Monday, January 28, 2019
A Comparative Analysis of Early Greek Rhetorical Theory
The Rhetoric name has been derived from the classic word Rhetor meaning speaker and meaning of the term is an fine artwork of public speaking. (Habib, 2005) The art implies heterogeneous techniques applied by the speaker to realise dramatic, intellectual and emotional appeal while delivering the speech. It also implies composition and constitution of the text making it more appealing and persuasive for the listeners.Since last some(prenominal) hundred years, the scope and application of elaborateness has considerably changed in the changing literary, social and intellectual context of uses.The art of rhetoric has been modified to meet various needs in the semipolitical subject field, in the sphere of institution and crack of philosophy, in the institution of theology whereby rhetoric has been placed in context to the expression of divine revelation, in the entire sphere of fosterage practices and literary criticism. In all these areas, rhetoric is placed and articulate d to meet their detail interests.Rhetoric was originated in Ancient Greece in the fifth century B.C and got into existence by Sophists, Aristotle, and then from the Roman world to Cato, Cicero and Quintilian. The father of Church St Augustine enlisted the form of rhetoric during the service of Christian doctrine.Classical rhetoric had five parts invention, arrangement, style, memory and delivery. there is also held opinion that the art of rhetoric was founded in 476 BC by Syracuse whose student Tisias spread the teachings of this master and brought it into the main stream. All theorists and historians shake up acknowledged the fact that rhetoric was used profoundly in the political activities and was the to the highest degree important component in democracy.The ruling powers had all the unspoiled to express independently and in an articulate way and had judged that it was plainly through with(predicate) the bid of langu come along, ideas and worldviews that a particular cla ss could have a control over the economic and political spheres. The trend was true in our quaint and is very well prevalent in the democratic world of today. (Habib, 2005) The pastime essay will be the analytical comparative study of the both Greeks theological perceptions on rhetoric and the way they fixed the same.Socrates was living during the age of what classicist Eric Havelock has named the crisis . . . in the history of human communication, when Greek oral examinationity transformed itself into Greek literacy (Havelock, 1988, p. 1).Before this study was imparted orally and through poetic impost going bear out hundreds of years and the Socrates opposed this form of education by proposing that education be made professional and should be imparted through dialectical examination of ideas and he was sentenced to death for the same. (Havelock, 1988)Socrates developed his form of rhetoric from differences between the older tradition and the new literacy forms offered by th e Greek alphabet. Greeks used different words to develop two different forms of communication-epos also known as discourse that was both in written as well as in oral form.The public speaking and public discourse were so important in Ancient Athens that new form of rhetoric emerged and this gave birth to many professional teachers of rhetoric. These teachers were called as Sophists emerged from Sophos meaning wise and they were used to teach the art of rhetoric for their use in the courts, legislatures, political forums as well as in the political debates and philosophical dispositions.Among the Sophists, Protagoras was considered as the most influential among all, and his most important idea was man is the measure of all things. (Habib, 2005, p. 65) Protagoras laid his bases on the fact that each argument has two sides and there is equal rationale behind these two sides.He was accused of expediency in argument, as it could make the people to think about the worst as best and best thoughts as worst. Another to enhance the concept rhetoric into the public sphere was Gorgias (485-380BC), whose disposition of rhetoric lay on the language of poets. He looked at the world as the world of opposites, contradictions and polarities, which could be reconciled by only the words of poesy. He viewed that rhetoric touched the head and so poetry.Styli devices of poetry and sounds of music was rhetoric which could make the speech very interesting and soul touching, while the teachings of Isocrates were dependent on the political events and emphasized on the education as a form or rhetoric device.Like Socrates, he believed that education should impart moral values and emphasized on truth and fairness as the most important part of rhetoric and should include education of the mind and body as complementary form of activities. All in all their formation of the techniques of rhetoric emerged from the struggles out of the need of their political, educational and ethnical cause s.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Pc&D Inc Essay
When in February 1976 Martell received the letter from McElroy, he was non surprised a lot. All the problems that had occurred over duration, and punctually postponed, now appeared. When Martell was pick out as the in the raw president of PC&D, he brought his entrepreneurial spirit that quickly spread across the organization. This had a positive event on the political party, especially in terms of profitable growth. In f spell it led to the creation of 11 entrepreuneral subsidiary, of these 4 had successfully been merged into the company.This allowed to electric Division, to double its sales, during 1971-75 period going from 193. 6 cardinal to 561. 4 million(of these 179. 2 arising from the unexampled subsidiary),and also the sales of the Machinery Division have been overcome, 440. 6 million in 1975 (Exhibit7) . However, this result had non come without cost. First about 60 million by the end of 1975, of these a small part was achieved through the retained earnings, b ut much was new money raised in the form of long-term debt.Further, stock issued to capitalize subsidiaries and to leave bonuses to entrepreneurs had a diluting aftermath on of PC & Ds shares, due to supplant one-to-one. The situation could worsen if new(prenominal) companies were merged into the company, because the number of shares issued would be of import if you think that the avg. Stock price in 1975 is $ 238. During last years, the company has enter an impressive growth, as well as in sales than in size. Byside some problems that brook affect the future growing of the company arise. The company, as a result of various mergers, has lost flexibility.Martells focus on finding wild ducks turned against him. People requested by the president has by nature, an advantage and cons. In fact they can be enceinte challenges s lovers and be entrepreneurs of small growing companies, but they are not suitable for large courses and hardly want to share their ideas. In addition, th is caused excess costs. Each Subsidiary has its own functions, it has led to a situation where at that place is no cooperation and sense of belonging to the company. The companys growth is not a shared objective, but it is focused only on veritable activities.It would be appropriate to create synergies among subsidiaries centralizing operational athletic fields such as mktg and manifactuing, in order to cut costs and summation the focus on more profitable subsidiary already merged in the galvanic Division. The turnover in this way it would be alleviate. It is also required to act on employees morale. Thus, following unified strategy, which aim is to increase the ability on twain divisions and to lay strong foundations for the future growth, also the pay system should be reviewed.The Machionery Division had a compensation schemes based on 90% salary and 10% bonus on ROI while the other division was based received 2/3 of the salary as a bonus based on growth in revenues. A n ew compensation schemes which its aim is to increase the workers responsibility,( in part based on a fixed percentage stipulation by salary plus bonus both general, as an increase in ROI, or specific, such an increase in sales or in the subsidiarys ROI), could help the future growth of the company.By creating a common goal, it leave be possible to create a collaboration atmosphere among the labor force. Furthermore thanks to a evenhandedly incentive, based on achieving easily goals, as bonus in sales, it get out be possible to increase employees morale. In particular, with regard to R&D function, it could be merged into one common area for the deuce divisions. Whit the union of this area, and leveraging on new incentives to dummy up talents, the company would distribute the degree of innovation and research within the two divisions.Into this new area could be set up several work team, headed by the most talented, in which they will be assigned diametrical goals such as how to evaluate growth opportunities, or, look for new innovations for the two divisions and so on, but also a task on the manoeuvre of production, in order to ensure the nobleest quality. In fact, the Machinery division see more and more seller move elsewhere due to the products perceived low quality.With the introduction of a new common functional area, it will be possible to give a positive contact on the overall costs and also, thanks to small working team, to keep back the wild duck spirit. In the recent years, Martell has given a greater focus on growth and the importance of innovating. alone, it has created a contradiction on the implementation of the strategy. Concentrating all on the research and development of new ideas, the shopping center business was left out.These, risk being out of the market, due to the high percentage of defective products, that be gradually abandoned by their sellers. Martell will have to follow a single strategy for both divisions, implementing new functional areas and creating an unique remuneration and incentive plan, based on goals that can be achieved by team, made up of the talents that the company has attracted to itself during the time, it will be possible to create cooperation aimed to support the companys growth, as whole.But before, it will be necessary invest in the Machinery Division as required by its VP, 100-125 mil in 2-3 years. In this way, the original division will be able to confirm its dominant market stead in the long term. It is important to remember that great part of companys revenues were recorded just from this division. Martell should also review the Grennans position. Since he was put in head of the Electric Division, costs related to mktg, G&A and other engineering expenses are out of line.Products with estimated time of obsolescence of 4 years show a BEP of 6 years. In colony new products show losses due to customer returns. Although Grennan has prepared a new plan of action, some decisi on should be taken regardless. The new opportunities offered by subsidiarie will be put into the background. Before its necessary to redefine the company so that it is stabilized on solid home and it will be able in the future to support get ahead growth plans, also incorporating other subsidiarie.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Knowledge Management: PETRONAS
IntroductionToday, anele and gas companies around the world atomic number 18 not just professional makeups who specialize in mechanical bore and extraction growthes. Increased oil demands and the need for improved productivity read forced these organizations into new methods and kat onceledge intensive approaches. For instance information engineering science has now move around very much an integral part of the oil exploration and oil extraction blood line. The collaboration between multi disciplinary aggroups has become a norm. Real-time information communication from remote reservoirs, and processing of such(prenominal) data in a collaborative environment that involves multiple teams and marketer locations has become an essential part of the business decision making process. In other words, a companionship found approach underlies the critical business decisions in oil majors. (Jemielniak &038 Kociatkievicz, 2009, pg 284). As an oil and gas extraction troupe of the w orld, with presence in much(prenominal) than 30 countries across the world, PETRONAS is one of the rock oil Majors. Being an increasingly combative sector, apt staff are incessantly on demand in the crude oil and bobble industry. This implies that organizations have to crusade against scrape and be armed with efficient familiarity worryment practices that man term vital information about processes, beaver practices and information about sphere experts and tacit noesis about the entire transactional processes. Effective fellowship attention process is at the heart of business scrap and success. friendship focal point friendship is a multidimensional and heterogeneous entity. Proper storage, motley and retrieval of acquaintance is critical for innovation, cost control and hence the competitiveness of any industry. Particularly, for knowledge intensive firms such as PETRONAS, where high skilled engineering processes are involved, there is a need for integrated operations between various knowledge areas. Ultimately, improving the production optimization process is at the heart of each(prenominal) knowledge management practices in PETRONAS. 1 of the important areas that lack coordination in the Oil and gas sector in general is the working of the reservoir engineers, the production engineers and the process engineers at the facilities. This implies that operation decisions are not always made in consultation with the onshore engineers. In other words this leads to what is known as the fragmented approach. (Jemielniak &038 Kociatkievicz) 2009, pg 285 merged Operations (Process facility and reservoir sensors and Collaboration among vendors and operators) (Jemielniak &038 Kociatkievicz, 2009, pg 285)Information technology has now penetrated every area of the production and process control aspects of the Oil and Gas companies. However, most of these IT faunas are specialized and lack the integration that makes it difficult to bother rel evant data for purposes of production analysis and optimization. It is necessary that all the collar major divisions (reservoir management, production management and process management) ex compound real-time data. A shared information space might be the answer to the problems as it promotes soften access to real-time data and integration of the various processes, which is the get wind to achieving production optimization. (Jemielniak &038 Kociatkievicz, 2009, pg 284)Knowledge Management in PETRONASKnowledge management practices are very recent at PETRONAS. As the Knowledge Management manager, throw Murni Shariff, disclosed in a recent interview, only in 2006 the federation seriously focused on KM practices. Prior to that KM was generally restricted to content and information management. (KMTalk, 2009) There are two types of knowledge detectly tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge. Explicit knowledge, as the name suggests, refers to knowledge that could be easily documented. This type of knowledge is gained by reading, ceremonial occasion and discussion. For instance, documented guides about a program or the operational features of a product are examples of explicit knowledge. mum knowledge, on the other hand, is to a greater extent implicit and it is not easy to document it and consequently much harder to share. Tacit knowledge is developed over a period of time when an idiosyncratic gains insights and details about the various functions in the organization. (MMU, 2006)Currently, PETRONAS is focusing on all efforts towards transferring this tacit knowledge of its staff and making it accessible for future consultation and for new workers. Achieving this tacit knowledge sharing pertaining to the various complex processes at bottom the organizations is crucial for the company to reduce costs and become competitive. As Stephen Birell, merchandise director of Vardus, a KM company focusing on the Oil and gas sector states, The way the industry can d rive rectify cost is by attacking the areas of huge cost which are facilities and drilling. And if everyone preserves best practice and shares their learning, you wont have people making the identical mistakes twice. And that ultimately saves money. (Chowdury, 2006)Three issues are the main motivating factors for the implementation of KM practices across the organization. These are 1) aging workforce- With more than three and half decades since its constitution many of the technical staff members at PETRONAS are nearing their retirement age and this mass retirement would drastically impact upon the performance unless swift knowledge management policies are in place to capture the tacit knowledge of these experienced older workforce. 2) The global oil industry is very competitive placing a high premium for the experienced and knowledgeable workforce. High attrition rate at PETRONAS is one big problem as competitors are luring skilled staff. In this context the issue of Trust bec omes foremost. The following 5 Cs are recognized as trust factors among knowledge intensive workers. These are a) Competence, b) Commitment, c) Conflict, d) Communication and e) Caring. Of these commitment is foremost and it is the responsibility of the team leader or the manager to ensure that commitment to the organization and its determine are developed naturally as a response to the motivation and example shown by the leader. (Ralston, 2007) Finally, increasing multinational operations withal implies international competition and in this scenario an effective KM plan is indispensible for the organization to swimmingly manage and coordinate the international operations. KM makes it possible to simply follow the PETRONAS way of transferring knowledge across the different organizations. (KMtalk, 2009) Initially, the main focus was on technology and in removing the hindrances in sharing knowledge stored in change database formats. However, more than the technical problems it is the problem associated with human betrothal that is currently a pressing issue. In other words, promoting effective change management is the tell to implementing KM practices. At PETRONAS new initiatives were implemented to promote better change management.Communities of Practice A new, Communities of practice ( pick up) initiative was implemented with the idea of head start an effective KM program across the entire organization to better facilitate transfer of information between the various divisions in a swift and effective manner. Currently, there are over 50 hairs with each Cop having 30 members. A leader or a champion is chosen among each CoP team based on their performance criteria. The CoPs were provided with a basic structural framework with which they can implement KM solutions and promote group-wide collaborative values. fixedness monitoring of the CoP operations and impact of the same are undertaken. These leadership are similarly encouraged to share succ ess stories on online CoP newsletter. To encourage enthusiastic participation from the staff, the Knowledge management team is also currently promoting a rewards system wherein the reports from the various Cops would be reviewed and the best performing team recognized and awarded (Murni Shariff, 2008) This CoP approach at PETRONAS has shown significant positive results so far with effective information metamorphose between various operating units already visible across the organization. This would also significantly improve the training for younger generation staff as they fast replace the retiring older generation. A simple online tool that was designed to evaluate the penetration of the CoP based KM practices has confirm these positive improvements. ( Murni Shariff, 2008)ConclusionKnowledge management practices are critical to the go along competitive growth of any organization. In simple terms it facilitates effective reuse of organizational resources which is tant mensuration to considerable cost savings. Particularly, in a knowledge intensive and high-tech organization such as PETRONAS, KM practices help to promote better collaboration between multidisciplinary teams. This could help rescind millions of dollars in costs by helping workers avoid unnecessary delays and insistent mistakes. The current KM practices involving Communities of practice concepts are showing good acceptance among the staff which is important for effective change management. As more and more staff members are encouraged to participate in KM activities, more intensive KM practices and collaborative platforms could be established. This would help in realizing organization wide process integration and overall business alignment. However, regular knowledge auditing is the key to understand the flow of knowledge within the organization and to promise areas where improvements could be effected by increasing knowledge sharing. Continued management support is the key as even a small amount of time and resources spent on good KM practices would definitely submit to considerable productivity gains in the longer run.ReferencesDariusz Jemielniak &038 Jerzy Kociatkievicz, (2009), Handbook of research on Knowledge intensive organizations, Pub by Information Science Reference. trust Ralston, (2007), How to manage four types of Knowledge Workers- Play Your Best Hand, Adams Media. U.S.AKMtalk, (2009) Knowledge Management in PETRONAS Interview with Murni Shariff, viewed Jan 23rd 2012, Murni Shariff, (2008), PETRONAS Engaging Knowledge Worker Communities to receive Innovation and Build Corporate Capability, Viewed Jan 23rd 2012, Naguib Chowdhury, (2006), Knowledge Management writ of execution in PETRONAS A Case Study, Viewed Jan 23rd 2012, Manchester Metropolitan University, (2006) Introduction to Knowledge Management, viewed Jan 24th 2012,
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Child Abuse and Neglect Essay
Crisis is a condition, which upsets the balance in the regular functioning of a person, family or a society in a destructive stylus and the roles displace non be overcome through general riddle solving resources. Crisis leads to a stressful situation, which is gener anyy difficult to do with, and necessitate proper and planned ways of interpellation to be resolved. To construe crisis, a scenario put forward be discussed. In this case the person in crisis was a young woman of 13 years of hop on belonging to an Indian tribal family. She worked for a family as domestic help.She was very thin and weak solely extremely aggressive in nature. The person who identified her task was the maam who employed her. The lady was a housewife from a well to do family. According to the lady, the girl started working at her place at the age of 11. She belonged to a topical anaesthetic tribal family where girl babe was not at all(prenominal) welcome. She had three younger sisters and a b rother. Her parents were working as workaday laborers. Her father spent all the hard earned silver to the local wine shop and her mother found it extremely difficult to reinforcing stimulus the family with her meager income.She sent her eldest daughter to work and earn money for the family. Not only that, her father used to beat her and her mother regularly for money. The girl was extremely malnourished and neglected and was used as a money earning machine. Her employer tried to send her to a school but did not succeed as according to her family going to school was complete wastage of time. The problems of chela labor, lack of statement, gender bias, physical abuse, problem between parents all existed unneurotic in her life. This was not a typical case but a general picture in several poor backward configuration families in India.The situation is treated as a crisis because the solution of all these problems was beyond the capacity of the little girl. She was the victim of th e situation of chronic crisis in her family and was unable to cope with the situation. It was evident from her aggressive nature, attraction towards bad company, warmth to shun her family, physical injuries and weakness, etc. She was a victim of developmental crisis. Her parents inadvertently restricted the development of her physical and psychological health. Hailing from a poor tribal family only aggravated her situation.The social class she belonged to was not at all favorable to a girl pincer. They generally thought of them as family freight as the kidskin was unable to earn for them and after growing up was going to shop at another family after marriage. Lack of knowledge and education made them treat school education as wastage of time and money. creation a infant the girl could not speak her mind or was suppressed forcibly. Thus, she lacked education, was forced to work, losing her psychological balance and was growing to lead a cluttered and abusive life and whiteth orn also become a problem for the society.Timely intervention at the time of crisis is the most all important(predicate) part in crisis intervention. In most of the cases of fry abuse it is often too late before the society comes to know about the point and empennage take any action to save the boor or repair the damage. In this case as the event was of chronic crisis the intervention may start as soon as the crisis was identified. Here the pincer needed a support system either from family or outside. Her employer in this case could provide the support, which was lacking from her family. (Crisis preventative in minor hatred and Neglect)During crisis individuals generally experience somewhat common feelings that fucking usurp psychological balance and produce impact on assessment and interference of the crisis. These kinds of feelings and their reflection in life should not be treated as mental illness. In such conditions people may show disorganised and confusing beha vior where they forget important details or blueprint inappropriate actions which were helpful in the past. They tend to confuse fear and wishes with reality. To cope with such disorganization they tend to be gnarly in peanut activities.Crisis laden people may become hostile or emotionally distant from any sort of intervention. Some people act impulsively without thinking about the consequences and lead to more complex situation. People may expect completely on the person efforting to help them in time of crisis, like in this case the child finish depend on her employer and expect her to fill the gap created by her parents. Identity crisis, lour self-perception, and withdrawal are also valued as common behaviors. (Crisis treatment in Child maltreat and Neglect)To intervene to the crisis, the assessment of the situation is the key point. Every individual or family responds to certain situations differently. Still it is unavoidable to assess the luck of abuse in the given s ituation. To assess the crisis it is require to consider each member of the family independently as well as the part of the family. Listening to each members version of the crisis individually may help reach the root of the problem. Active and precautionful hearing is the most important criterion of the crisis player while assessing the crisis.Identifying the underlying problem and precipitating events, observing family interactions and conditions and determining the family needs carefully help assessing the risk to the family members accurately. The safety measures can be practiced accordingly especially for children. A few screening instruments may be helpful in this respect, namely, Child Abuse Potential Inventory, Child Maltreatment Interview Schedule, Family Assessment var. (FAF) and few Family Risk Scales. Training to use all such instruments can be very helpful for the crisis worker.Before terminating the service the crisis worker should be very sure that the risk factor has been removed completely and the child or other family members are totally safe. on the alone family members should be involved in each and every step of crisis assessment and intervention. Non-judgmental and open-minded crisis worker helps the family outstrip in crisis assessment and intervention. S/he must understand the social customs and family traditions and must convince the person or family in crisis that s/he came to listen to their problem and to help them in contend with the situation and not to accuse them.Lack of understanding or acceptation at either end may lead to more complicated good deal. (Blakester) For no-hit crisis intervention the crisis worker first needs to understand the crisis good and needs to be competent enough to provide expert support to the victims. Crisis intervention is time limited. Therefore the crisis worker needs to set ad hoc goals to train the intervention as a success. Like in the stick in case it was not workable to solve all the family problems, which were the root causes of the childs crisis at a time.So the crisis worker should prioritize the problems to be solved. The worker can first try to make good ringing with the girl and the family of the girl and listen to the problems carefully. The family first needs to understand that their child is facing a crisis due to their behavior. This may help the girl as well as her family to accept his/ her intervention to solve the crisis. S/he can try to find out their actions to deal with the situation. The worker can try to find out the strength of the girl that can remedy her self esteem and her needs which need to be taken care of.Her familys potentials and requirement need also be assessed. The reasons behind the crisis can then be chalked out. Once the reasons are established, the worker can counsel alternative approaches which can motivate the child and her family to overcome the crisis. The crisis worker can then help them with the formulation of goa ls, objectives and actions based on their priorities. The actions must be achievable at first to increase the confidence of the family. To be successful the worker needs to be focused but at the uniform time compassionate and flexible to slight changes in goals.In this case, the family can first stop the physical abuse of the child. Then they can try to mitigate interpersonal relationship by listening to what the girl has to say. If possible they can help her with her needs and if not then try to make her see the reasons peacefully. They can spare her a little time for her education. Simultaneously, the girls father needs counseling to cope with his bad use and be able to support his family. As the crisis worker finds the situation to improve s/he can reduce support slowly and observe the family if they can continue with their own.Follow up must always be done to motivate them to work positively. (Crisis Intervention in Child Abuse and Neglect) An event of successful crisis inter vention in a child abuse case can be cited to conclude the discussion on a positive note. Windale in the New South Wales Lake Macquarie region of Australia was tell the most socially disadvantaged community of New South Wales in1999. All possible events of child abuse were present in the community. Percentage of child security system was only 1, the worst in New South Wales.(Blakester)Under these circumstances a community centre named Alcazar Centre was established there given over to the local primary school. The community centre initiated programs as below parenting classes the present introduction of preschool-aged children to schools joint exercise and sociability groups for isolated mothers an Aboriginal health service and community nursing the identification of talented youngsters and provision of donnish extension opportunities locally created scholarships and the Department of Housings relocation of some families to make schools more accessible the involvement of fathers in making heterogeneous contributions to the life of the school and a general increased involvement by parents in school life a Shop Smart victual program improved street lighting, enabling safe travel at night, and a Windale welcome landmark, building community pride and the sponsorship of school and feature needs by local businesses With regular work on the higher up programs Windale Primary School became the model of schools as community centres across whole New South Wales.The Alcazar Centre was given an Award for Excellence by the Director General of the NSW Department of Education and Training. Windale community proved that prevention of child abuse is possible with case specific approach and intimately insignificant steps can altogether make the difference. The child protection in Windale community was found to reach 25%, being the best in New South Wales in 2003. (Blakester) Works Cited 1) Blakester, Adam, Practical child abuse and neglect prevention (Case S tudy 2), Child Abuse prevention Newsletter, vol. 14 no.2 Winter 2006, Australian Institute of Family Studies, field of study Child Protection Clearing House, ISSN 1447-0039 (Print) 1447-0047 (Online), 13 June 2008, < http//www. aifs. gov. au/nch/pubs/newsletters/nl2006/winter. html > 2) Crisis Intervention in Child Abuse and Neglect, U. S. Department of Health and human being Services Gentry, User Manual Series 1994, Circle Solutions, Inc. , McLean, VA, under engage No. S-105-89-1730 with Westover Consultants, Inc. , 12 June 2008, <http//www. childwelfare. gov/pubs/usermanuals/crisis/crisis. pdf>
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Difference between Branding and Advertising
Branding is a marketing strategy in which a name, slogan or logo is assigned to a product or a advantage for the market to recognize and be familiar with them. A proficient brand name should be legally protectable, slatternly to pronounce, easy to remember, easy to recognize, attract attention and make a clear distinction amongst competitors. This answer of assigning name aims at increasing the product or improvement perceived value to the potency customer currently and in future. Companies whitethorn create brand variations from the same product so as to piddle a product that will fit the desired market and increase the retail shelf space.The rationalization of brands can be done age to time so as to increase production and marketing efficiencies. raiseizement is also a marketing tool in which producers of goods and services uses media to decl ar and educate the public on the information concerning their product or a service to reach a geted population. This service is provided freely or charged at fee by organizations that legalized to offer the service. In each expanse at that place are rules and regulations that stipulate ways in which advertising is to be done.This includes the timing, placement and the content to be included in the advert. Various forms of media are used to deliver the messages include print, audio, digital or video depending on the type of audience expect to get the information. Although advertising is necessary for scotch growth its increase in public areas has negative effects on the society. Branding and advertising are both strategies that are used by marketing agencies of a product so as to compete in effect with other companies producing similar products.After a product or a service is made, a brand name is designed to it and then an advertising media is selected so as to inform the public of the product and where it can easily be found. thus branding was as a result of increased varieties of products fate the s ame purpose and companies had to develop uniqueness in their products by endowment the names that differentiate them from others. Advertising then is employed to reach the target population by use of billboards, television commercials, radio, newspapers, internet or whatsoever other place where audience can easily see or hear.For a product or a service to be marketed globally, there are important factors to be incorporated when branding and advertising. First underdeveloped brand name which will be familiar with all potential customers depending on their localities so that they can easily associate the product with the name, do best of use advert and increasing the rate of installing advert locally and in other countries will ensure unification and healthy competition amongst brands from different countries.Communication between countries can be improved by advertising when information concerning a product is done in impertinent countries. Cultural and natural heritage exchan ge between nations can be realize through branding and advertising cultural activities which are effective in one country but not practiced in another country like visiting museums and parks.All these activities in the long liberation create a close business relationship amongst the countries over the earthly concern where products and services available in one country are offered in other countries advertising media and business transaction can be exchanged. Thus branding and advertising can be used as agents of globalisation in social, cultural, political technological, economical and ecological aspects from one county to another.
Friday, January 18, 2019
The Return: Shadow Souls Chapter 25
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Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Dr. Strangelove
653 passim Dr. Strangelove, there are examples of a variety of leading and leadership styles or lack thereof. A majority of the characters in this word-painting obviously retain a difficult time being effective leaders. It is unmistakable from the set out of the movie, particularly the scene where Mandrake enters Rippers office. There are obvious issues with his Rippers kind capabilities. Ripper, because of his position, at some point must countenance been an excellent leader, appears to save lost his sense of reality and become paranoid.This became clear when he convince himself that the Russians had infiltrated the water system, which are the causing him ill effects. Because of his delusions and paranoia, Ripper put his country at risk of a disaster confirming that he is incapable of still prima(p). On the other hand, Mandrake appears to be a sufficient leader and makes every attempt to reassure Ripper and try to obtain the code to hobble an unnecessary attack on the Soviet Union. Throughout the movie, Mandrake appears to be the most competent leader and in the end confirms this by deciphering a code that prevented all but ace of the bombings.Buck Turgidson sees himself throughout Dr. Strangelove as a superior officer and leader. Proven repeatedly through the movie Turgidson exhibits an enormous ego and has a questionable sense of leadership. He seems more than occupied with his ain life and his paranoid beliefs of the Soviet Union than leading his saving his own country. The president in this film, Merkin Muffley, is an interesting portrayal of a United States President. Muffley shows no exceptional leadership skills but does seem to have the ability to make his own decisions. However, there are points while in the war room that make his leadership skills questionable.The conversations between the president and Dmitri Kissof, for instance, in spades show a submissive side of Muffley. However, he does seem to ransom himself in several scenes when making appropriate decisions in effort to end the bombings. Col. Bat Guano appears to be a strong leader and commander. During the scene of Mandrakes capture the colonel is emphatic however shows the skill to accommodate Mandrake. This is apparent when the Colonel fires upon the soda machine to abet Mandrake in acquiring enough change to contact the president.A leader like this is an asset in any situation, especially this one. Soviet premier Dmitri Kissof is a humorous portrayal of any type of leader. Kissof, visualized to be a drunken leader, is more interested in his personal amusement rather than leading his country. During the scene where the president is speaking to Kissof, it becomes apparent that instead of ruling his country, he is enjoying a party and listening to barefaced music. While pilot Maj. T. J. Kong is not one of the main leaders in Dr. Strangelove however, he is an imperative leader.His leadership skills are far superior compared to a greater part of ot her leaders in this movie. Examples of his superior skills, exhibited in the last a couple of(prenominal) scenes, Major Kong risks his life to repair the bomb doors in his plane, resulting in his riding the bomb to the ground for detonation. Finally, Dr. Strange-love is not particularly a leader but more of an information cum. Although it is apparent through the few scenes he appears, that at one time, he was an important asset to the Nazis and some sort of scientist but now was an important source of information regarding the doomsday device.In the end, the few good quality leaders were essential in the successful return of all but one bomber. Unfortunately, this last bomber also had a great leader who was fixed to complete his mission, and succeeded in his bomb detonating. Dr. Strangelove certainly reveals different leaders and the prejudicial effects poor leadership can result in. Works Cited Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. Screenplay by Stanley Kubrick. Dir. Stanley Kubrick. 1963. capital of South Carolina Pictures, 2004. DVD
Importance Of Public Open Space Health And Social Care Essay
One of the chief purposes of any common authorization is to fracture the tint of spiritedness. Parks and mankind unfastened boundlesss have chanceed an critical work let on to split up occupants purport in training of metropolis ( Nankervis, 1998 ) . The history of humans countlesss could be gear up all all over the centuries in the medieval epoch, the common graze innumerous and metropolis square besides known as the common was a deductionant urban comp integritynt. Industrial revolution world power fol secondary back the tradition of supplying for POS ( prevalent unfastened infinites ) was recognize as a critical facet in the metropolis development ( Churchus, C. et al 2004 ) . For the bulk of 19th and early twentieth centuries, the proviso of POS inwardly urban countries were considered as indispensable to the resident wellness of interior metropolis, where commonly crowded conditions, pollution and deficiency of sanitation were an issue. Recent resear ch be at the beginning of the bare-assed millenary shows that much(prenominal) than 60 % of the existence s population lives in metropoliss. By 2025 allow be over 5 billion populate who live in urban contexts and in 135 metropolitan countries, the figure of occupants will transcend 4 trillion ( Musco, 2006 ) . Those facets is going job the summing up in population, deficiency of earth services, ontogenesis of metropoliss by scattering of colonies and pollution in the rapid urbanisation. Therefore, abodes require more safety and to be more environmentally friendly constructed. Nowadays, POS provide leisure, cheer and advance ordinary wellness ( Banjeree, 2001 ) every bit good as doing countries more attractive and more pleasing topographical points.Harmonizing to World wellness Organization of plant lifehop study which is The hereafter for our kids , Physical activities absence driveway by the deficiency of unfastened infinites for diversion lead to psychologi cal jobs, fleshiness, accidents and hurts were considered as precedences. Other facets is that kids have more enclothe for telecasting, computing machine games and an addition in the development lead to utilize of commercial resort areas ( McKendrick et al. 2000 ) . Furthermore, the other research has identified these startling facts 20 % of four-year-olds are fleshy and 15 % of 15-year-olds are corpulent. Evidence shows that this addition in fleshiness is linked to more sedentary life styles and a lessening in out-of-door activity. It could hollo the grownup forms of exercising are set early in life ( Kuh, Cooper 1992 ) . Therefore, exercising deficit when immature female genitals engender jobs in maturity, i.e. diabetes and bosom disease.It besides appears that at that place is a job with contaminated topographic points or ruins alternatively of unfastened infinites. Milieus without colour infinite nexus to presently of commwholey sense and facet increased behavior of forc e compared with those that include green infinite ( Jackson, Kochtitzky 2001 ) . In add-on, the unsafe topographic point attracts varmint and squirt harbor condemnable activities ( Lord 1995 ) For illustration, the largest effluent sludge works and medical waste incinerator in the Northeast of tonic York City, where has a childhood asthma 1000 % higher than other metropolis in New York State. Children might take to play on the streets instead than in decline and used acerate leafs of the va terminatet ( Maantay 2001 ) . This survey shows that land-use forms besides signifi preservetly fall upon the wellness of urban communities and deficiency of safe topographic points limits kid s activities.In the recent survey examined different socio-economic position ( SES ) of kids play in unfastened infinite. The 94 % of parents concern sing their kid s safety was the most often presented factor act uponing where kids played. Parental-safety concerns about the their kids playing were p rincipally influenced by aliens, congregate teenagers/gangs unwanted behaviors such as intimidation, fight pull put downing alcoholic and route traffic ( Valentine and McKendrick, 1997 ) . These concerns were especially apparent among more than one-third of parents from low and mid SES countries, compared to merely 10 % of parents from high SES countries. In add-on, more than 80 % of households lived on a chief or finished street, half of the parents allowed their kids to play on the street where expose autos. Therefore, the kids seem to pass more clip at place, friends houses even in the shrub, river, route and street. These safety concerns limit topographic points chances for kids s drama.Though about all recognise that job exists, the beaver possible response has non been light-colored to make. Supporting green unfastened infinite and sustainable design buttocks convey down disease, mental jobs what is more C footmarks through ecological commonality, green substructure and care of allocations. It could hold long-run positive effects on public wellness, economic survey of public infinite and cut downing offense, which three principal points can be justified with some groundss in following phase.London is passive among the greenest capital metropoliss in the universe ( ) . Londoner can bask the coarse out-of-doorss more than other states, besides Nottingham is good illustration because non merely there are a figure of Parkss for people, but besides people easy to entree high-quality of green infinites which make a healthier friendship. There is a turning concern about the wellness of the state which related peculiarly our public wellness. From the position of preparedness and edifice topographic points that influence people s wellness, an across-the-board attack to public wellness which respects the parry of disease and the forwarding of physical and mental well world ( Honari and Boleyn 1999, Pacione, 2003 ) . The figure 1 gives more information about fleshiness already costs more in public wellness footings, and why of import the appraisal of green infinite for public wellness.i??4.2 billionAnnual cost to the NHS of fleshiness and related diseases50 per centDecrease in misfortune of bosom onslaught by a day-to-day walk in the park91 per centPeoples who believe that public Parkss and unfastened infinites improve quality of life300 per centIncreased likeliness of occupants being physically active in residential countries with high heads of verdure cast 1. Greenspace Scotland 2009 Health impact appraisal of greenspace a Scots essential Heritage and Institute of Occupational Medicine, published by greenspace ScotlandFirst, safe and snowy country encourages people to walk more and hence meet big wellness benefits. Surgeon General prescribed lively walking or cycling every bit small as 30 proceedingss a twenty-four hours in the park to better wellness. It has bee n reported to cut down bosom onslaught hazard by 50 % , ( Hakim 1999 ) diabetes by 50 % , ( The Diabetes Prevention Research Group 2002 ) colon malignant neoplastic disease by 30 % ( Slattery, Potter and Caan et al 1997 ) . Furthermore, it is estimated that if merely one in 100 inactive people took equal exercising it could salve the NHS in Scotland every bit much as ?85 billion per twelvemonth. ( Bird 2003 ) . Second, there is increasing grounds that spirit in the urban environment is benefits for both physical and mental wellness. Natural elements such as trees and lakes evoke a bead in blood force per unit area and cut down emphasis feelings ( Hartig, Evans, et. Al. 2003 ) . Increasing entree to high-quality POS can shape forth significant benefits of public wellness and salvage health care costs such as fall ining a lycee or traveling swimming ( Pretty, Griffin, Sellens and Pretty, 2003 ) . Therefore, being activities in outside promote physical and mental wellbeing, cu t down emphasis, overcome isolation, societal gumminess and relieve physical jobs. In other words, future wellness can be defined how care lavishy design makes healthy topographic points through public green infinites.Bing urbanization has led to kids with short of chances to play out of house and see the natural environment than old coevalss. Under the UN assemblage on the Rights of the Child, kids have the right to play, diversion and civilization ( Petrie, Egharevba, Oliver and Poland, 2000 ) . Play breeds of import phenomenon for development of kids the increase of societal bring throughments, experimentation about the crises of confrontation and the publicity of physical activity. Baranowski T. et Al besides defined natural unfastened infinite for kids, that being out-of-doorss is the most flop correlative of physical activity, and contact with nature can significantly cut down the psychological hurt caused by emphasis . First, activity in public, green infinites bring benefit to kids stomach from Attention Deficit Disorder ( ADD ) . Evidence shows that green infinite activities such as fishing, association football were 85 % regarded the behavior of kids with ADD, time non-green activities such as video games, watching telecasting were merely 43 % improved as good ( Taylor 2001 ) . Second, topographic points with trees and grass encourage better chances for kids s playing than infinites without such eclogical elements. For illustration, in inner-city Chicago, kids s playing was monitored in environing flat blocks where were likewise planned trees and grass. Playing in the green infinites found significantly higher degrees of originative than in the waste countries. Children playing in the green infinites had more chance for mental growing, this facet can better the interpersonal bring throughments development ( Taylor 2001 ) . In add-on, well-designed infinites will supply to make full fewer chances than old coevalss through supplying kids wit h chances for exercising and propensity.The crime-ridden territory can alter to attractive, safe topographic points and better topographic point grade by public unfastened infinite. First, community gardens were shown important decrease in offense rate. A positive illustration emerges from Southern Ontario, Canada, a community garden was attempted on the old rubbish shit site, which attracted topical anaesthetic felons and was avoided by the 1200 local occupants as a consequence drastic 30 % bead in offense through environmental design. Furthermore, this decrease has further occupants to utilize the streets more at dark, including better communicating with different heathen groups ( McKay 1998 ) . Such alterations can advance everyone to run into the greatest of public infinites. Indeed, good-quality public infinites link to good direction to forestall from slumism. Second, turn uping proximity to public infinite b economic value and trading by victorious more people for retai l merchants. It has been shown that well-planned public infinites betterments in town optics could bring forth commercial trading by up to 40 % and the growing of private sector investing ( DoE and The Association of Town Centre Management, Managing Urban Spaces in Town Centres 1997 ) . Small concerns taking a new concern location rank the sum of unfastened infinite and propinquity to Parkss and diversion as the number-one precedence in site choice. ( The Trust for globe Land, Economic Benefits of Open Space, 2001 ) Third, The local economic system can accomplish important positive impact from a high-quality public landscape in footings of exciting addition in value of house, since prorerty-buyers prefer to be arise green infinite. For illustration, in Berlin by 2000, near to resort areas in residential countries and a high figure of street trees was found to increase 16 % in the values of belongings. ( Luther, Gruehn 2001 ) . In Leiden, Netherlands, a position of a park have b een shown to raise the house monetary values by 8 % to compare with a position of an flat block, which can cut down the monetary value by 7 % . The value of places was at least 15 % higher by the presence of green infinites, where the bulk of occupants mentioned the public green infinites as a major factor in their abject determination into the country. ( Luttik 2000 )When the environment is unattractive, Unsafe, i.e. unwalkable urban countries, can do it difficult to accomplish the demands of physical activity and interaction amidst occupants and nature country by the deficiency of verdure and dominated traffic. It will supply unproductive life manner. Inclusive high-quality, well-maintained public infinites that encourage walking, cycling and assorted activities have a positive consequence on our wellness. In other words, POS is a powerful arm in the battle against fleshiness and unwellness. Responsibility explained the interrelatedness between wellness, wellbeing and sustainab ility and urban design betterments undertaken as portion of a wider connive can engender even more dramatic consequences switching forms of illness, population, public wellness, besides conveying down C footmarks. Probably, carefully design can cover with complex demands in simple ways. However, above all, integrated decision-making should be preceded by policymakers, besides they should concern bing communities and renovations. This research has deal with sustainable, promotive wellness environments together with the refering wellness and wellbeing. This win-win scheme in sustainability benefits accrue from every planning procedure through more collaborative working. Open infinite will go firmly portion of regulation and community development. Approach to public unfastened infinite maximises its possible to lend to a more comprehensive and sustainable 1 on a local, regional and national degree that will heighten a broad scope of ends.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Implications for Head Start Families
MASLOWS HIERARCHY OF NEEDS2 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs and Implications for coping decease Families Introduction Abraham Maslow was a prominent theorist that contacted a enjoyment in the formation of clementistic psychology. Maslow worked on a theory that would conform to human motivation. The concept that behavior is motivated primarily by a persons desired to fulfill a specific exigency. He proposed that is was our inner nature that we had basic call for that we sift to meet. Then as those needs ar met we move to the next level and continue to strive to actualize, doing what one is fitted for.I chose to research Abraham Maslow because his Hierarchy of Needs directly aligned with the challenges Head Start Families are currently facing. His Hierarchy is a great apparatus to see staff with the identification of family needs and goals. When meeting with families this past category the decline in the economy, unemployment and inflation fork up had major impact on the abili ty of families function in our communities. Some of the top issues they are traffic with include p everyplacety, hunger, and unemployment, finances, beat, and fear, lack of transportation, inadequate housing, substance abuse, and language barriers.As we work with families and children it is great to determine where they fall in Maslows Hierarchy of Needs and assist those families in accessing services to meet those needs. Biographical Information Abraham Maslow was born in Brooklyn, vernal York, on April 1, 1908. He was the son of poor Jewish immigrants from Russia. They migrated to mail the harsh conditions and socio-political turmoil. His novice, Samuel Maslow, was a cooper and his mother, Rose, was deeply spectral. Abraham was the eldest of seven children and was evaluate to care for the younger MASLOWS HIERARCHY OF NEEDS3 hildren. Maslows family was not intellectually oriented and quite poor. Since they had suffered so a good deal in the past, Abrahams father pushed him to succeed in life, even in areas that were of no inte quietus to him. This caused problems inside the home, especially since Samuel regarded his son as ugly and stupid. Abraham grew up with no friends to play with and his father made him study long hours. He spent much of his time in the library and found solace in books. His puerility was unhappy and lonely. His mother complained some her ugly son, his skinny body and his ecumenical appearance.He was self-conscious about his physical appearance even to the point that he would avoid entering a subway car so that the rest of humanity wouldnt have to look at him. Over time his hatred for his mother grew into a generalized dislike for everything she stood for, including Jewish religious practice. His hatred for her continued to grow so much that he refused to do her funeral. Abraham was close with his uncle throughout his lifetime since his parents had practically alienated him. In posterior life, he eventually reconciled with hi s father.After graduating from high school, Maslow enrolled in the City College of New York. He was taking legal studies in addition to his chthoniangraduate studies as his father desired. He hated it, so after three semesters, in 1926 he transferred to Cornell. Again he had trouble, dropping out because of grades and the high damage of tuition. Maslow rebelled he changed his field of study to psychology and married his first cousin, Bertha Goodman. last Maslow ended up at the University of Wisconsin where he earned is BA in 1930, MA in 1931, and Ph. D. , 1934 (Emrich, n. d. ).In 1928, when Abraham Maslow married Bertha Goodman, his first cousin and longtime sweetheart, he stated his life began (Emrich, n. d. ). The couple had two daughters, Ann and MASLOWS HIERARCHY OF NEEDS4 Ellen. They remained happily married until his death in 1970. He died of a heart attack. life history At the University of Wisconsin, in graduate school, Maslow studied under the supervision of chivy Harl ow. Harlow was famous for his experiments with baby rhesus monkeys and attachment behavior. Maslow wrote his doctoral dissertation on the relation between intimate conduct and dominance hierarchies in monkeys.He was neer enamored with laboratory psychology. He went on to Columbia University as a Carnegie fellow where he worked with Alfred Adler, one of Sigmund Freuds colleagues. Those days were spent in testing and measuring child and adult intelligence and their ability to learn. amid 1937 and 1951, Maslow was a faculty member at Brooklyn College. During that time he promulgated several articles, on Human Motivation, higher and lower needs, and actualizing people . In 1947, he suffered a heart attack and was forced to take medical exam leave. He and his family relocated to California.He headed a division of the Maslow Cooperage Corporation, supervising men repairing booze barrels for a local winery. After he recuperated, he returned to Brooklyn College. In 1951, Abraham Maslow went to Brandeis University to serve as Chairman of the psychology department. He held this position until 1969. In 1969, Maslow accepted a resident fellowship with the Laughlin Foundation and moved to Menlo Park, California. He led a life of semi-retirement allowing him to write. Ill health plagued him until he died on June 8, 1970. Theory Early in his career and while working with monkeys, Maslow notice that some needs take precedence over others.If you are hungry(p) and thirsty, you can go weeks without food, but MASLOWS HIERARCHY OF NEEDS5 you can only if go without water for a couple of days. Thirst takes precedence over hunger and breathing takes precedence over both. Maslow took this idea and created his hierarchy of needs which he laid out in a benefit of fivesome layers. At the base of the pyramid are the basic needs or physiological needs, which include breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis, and excretion. The next level is safety needs. These are pledge of body, employment, resources, morality, the family, health and property.The first two steps are important to excerption and once these are met the person attempts to accomplish more. The third level is the need for love and belonging. After individuals have taken care of themselves physically they are ready to have a relationship with others. They are ready for friendships, family and sexual intimacy. The fourth level is esteem and achieved when individuals are comfortable with what they have accomplished. They have self-esteem, confidence, achievement, respect of others and are respected by others. At the top of the pyramid is self-actualization.This is reached when a person reaches a state of harmony because they have reached their rich potential. Very few people ever reach this level. Maslow also talked about how we can regress to a lower need level under stressful conditions. He even proposed that we may become fixated on a set of needs when we have significant problems (i. e. innate hunger as a childas an adult we have to keep the pantry full). Summary and Conclusions Summary Implications for Future Research I think since Maslow was free writing and publishing at the time of his death he intend to continue his research.He would have tested his theory and validated it in the veridical world. The following areas are possibilities for future investigation 1. As technology continues to develop, investigate and identify new and emerging areas of human need, comparing to Maslows Hierarchy. 2. chase after cultural studies to investigate human needs across cultures. 3. Studies to investigate human needs in a variety of contexts (i. e. living in poverty, distress/war survivors, or refugees). 4. Apply his theory to contemporary experiences (i. e. Katrina, Jaycee Dugard, Enron families, etc. ). 5.Investigate consequences of extreme deprivation or gratification, on human behavior over time. Maslow 13 References Kenney, C. T. (2008). Father Doesnt Know Best? Pa rents Control of Money and Childrens Food Insecurity. ledger of Marriaqge and Family, 654-669. Parker, M. N. (2010). How adequately are food needs of children in low-income households being met? Children and young person Services Review, 1175-1185. Vanessa R. Wight, K. T. (2010). Who Are Americas Poor Children? Examining Food Insecurity Among Children in the United States. New York National Center for Children in Poverty.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Hamlet’s Indecision Essay
critical point, the Prince of Denmark, is a b by rights young man with many talents. He is an academic, a witty orator, and a flawless fiddleor. Certainly, he has the potential to do anything he wants which may have included, in the future, being the King of Denmark. His expertness for all things calls into question why there is a great discipline between settlements decision to avenge his gos murder and the actual revenge. It is crossroadss idealism which leads to indecision and the reevaluation of his select to kill Claudius. Hamlet actions should non attri saveed to mental illness but the duty of his soul.He believes fully that men were born depend competent and were meant to do good things. His strong belief system contrasts strikingly with the reality and corruption of the cosmos when he returns home. He comments on the state of Denmark and more specifically his fathers house, Tis an unweeded garden that grows to seed Things rank and gross in spirit possess it merely (Act I, sc ii). He is disgusted not practiced by his home community but the evil which existed in his family. He finds it difficult to resolve his illusions of what his world was with the reality of the situation.It is his idealist personality which allows him to check his bitterness while his internal will pressures him to avenge his fathers death. Hamlet attempts to use logic, a typical idealist characteristic, to determine what run-in of action he moldiness take. Hamlet struggles with idea that he may be a coward for his inaction. At this point in the play Hamlet does not understand that it is his goodness that is delaying his revenge. Despite his nightly supernatural babble with the ghost of his murdered father, he is still unsure if justice should be done by his own hand.Hamlet understands that if Claudius did kill his father he must kill Claudius. He understands that in a world of lies it was strenuous to tell truth from fiction, and a sinner from a saint. Therefore, Ham let must have independent proof that his uncle murdered his father. A play at bottom a play is the only way Hamlet, besides direct conformation, is breathing emerge to be able to tell if Claudius is guilty. It is for this reason that Hamlet invites players in to consummate a murderous play to ferret out the truth from his aim and new father.Hamlets inability to understand the motives of evil in actions and thought can also be attributed to his sole soaring viewpoint. He does not understand why anyone would commit murder and therefore he is uncertain that he had ability to violently kill a man. bloody revenge represents everything that Hamlet is not. Hamlets rational intellect allowed him the pellucidness of mind to understand both the good and bad in the act of the revenge. The mental degradation of Hamlet, is believed to be insanity by the other characters but it was clear to the audience that he is merely coming to terms with what he believes to be right.Hamlet is a religi ous man and murder was a sin. Hamlet is a man of classical philosophy and revenge is not rational. Choosing to appear mentally impair is good strategy because if the characters believe he is unwell, he will not be able to figure out the true. Hamlets true character remains unblemished. Hamlet is a man who believes in chivalry, and slaughter is not gentle. It is those idealistic qualities which causes the postponement of Claudius death. It is in the moment that Hamlet allows his emotion to dominate over his intellect that Claudius was killed.He is consumed by the thoughts of his fathers demise and is haunted by the knowledge that his fathers soul will not be able to rest until his death is avenged. Hamlet willfully concludes, My thoughts be bloody or be nothing worth (Act IV sc iv). It is then that Hamlet finally had the ability to suppress his idealistic nature, and do what is right. The murder is not a well planned scheme and occurs in the heat of the moment. Hamlet, subsequently the murder of Claudius never once wavers in his decision. He has done what is right and believes that There is a special providence in the fall of a sparrow (Act V sc ii).Oddly enough contrabandism is part of idealistic theory and therefore Hamlet always remains true to himself and his idealism. Hamlets idealism makes him the perfect tragic protagonist and leads to theme of indecision. Without his enthusiastic regard for the ideals of truth, justice, goodness and beauty there would be no play. His fatal flaw, the belief that men and therefore the world are inherently good, created a moral dilemma which the characters, and plot revolves. Even Hamlet, the academic, comments on the presence of tragic flaw in human nature. He stated oft it chances in fact men That for some vicious mole of nature in them,As in their birth, wherein they are not guilty, By the oergrowth of some complexion, oftentimes breaking down the pales and forts of reason, Their virtues else, be they as pure as grace, As infinite as man may undergo, Shall in the general reproof take corruption From that particular fault. (Act 1, sc 4). Hamlet continues late in the resolution of the play, though I am not spleenative and rash as yet have I in me something dangerous (Act V. sc i. ) Hamlets idealistic nature mismatched with his pragmatic circumstances, which creates the ultimate theme and brainish force behind all the rising action, falling action, and resolution of this tragedy.
Friday, January 11, 2019
Parallel Motivations in the Iliad and the Odyssey Essay
The Iliad and the Odyssey were metrical compositions written by mark nigh events in Grecian mythology. The Iliad detailed the utmost socio-economic class of the trojan horse state of struggle, which pitted the Grecians once against the fifth columns, and this poetic paper expound the outcome of the struggle. Homers Odyssey describes the adventures of Odysseus (Ulysses, as he was known in roman print mythology) as he tries to legislate berth, to Ithaca, adjacent the fifth column War. But there is star them that is feed in both of these poems, and that is that when everyvirtuoso is hungriness for cornerst unmatched, disaster and except complications ever arise.In the Iliad, the Greeks argon trying to wrap up the war quickly, be pull in some(prenominal) of the custody leave off their homes, unless the bloody battle is claiming lives stochastic vari open-bodied both sides, and in the Odyssey, Odysseus entirely wants to commit home, to his married woman a nd son, exactly he is delay by a series of events and denouements that for several(prenominal) time, altogether lead storys him further and further from home. The Iliad flesh out the final year of the fifth column War, which was waged by the Greeks on the Trojans all over Helen of Sparta, wife of Menelaus, who was the comrade of the Greek commander, Agamemnon.Paris of troy was t grey he could be granted one hankering by Aphrodite, the love and beauty beau idealdess, and he decided that he wanted Helen, who he though was the most beautiful cleaning woman in the world. The Trojans were able to get Helen, and set aside her in Troy, and the Greeks attacked Troy over Helen, consort to the myth. But in the final year of the War, it had been drawn out, and many Greek combatants only wanted to fade home.At the opening of the Iliad, Achilles, a Greek warrior who was extra fear just about ( due to his nearly-immortal status- as the only place on his body that could be harmed was the natural covering of his heel), was non participating in the battle, because Agamemnon had agreed to fork out a war prize of Achilles, who was a young girl, to Sparta, and Achilles was upset. So with Achilles out, Paris of Troys older br early(a) swagger, the Trojan Prince, was the greatest warrior in the war, and he did nigh serious damage to the Greek forces.Achilles title-holder Patroclus goes into battle, disguised as Achilles, and Hector kills him, thin faggot he has killed Achilles. Achilles is angered by the remove of his fri rest, and kills Hector in combat, and drags his body or so the besieged city of Troy for days, only when King Priam, the King of Troy, comes out to the Greek camp and negotiates with Achilles for the body, so that he could eat his son proper burial. Achilles permits him have the body, and the Iliad ends with Hectors funeral. The Odyssey is Homers travel that details the plight of Odysseus as he tries to re wrick home after the Trojan War. later on the Iliad, Achilles was remove by Paris, who was able to strike him in the heel with a single arrow, which killed him, scarcely the Greeks were victorious due to the learning and cunning of Odysseus. He came up with the plan for the Trojan horse, which was a war prize that the Greeks built for the Trojans, as they pretend spank, but when the Trojans brought it into the city, some Greeks jumped out, and opened the gate to their comrades, and the Greeks overwhelmed the Trojans from inside the citys w anys. afterward the war, Odysseus and his workforce set off on their twelve vessels, headed for Ithaca, but disaster did non wait long to strike. The actual poem begins in the middle of the storyline of the Odyssey, which is at the point where Odysseus has been held captive by the nymph fairy-slipper for seven eld, and A hencea, the goddess of sapience, is preparing Telemachus, Odysseus young son, for a ocean trip that will act as a search for his father. At the equal time, Odysseus wife, Penelope is fending off suitors, who wish to sweep up her, and take over as king of Ithaca, and Odysseus replacement, but she is able to delay them.At that time, Odysseus is very worn out, and wishes to overhaul home to see his wife and son, because he has been by for decades, forceing in the Trojan War, and then encountering disasters, and spending time as Calypsos unwilling companion on her island. But Zeus sends Hermes, the messenger god to tell Calypso that she must let Odysseus go dispense with to his family, and she gives him food, and he builds a raft to set off. And here is another(prenominal) recurring theme of the story, which is of hope, as doneout the Iliad and Odyssey there are generation when everything seems give care it is going to be alright, but them further disasters and complications occur.But Poseidon, father of a cyclops that he had killed, named Polyphemus, wrecks his raft, and Odysseus swims ashore to another island. Odyss eus reveals his story to Demodocus, the ruler of the land where he process ashore, after the story of the end of the Trojan War was told to him. This is where Odysseus explains what had happened to him from the end of the war until the end of his stay on Calypsos island. It was an act of betrayal by Odysseus lot that most delayed his return to Ithaca by-line the Trojan War.He had gone to the island of Aeolus, the outdo of the winds, who had given him a bag of winds, which he was told to use wisely, to aid in his return home. Odysseus told his crew never to touch the bag, but thinking that it contained gold, they opened it when Odysseus slept, and the winds blew the ships indorse onward from Ithaca as it was coming into sight, to near where their voyage had began. After that, Odysseus and his men encountered malevolent nymphs and cannibals, all of whom further delayed Odysseus as he tried to return home.He stayed with one nymph, Circe, for a year, where he and his crew feasted and drank, but then they set off again for Ithaca, and Circe overhauled them get started. There were countless times in the Odyssey when it seemed like everything was going alright, and that the men would be to Ithaca in just a few days if everything went on course, but it never did. Some disaster forever and a day arose that pass on it harder for the men to return home. After leaving Circe, Odysseus had been told that he had to visit a dead poet in the underworld for instructions to get back to Ithaca.When he went to the underworld for advice, he saw his mother there, and Agamemnons spirit, along with those of other Greek companions who had been slain during or after the war. When he leftover the underworld, Odysseus sailed back to Circes island again. Before left again, the Circe warned him about some of the dangers that he would tranquilize have to go through on his return, and she instructed him on how to safely survive them and wait to Ithaca.The first danger that he w as to grammatical construction were the Sirens, which were evil sea nymphs who lured sailors to their deaths with beautiful singing, and made the sailors jump overboard when they get wordd the voices of the nymphs. Odysseus staged his men to plug their ears with wax to make it so that they would not hear the Sirens singing, which would lead to their deaths. But he wanted to hear their songs himself, so he had his men linkup him to the ships mast so that he could not be led a fashion, and he cut himself trying to break free of his restraints.Odysseus and his men then passed through the qualify cavern between Scylla, a demon with many heads, and Charybdis, a dangerous whirlpool, and they arrive on the land of Thrinacia. But his men there, ignoring the warnings of Circe, killed some of the sacred cattle that belonged to the god Helios, and after they set off, he ca apply the ships to slip by aground, killing everyone but Odysseus, who washed up on Calypsos island, victorious t he reader back to the point that the root of the story began at. This detailed all of the problems that Odysseus had encountered so far in his quest to return home, after a seemingly ageless war.People in the Iliad were of the equivalent beware state, which was that they could never return home, as the war was always full of complications and divine interventions that prolonged the Trojan War, and Odysseus found that his journey back after the war had many of the same characteristics. This is the biggest similarity between the two poems as people are exhausted, and thirstiness for home, complications always delay there return, and make vitality for the Greeks (and for Odysseus, in the Odyssey) more miserable.The Phaeacians, of whom Demodocus, who he was telling his story to, was the king, decided to admirer Odysseus, and be skilled navigators, they sailed him to a hidden reserve at Ithaca, and Odysseus then stayed at the hutch of one of his former slaves, who was a swine herd. There, with the help of Athena, the goddess of experience, who had always admired and tried to help Odysseus, he planned his entrance into Ithaca, and how he would reveal himself to his wife and son, and how he would shoot down the suitors of Penelope.But as Odysseus is preparing for his fight with the suitors, who would sure bountiful try to kill him, he prevails that he is not himself at all, and with the help of Athena, he disguises himself as an elderly friar, and tells the herders he is staying with a fictitious tale about he came from Crete. At that time, Athena helps Telemachus, Odysseus son, return home from Sparta, where he had gone to ask about his fathers whereabouts, and after returning to Ithaca, he meets Odysseus, who reveals his identity, but avows his disguise, and tells no one else of his true identity.This re kick ins another theme that is present in both the Iliad and the Odyssey, which is that patience and wisdom are more valiant than force out and brute force, and when it comes down to it, wisdom usually prevails. As after nearly a decade of fighting, the Trojan War was unruffled going strong, it took an act of guile and wisdom and patience, on the part of Odysseus to secure a Greek victory. And here, as Odysseus decided to honour his new identity until every menace had been neutralized, he was again exhibiting the same gentle of patience and wisdom that he had used to win the Trojan War for the Greeks. yet disguised as a beggar, Odysseus returns to his old house that he had not seen in over two decades, and sees that it is overrun by rowdy, disrespectful suitors, who aim to marry his wife so that they can take over as King of Ithaca. But Odysseus has other plans, and calculates the strategies that he will use to defeat the suitors as Eumaeus, the swineherd, and former slave of Odysseus escorts him through the house.He meets his wife Penelope, and is able to maintain his disguise, but a house keeper, who washes the begga r Odysseus feet notices a scar that Odysseus had received from a boar hunt many years before he left to fight in the Trojan War, but he convinces the house keeper to remain silent. The side by side(p) day, Penelope has the suitors come into a direction to compete for her in an archery competition that uses the table of Odysseus. None of the suitors are strong enough to string the bow, so Odysseus, disguised as a beggar, steps forward, and as the suitors are laughing at him, he string section it.Then he, his son, and some of his former slaves turn on the suitors, and kill them all. After that, some of the supporters of the slain suitors decide that Odysseus has caused the deaths of too many men from Ithaca, blaming him for the deaths of the men he went to war with, and who were shipwrecked do to their own disobedience, in appendage to the deaths of the suitors. But Athena convinces everyone to accept Odysseus again as the King of Ithaca, and the Odyssey is finished.There are many parallel themes that are present in both the Iliad and the Odyssey, but perchance the most notable theme is the longing for home, which can only be live up to by wisdom. During the Trojan War, Greek forces go through themselves exhausted, and longing for home, but complications are only prolonging the war. Whenever they have a major accomplishment, catastrophe results in the story of the war. After Achilles was able to defeat Hector, Paris defeats Achilles. And in the end, it was the wisdom and patience of Odysseus that one the war for the Greeks.And in the Odyssey, things go much the same way. As Odysseus and his men are trying to return from Troy, and head back to Ithaca, whenever they have a significant gain, a setback seems to follow. When Odysseus got the back of winds that would allow him to control the winds and safely, and quickly voyage the vessels back to Ithaca, his disobedient men cause a problem, sending the ships back the way that they had come from. But in the en d, it was Odysseus only when who returned, as he was able to tailor temptations, and run into his way home to Ithaca, and to his family.And in the very end of Homers story, Odysseus used his wisdom to defeat his final enemies, as he was able to maintain his false identity until every flagellum had been nullified. This is how the Trojan War was won by Odysseus and the Greeks, and how he was able to finally find his way back to his family. Works Cited Homer. The Iliad. trans. Robert Fagles. new-sprung(prenominal) York Penguin, 1990. Finley, M. I. The World of Odysseus. New York Signet, 1974. Myrsiades, Kostas, ed. Approaches to Teaching Homers Iliad and Odyssey. New York MLA, 1987.
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