of his waking, Lion finds that the sticky pool of mud which he narrowly escaped not only clung and melded to his skin, in a rich well-heeled brown, but stuck a significant amount of a similar color appearing as hair, covering the skin surrounding his face, f rom the expanse of wilted grass in the savannah in which he slept in. Over time, The golden grass approximating hair would adapt, meld, and grow with Lions physicality, and with it, his confidence, self assurance and courage would develop and grow as well. The boldness of his actions, and the said confidence and self assurance brought about by his change of appearance would later on bring him into being proclaimed as king of the jungle.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

What is popular is not necessarily right Essay Example for Free

What is popular is not necessarily right EssayWe are successful enough to live in the best democracy in the world. Our society is fantastically tolerant of the ample diversity of cultures within it. Democracy is fundamentally about protecting minorities. It is not about enforcing the leave behind of the majority on a law abiding, tax-paying minority at its best that is bullying, at its worst fascism. The huntsmen are undoubtedly a minority. They are becoming persecuted by bulk who harbour the same sentiments as racists do about coloured people and homophobics about gays. The root cause of these feelings is simple- IGNORANCE. tolerance and understanding come from education. Education moldiness overcome the knee-jerk hatred exhibited by many anti-hunt lobbyists. The ignorance of most hunt protestors shines through their weak arguments. I do not hunt, it does not appeal to me enough to warrant the expense- both time and money. I can but see the attraction comradeship, share d excitement, danger, tradition and a deep love of the countryside and animals. I know people who hunt.You only arrive at to see them with their hounds and horses to know the real affection they have for animals. These are decent people, with families and not the faceless, Range Rover driving snobbish elite that the League Against Cruel Sports would have you believe. Hunting with hounds began because it is an effective way of controlling the population of a pest. It remains the most effective way of doing this. Those who advocate separate methods are again showing their ignorance, Im afraid.Shooting. This is not as easy as it sounds. Foxes, we all know, are cunning. They have incredible senses of smell, hearing and sight. Their habits are largely unpredictable. This makes getting into a stable firing position without scaring the hold off very, very difficult. The fox is a olive-sized animal, making the humane target area (i. e. that which will kill it instantly) very small inde ed. On a Stag its small enough, a fox is close impossible to shoot cleanly.Trapping. Well it doesnt take much brainwork to see how cruel, indiscriminate and dangerous this is. Poison. Again, indiscriminate and plaguey for the animal affected. If you still do not approve- thats fine and healthy for society. Please think about the pane I made at the start of this, unintentionally long, opinion lets not persecute a small minority, who do not affect the majority of citizens, just because we dont comparable what they do.I do not like football, or the hooligans that follow it but I do not rant about banning it because at the end of the day it does not really affect me. By making a ban on fox hunting a manifesto pledge the press Party is seeking to deny a large minority their liberty and to destroy a proud community in return for ill-judged term political gains. I wonder how much influence the i 1 million, given to Labour by the Animal Political Lobby pressure group, bought? Quite a bit, I bet. Education and Tolerance are what I think is needed here.