Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Which Round Should I Apply to Business School
Most business school adcom members will advise that submitting a great application in the second round is far better than submitting a mediocre application in the first round. But what happens when you didnt manage to submit in either Round 1 or Round 2? Business school applicants in this category wonder: â€Å"When should I apply to business school? Should I apply Round 3 or just wait till next year? ï » ¿Ã¯ » ¿ That was my short answer. For a more in-depth analysis of the Round 3 vs. next year application debate, join our live, free webinar where I will address the differences between Round 3 and earlier rounds, the pros and cons of applying R3, and help you answer the million-dollar-question of when you should apply to business school. Fill out the form below to register for the webinar: hbspt.forms.create({ portalId: "58291", formId: "d88ec342-7224-4820-aa0b-49c7cf99de74" }); Need more personalized advice tailored to your unique situation? Work 1-on-1 with an Accepted advisor who will help you figure out when and how to apply successfully to business school. Check out our MBA Consulting Services here. hbspt.cta.load(58291, '81523692-31d9-4059-949d-305e535065c9', {}); For 25 years, Accepted has helped business school applicants gain acceptance to top programs. Our outstanding team of MBA admissions consultants features former business school admissions directors and professional writers who have guided our clients to admission at top MBA, EMBA, and other graduate business programs worldwide including Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Booth, INSEAD, London Business School, and many more. Want an MBA admissions expert to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢ Navigate the MBA Application Maze, a free guide †¢ Should You Apply to B-School Round 3 or Next Year? †¢Ã‚ Is 10 Days Per Business School Application Enough?
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Essay about Comparison of Urban Sociological Theories
Comparison of Urban Sociological Theories In order for an urban sociologist to discover â€Å"How urban societies work,†theories of â€Å"urban ecology†or â€Å"political economy†are used as a guide in their research. Urban ecology refers to the importance of social structure and social organization as shaping social life in the city. Urban ecologist concerns for social order, social cohesion, community ties and social differentiation offer key insight to how societies work (Kleniewski, 2001). Alternatively political economy stresses the use of power, domination and resources in the shaping of cities (Kleniewski, 2001). Urban sociologists’ theoretical approach to research questions is based on fundamental assumptions that they find most useful for†¦show more content†¦He believed that social interactions in modern industrial cities were impersonal and fragmented. He believed that factors such as size, density, and heterogeneity were responsible for social relations found in cities (Kl eniewski, 2001). This theory of human ecology was used to study human behavior such as, lives of gang members, homeless people and immigrants and to study changing land uses over time in order to show how the different populations of the city adapt to and compete for territories (Kleniewski, 2001. In comparison to urban ecology, political economy is concerned with how urban societies work. Although, political economist developed different understandings and interpretations of how urban societies actually work. In the 1970’s the city had many social problems which included welfare, unemployment and tax inflations. Theorist of political economy, Marx, Engels and Weber viewed the city as a site of struggle due to unequal distribution of resources (Kleniewski, 2001). Therefore in contrast to the urban ecology theory of humans being immediately dependent on their environment, the theory of political economy stresses that the city relies not only on its environment but its social arrangement, economic and political functions. Also in contrast to urban ecology, residential patterns are not only influenced by humans just adapting to their natural environment butShow MoreRelatedChoosing Selves : The Salience Of Parental Identity811 Words  | 4 Pagesselecting a college is co mplicated than policy making, this study bridged the gap by relying on ethnographic data from middle-class parents in a large city who were considering sending their children to a diverse neighborhood public school. From a sociological perspective, the authors examined parents’ choice of a particular, based on consumption (as a social and cultural process) and their own identity construction. This selection process, the author believe, involve parents gathering information aboutRead MoreThe Development of the Chicago Schools1684 Words  | 7 Pagesfindings have shaped our understanding of crime in the 21st century. Firstly by introducing the Chicago School theory, also known as the, Theory of Social Disorganisation and the Ecological School Theory. The University of Chicago formed a department of Sociology in 1892 its focus related to issues in Criminology and Sociology, with interests in and towards Social Psychology along with Urban Sociology. The main focus of the Chicago school was that human behaviour was both formed and shaped by theRead MoreThe Theory Of Social Control Theory1668 Words  | 7 Pagessocialization leads to nonconformity. Both theories are traced from the Sociological Criminology. Sociological Criminology was developed by Emile Durkheim in which he thought crime had a relation to social and environmental factors. According to Siegel (2105), â€Å"Durkheim thought that crime was normal because it is virtually impossible to imagine a society in which criminal behavior is absent†(p.11). Social control is a sub theory of Social process theory. Social process theory focuses its attention on socializationRead MoreSuicide Among Women : China s Suicide Rate1354 Words  | 6 Pagesaround 3:1. Law and Pozi also found this ration to be the same for rural to urban suicides. Young females suicides in rural areas of China were a major contribution to suicide rates of China during 1990s. This may be due to the cultural-socioeconomic disadvantages that Chinese rural females hold. In this essay, the possible causes for such high rates in young females suicides in rural China will be explored and comparison as well as connections will be made to Sociologist and Philosopher Emile Durkheim’sRead MoreAnalysis of Marx, Weber, and Durkheims Views Essay1223 Words  | 5 PagesThe sociological views of the three founding fathers; Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim all assert that various aspects of our lifestyle are fully a product of the society in which we live. Each theorist views the impact of society and its manifestation of our identity in a different way. All three of these men used the Industrial Revolution and capitalism to shape their theories of social identity, especially the identity created by capitalisms division of labor; the owners of the meansRead MoreSocial Structure And The Occurrence Of Family Homicides1663 Words  | 7 Pages The Significance of Social Structure Theories in the Occurrence of Family Homicides. Colleen M. Mohsinger NCCU CRJU – 3000 WT1 SP’2015 In 2010, Chelsea Diem and Jesenia M. Pizarro set out to determine whether social structure had an influence on the occurrence of familial homicide in any significant fashion. They wanted to analyze the relationships between social disorganization, economic deficiency, and different types of family homicide. Diem and Pizarro (2010) stated in theirRead MoreStudent Vulnerabilities : An Analysis Of College Choice And Access Gaps Faced By Low Income Students Essay2184 Words  | 9 Pagesstudents from lower socioeconomic backgrounds apply, enroll, and complete postsecondary education at lower rates than students from higher income quartiles. Lower income students also apply to and attend less selective and competitive institutions in comparison to higher income students, a phenomenon known as undermatching. Undermatching is more prevalent among low income students whose parents did not attend postsecondary education, are from rural communities, who lack access to college counselling ,Read MoreFalling Back By Jamie Fader1585 Words  | 7 Pageswithin their suburban communities and were now in the process of behavioral change in order to help them reflect and be able to make better decisions which would lead them to a better life. Fader observed these juveniles as they transitioned back to urban Philadelphia where they would resume their daily lives and also struggle to adopt adult masculine roles: â€Å"After these young men demonstrated sufficient change to earn their release or, more typically staff members determined that they had changed asRead MoreCollective Behavior Theories1765 Words  | 8 Pagesbehavior has shaped our everyday lives in more ways than most of us care to think about. Collective behavior is defined as any event in which a group of people engages in unusual behavior. Unusual may have a negative connotation for some, but from a sociological standpoint, as discussed in class, it simply means against the norm. Even more explanatory than that; behavior that falls outside of the normative expectations for a situation and/or participants. In a normal setting, people wouldn’t behave thisRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article Cracking The Cornfields : Recruiting Illicit Stimulant Drug User s1300 Words  | 6 PagesSome researchers have explained that the focus in urban areas has led to rural felonies being overlooked (Forsyth Copes, 2014). Studies of crime frequently focus on comparisons among urban areas but rarely examine differences in rural areas. I will summarize and critically review the article â€Å"Cracking the cornfields: Recruiting Illicit Stimulant Drug Users in Rural Ohio by Draus et al (2005). The past researches done on illicit drug use in the urban settings and their fairly-effective recruiting techniques
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Andrew Jackson, The Man On The Twenty Dollar Bill - 908 Words
Andrew Jackson, the man on the twenty dollar-bill, is a highly respected commander and an individual who should not be reckoned with. In Hickey’s Glorious Victory, he is regarded as the â€Å"People’s President†and is arguably one of the best leaders to have ruled this nation (Hickey, 48). Despite his success as president, he is tangled in many contradictions. For example, he is known to be racist to the Natives, but adopting a native orphan; he is also known as a slaveholder, but he also welcomed free African Americans to join his army; he is a general who lectured his superiors and ignored orders, while simultaneously demanded unquestionable obedience from his men. Although some individuals question the appropriateness of Jackson’s face on the twenty-dollar bill, his achievements during presidency and in the military preserved the cohesiveness of the American people through his leadership and unrelenting resilience. Jackson’s leadership played a prominent role in the victory of the war in 1812. Although he had disagreements with Wilkinson during the Burr Conspiracy in 1807, Jackson was able to set â€Å"aside his animosity to put the nation first†(46). One hardship Jackson faced between his men and commanding officers was the uprising of mutinies; he was able to keep his soldiers in line by instilling fear in them by having his officers read the section of death penalty for mutineers in the Articles of War. Furthermore, in the middle of his campaign in Natchez, he wasShow MoreRelatedEssay on President Jackson on the Twenty Dollar Bill650 Words  | 3 PagesJackson on the Twenty Dollar Bill Taylor Alton, 7th 11/13/11 I do not believe that President Jackson should be on the twenty dollar bill. He was not a man of good; all he cared about was pleasingRead More Jackson Should Be Removed From the Twenty Dollar Bill Essay944 Words  | 4 PagesJackson Should Be Removed From the Twenty Dollar Bill Awarded the prestigious honor to remain forever engraved on the twenty dollar bill, Andrew Jackson became a figure in American history never forgotten. Future generations of younger students will not need to know Andrew for them to assume he was a great man. Unfortunately, the ignorance of idolizing Jackson because he appears on American currency serves to blanket the realities of his administration. Jackson should be removed from the twentyRead MorePresident Andrew Jackson Should Stay On The 20 Dollar Bill1527 Words  | 7 Pagesnow possess have been immortalized in our currency. President Andrew Jackson, is one of the few American leaders that was chosen to live on forever; however, many now argue whether or not Jackson truly deserves the honor to be represented in the 20 dollar bill--- arguing that there are other better qualified people to take his place; an example being Harriet Tubman. I believe that President Andrew Jackson should stay on the 20 dollar bill. Although many o f his personal beliefs contradict many of ourRead MoreAndrew Jackson : The Second President Of The United States Of America1733 Words  | 7 Pages Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States of America, brave, tough, and mean as a snake but how did he get that way? He was born in South Carolina to his newly emigrated family. His father died soon after he was born, so his mother raised three kids by herself and some Irish immigrant farmers. When he was thirteen he and his brothers joined the Revolutionary war to fight the British. His oldest brother died in battle, but Jackson and his other brother were captured. Jackson disobeyedRead More Andrew Jackson Essay981 Words  | 4 PagesAndrew Jackson No one can argue that as a president, Jackson made no mistakes; however, they in no way disqualify him from having a place on the U.S. twenty dollar bill. Jackson made every decision according to the will of the American people, even the more unsavory ones. He was a war hero that exemplified the strength and tenacity by which America has defined itself over the generations. He acted in all ways with concern for the growth of the American nation, both at home and overseas. Even hisRead MoreAnalyzing Andrew Jacksons Policies and Presidency659 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿Andrew Jacksons Policies and Presidency Andrew Jackson was the seventh president, serving from 1829-1837. Nicknamed Old Hickory, he left an indelible imprint on the nation that extends beyond his face adorning the twenty dollar bill. Jackson split the preexisting Republican Party into the Whig and Democratic Parties, establishing the dual-party structure that exists today. He was the first president who came from a rural, deep Southern background (he was born in the rustic woods of South Carolina)Read MoreThe Legacy Of Andrew Jackson1365 Words  | 6 PagesConceived in time of poverty, Andrew Jackson had turned into a rich Tennessee lawyer. When the time came and the war broke out between Britain and the United States, his administration in that conflict earned Jackson national fame as a military legend. He would then go on to turn into America s most influential and polarizing political figure between the 1820s and 1830s. After barely losing to John Quincy Adams in the 1824 presidential race, Jackson returned four year s after the fact to win reclamationRead MoreThe New Face Of The 20 Dollar Bill857 Words  | 4 PagesHarriet Tubman the new face of the 20 Dollar Bill Harriet Tubman’s face should be the one on the 20 dollar bill. Not only would this change women’s history, but it would change African Americans history too. There has never been a female on our currency let alone a black one. Harriet Tubman devoted her life towards the demolition of slavery, she has been someone people look up to because she has inspired many from her struggle of equality and civil rights, and she is one of the most notable figuresRead MoreThe Legacy Of Andrew Jackson1523 Words  | 7 PagesAndrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767 to Scots-Irish colonists Andrew and Elizabeth Hutchinson Jackson in the mountains between North and South Carolina. Jackson was born into poverty and as a result received very little education growing up. When The British invaded the Carolinas around 1780, Jackson’s mother and two brothers were killed during the conflict and British soldiers took the young Andrew Jackson prisoner, leaving him with a lifelong host ility toward Great Britain. In 1781, JacksonRead MoreTyranny of Andrew Jackson2173 Words  | 9 PagesThe Tyranny of Andrew Jackson Andrew Jackson: the common man or the first king of America? He is viewed by history in many different ways, some see him as the man who granted universal white male suffrage, created a more democratic way to elect electoral voters to congress and replaced caucuses with national nominating conventions; and others, who saw past this false representation and saw how in his eight years in office, he vetoed 12 bills, forced Native Americans from their homeland, ignored supreme
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Amistad Case Of American History - 923 Words
The Amistad case was a very important case in American history. The ship Amistad was a Spanish ship carrying slaves ended up on American soil. The African slaves high jacked the ship and killed the captain and demanded the crew to sail the ship back to Africa. The slaves claimed that they were freeman and not slaves. They had been kidnaped from their homeland brought abroad the ship Amistad which not a slave carrying ship and had suffered cruel and unusual punished aboard the ship. The Spanish claimed that the slaves belong to them and should be returned to them along with all of the cargo from the ship. This case involved several legal issues, the rights of the slaves, the rights of Spain and international laws , the Treaty with Spain, and last but not least the rights of human being according to the U.S. Constitution. In this case the Spanish claimed that the Amistad ship should be returned to them along with all of the cargo that was on board including the slaves. The slaves and all of the cargo were rightfully the property of Spain. They also stated that if the United States would deny their claim they would be in violation of the treaty signed with Spain on October 27, 1795 involving the rights of international laws. The slaves claimed that they were not slaves that they were born freemen in their country of Africa and were kidnaped and brought on board the Amistad. The slaves were accused of murder which they did not deny. They claimed that the Amistad shipShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Heroic Slave of Amistad1516 Words  | 7 Pages In 1997 a movie called Amistad depicted the true story of a group of Africans that were taken from their families and forced into slavery. Although the movie was heavily criticized for its inaccurate tale of the terrible ordeal, it gave the story world-renowned attention. The real story had more drama and tearjerker parts then the movie did. If the movie ever gets remade, hopefully this time it follows the facts exactly. A man named Sengbe Pieh, commonly known in the United States as Jose CinqueRead MoreSlave revolt comparrison of La Amistad and Benito Cereno1564 Words  | 7 Pagesthe ship back to their home country, but how often did that happen in real life? Herman Melville must have gotten his inspiration from somewhere. Around the time that Benito Cereno was written, the slave trade ship La Amistad was sailing around. Throughout history, slave revolts were very common on ships. Slave ships during the 15th century through the 19th century became the arenas of fighting spirits and strong will for captive Africans. Their hope for survival made resistance possibleRead MoreAmistad: The Double Nature of Slavery Essay1022 Words  | 5 PagesAmistad is a 1997 movie that portrays the 1839 mutiny aboard an illegal slave ship called La Amistad. It focuses on the 1841 Supreme Court case where the American justice system is giving the job of deciding what is supposed to happen to the Africans aboard La Amistad, the ship’s captains, the ships and all of the other property aboard the ship. Leading to the rebellion aboard La Amistad, the main character, Cinque’ and a number of his fellow Africans had been illegal stolen and were being broughtRead MoreDo The American Population Know so Much About Slavery?1049 Words  | 5 PagesThe majority of the diverse American population knows a little something about the topic, slavery. Whether they’ve learned about it from a chapter of a textbook or an educational film from their history class, or have heard stories of their ancestors passed down from generation to generation, we all have an idea of what slavery is. However, we do not know the basics. For example, when did slavery come into play? How did this manner of treating â€Å"uncivilized†people like property become accepted, andRead MoreThe Amistad Conflict Essay1401 Words  | 6 PagesThe Amistad Conflict In January 1839, fifty-three African natives were kidnapped from eastern Africa and sold into the Spanish slave trade. They were then placed aboard a Spanish slave ship bound for Havana, Cuba. Once in Havana, the Africans were classified as native Cuban slaves and purchased at auction by two Spaniards, Don Jose Ruiz and Don Pedro Montez. The two planned to move the slaves to another part of Cuba. The slaves were shackled and loaded aboard the cargo ship Amistad (Spanish forRead MoreAnalysis Of The Film La Amistad 942 Words  | 4 PagesSummary In this review, I will be focusing on the symbolism the film La Amistad puts forth in terms of the great injustices of slavery, relating to both domestic usage and international trade. I hope to learn more about the actual events as I research and compare the film’s plot to historical accounts, as well as gaining a better perspective on just how horrid the Middle Passage was. I feel as though abolition would be the most appropriate paradigm for this review, as many of the views expressedRead MoreEssay on Slavery, Womens Rights and Inequality in America1540 Words  | 7 PagesAmerica by far is the most diverse country on the face of the earth. America today is known for freedom, equality, democracy, and a defender against tyranny. The foundation of American values lay in a belief of independence, nationalism, capitalism, and religion. However, many conflicts have arisen over these values in the past. Capitalism and other characteristics have made America great, but they have brought about their own set of inequalities. Those inequalities have deep roots in race, cultureRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Amistad By Steven Spielberg And Howard Jones Book, Mutiny On The Amistad Essay1972 Words  | 8 Pagesâ€Å"Amistad†movie is directed by Steven Spielberg and Howard Jones’ book â€Å"Mutiny on the Amistad: The Saga of a Slave Revolt and its Impact on American Abolition, Law and Diplomacy†are historical accounts of the slave mutiny that occurred in the year 1839. The incident happened when the slaves at sea, aboard on La Amistad. Spielberg’s movie depicts the incident in visual word, whereas Jones’ has written the book and depicted the entire incident by using words. Both mediums capture the case that hadRead MoreReflection Of The Movie Amistad1426 Words  | 6 PagesAmistad 1. What is the Central message of this motion picture? The fact that the freedom that we experience today did not come easy, many things had to happen in order to get where we are. 2. Was the film effective in communicating this message? In what ways? Yes, the film showed what it was like back in the day when people from Africa were forced to leave their homeland and become slaves against their will. It showed how the case against the Amistad Africans led to political changes in the U.S.Read More Amistad Essay2370 Words  | 10 Pages;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;History 103-3 L’Amistad nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Amistad, ironically a ship that means â€Å"friendship,†was the setting of one of the most historical slave revolts led by black Africans in 1839. This revolt gained considerable attention from the American population, the media and well as other international interests. It was the black insurrection on board the Amistad that ignited the underlying issues of politics, slavery, sectionalism
My Speech On The Geography Of India - 1708 Words
It was a warm December day and I woke up to get ready for school. Of course in India, the average temperature stays around 85 degrees Celsius in India, so I woke up in a puddle of sweat. As usual, morning chores had to be done before school. First came milking the cows and the goats. This was by far the hardest chore of the morning, due to the fact that I was always paranoid about getting kicked. After finishing up the chores, I got ready for school. I loved school because it allowed to free myself from the hard working life at home. My favorite was English. It allowed me to express myself in such a creative manner, that I could not simply illustrate with my words. Coming home from school that day, felt like I was on top of the work. I had†¦show more content†¦As soon as I heard this, I knew that my life was over. When I arrived in America, it seemed like something out of a lifestyle magazine. Everything was so much bigger and organized. Back in India, you could have 5 buildings all within 30 feet of each other. It was safe to say that India was the complete opposite of America. It was also safe to say that I hated every bit of this contrast. I remember walking into two Main West High school with my Uncle Raman for admission. Looking up, I could see the royal blue and gold school colors and warrior mascot, which represent the pride and tradition of the school. The schools were so much bigger and cleaner in America. Back in my village, my school consisted of one solid brick layered building with poorly maintained facilities. School was single-handedly the most difficult part of coming to America. It was hard due to the fact that I wasn’t familiar with the American lifestyle, also because I barely knew any English. The only language that I grew up with was Gujrati. This was the only langu age that I knew and grew up speaking. The language barrier led me to struggle with making any friends. People often made fun of me behind my back acting as if I did not understand their notions. As if making friends was hard enough, school work was impossible to comprehend. I often found myself staying up late trying to understand the homework, often being left frustrated because I was not able to understandShow MoreRelatedA Short Note On The And Language Co Exist Within One Society Or Community1597 Words  | 7 Pagessituation is in India, where there is a competition between the use of Hindi and English. This began nearly 175 years ago when Thomas Babington Macaulay proposed the Macaulay’s Minute, which was a document that enforced the language of English to be used as the â€Å"medium of education throughout India†(Pandit). Hindi would be used as a language for heritage and culture while English would be used for government, business, education and even entertai nment. Since gaining independence, India has struggledRead MoreTopic: The uncertain future of English as a global language1100 Words  | 5 PagesTopic: The uncertain future of English as a global language Rationale My written task is based on part one of the English course (Language in cultural context). I have chosen to do an article based on the future of English as a global language. I chose to do this because English today is gaining popularity worldwide, in certain cases influencing the syntax of other languages. In class we spent time discussing the effects of use of English language on a global front. That is when I realized, thatRead MoreWhat Are the Main Characteristics of ‘Emerging Markets’? Essay1211 Words  | 5 Pagesmeans they are undergoing a process. Kvint (2008) indicates that some statistics of reports on emerging market are contradictory, and this inconsistent situation even can be seen from IMF’s reports. For instance, some emerging countries like China and India are classified as emerging markets and are included in the category of developing countries. On the other hand, many of the sub-Saharan countries as emerging markets are definitely still undeveloped. Kvint (2008) suggests that the main and most importantRead MoreA Article On Animal Eyes2610 Words  | 11 Pagesbear. Speech bubbles are scattered throughout the article, adding character to the sloth bears in the photos. From the very beginning of this article, it establishes that these bears are from India and it even includes a small map that illustrates where India is. That automatically can turn this article into a geography lesson. With that information alone, you can research other animals native to India, India’s climate, why India is an ideal place for the sloth bears, the terrain of India, etcRead MoreWorld Environment Day1626 Words  | 7 PagesA short Speech on: World Environment Day Good morning my dear friends and respected teachers. I hope all of you know today is World Environment Day. So, that our school has kept this program. Today I am going to deliver a short speech on World Environment Day. It gives me great pleasure to address you on this World Environment Day 2011. World Environment Day is commemorated worldwide each year under the direction of the United Nations to heighten public awareness of the environment. In recentRead MoreThe Legacy Of The Civil War Essay1471 Words  | 6 Pagesdubiousness of slavery, and while I don’t support the institution, the eventual progress and industrialization of the western world would push slavery into the Northern-styled wage-slavery which exists in factories at this time, and eventually overseas to India and Pakistan, where it exists into the 21st century. Can society exist without slavery? Morally, I hope so. Pragmatically, I doubt it, but that is not the battle I’m fighting today. Besides, the loss of 600,000 lives and copious casualties coupledRead MoreJapanese Automakers in the U.S. Economy Essay1098 Words  | 5 Pagesworked for Honda as a parts counter professional for two years and my brother has been an automotive service technician for almost four years now. Its a great company to work for. Even though Hondas are some of the most popular cars in America, I can assure you that the other automakers arent going bankrupt. Foreign cars are simply better suited for todays youth and marketed accordingly. In a speech in Clevland on March 10, 2004 President Bush said About 16,000 OhioansRead MoreA Successful Entrepreneur: Azim Hashim Premji6129 Words  | 25 Pages1. Entrepreneur Profile: Personal Business A. Personal Premji was born on July 24th 1945 in Bombay (now Mumbai), India, to a Gujarati Khoja Ismaili Shia Muslim family. Azim H. Premji was born to M.H. Hasham Premji. His father M. H. Premji owned the Western India Vegetable Product Company (which later became Wipro Ltd.) which made hydrogenated vegetable oils and fats. His grandfather was the rice king of Burma. His father had declined an invitation from Muhammed Ali Jinnah to go to Pakistan. PremjiRead MoreSsc Tire 1 Sample Paper3526 Words  | 15 PagesGeneral Awareness  (Exam Held on 16-5-2010) 1. India attained ‘Dominion Status’ on (A) 15th January, 1947 (B) 15th August, 1947 (C) 15th August, 1950 (D) 15th October, 1947 Ans : (B) 2. Despotism is possible in a (A) One party state (B) Two party state (C) Multi party state (D) Two and multi party state Ans : (A) 3. Marx belonged to (A) Germany (B) Holland (C) France (D) Britain Ans : (A) 4. Which one of the following is the guardian of Fundamental Rights ? (A) Legislature (B) ExecutiveRead MoreCommunication Style and Cultural Features in High/Low Context Communication Cultures : a Case Study of Finland, Japan and India5045 Words  | 21 PagesCommunication Style and Cultural Features in High/Low Context Communication Cultures: A Case Study of Finland, Japan and India Shoji Nishimura1, Anne Nevgi2 and Seppo Tella3 1 Waseda University, Japan 2 Department of Education, University of Helsinki 3 Department of Applied Sciences of Education, University of Helsinki Abstract People from different countries communicate in ways that often lead to misunder-standings. Our argument, based on Hall’s theory of high/low context cultures (1959, 1966
Half a Defence of Positive Accounting Research Theory †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Half a Defence of Positive Accounting Research Theory. Answer: Introduction Basically, in order to fulfill the desired objectives associated with this research paper, a research article namely Half a Defence of PositiveAccounting Research is selected. Based on this research article, detailed information about the facts, ideas and concepts would be analyzed in order to reach a valid conclusion. Along with this, it is also important to know that, the key purpose or objective of preparing this research paper is to analyze and evaluate the specific roles and functions of positiveaccounting research and theory in the context of accounting. Apart from this, with regards to this research study, a brief and detailed summary would be presented to access and understand the concepts, roles, implications, importance, principles, and applications of positiveaccounting research and theory. On the other hand, specific research questions would be addressed from the research article to effectively understand the research problem. Moreover, in this study, the key strengths an d weakness of the article would also be analyzed in order to effectively attain the research objectives. Summary In the examination article, the writer had clarified and talked about the ideas and centrality of positive accounting theory with respect to bookkeeping research programs keeping in mind the end goal to comprehend the effect of human conduct in the bookkeeping setting. Furthermore, it is also talked about that, individuals demonstration distinctively in the diverse circumstances on the grounds that the practices and demonstrations of individuals are influenced by various variables (Kealey, Lee, and Stein, 2007). It is additionally abridged distinctive religious convictions are broke down by utilizing logical judgment technique that recommends that human conduct might be diverse in the different circumstances and conditions. This is the real target of the positive accounting research. It is additionally investigated that, changed circumstances/conditions are capable to change the activity, demonstration and conduct of individuals. For instance, in his exploration, it is found by the s pecialist that, sensibility of the conduct of human is fitting in more than 80% cases (Aronsson, and Lofgren, 2010). In view of the suppositions and truths of the exploration article, it is also examined that, in the present time of globalization, rivalry and computerized time, the bookkeeping capacities and additionally operations are ending up plainly more confounded, robotized and specialized the collaboration of the general population or human had lessened. It is on the grounds that today every single thing depends on new frameworks and innovation that is diminishing the effect of person. Individuals need to take a shot at the new framework that had diminished the association of the general population (Hodge, Kennedy, and Maines, 2004). Consequently, it is more mind boggling and hard to comprehend the conduct of person. In the examination, the reseracher had utilized different factual and scientific models with a specific end goal to put forth epistemological and ontological expressions and uncover different strategies which the positive bookkeeping exploration could be utilized. It is additionally compressed that, positive accounting research has more extensive degree and can use to comprehend confused hums as well as used to enhance ebb and flow bookkeeping methodologies and process viably (Brigham, and Daves, 2009). Furthermore, it can also abridged that, positive accounting research is a noteworthy zone of positive bookkeeping hypothesis however positive accounting research is more compelling, suitable, important and critical than the positive accounting. For instance, with the assistance of positive accounting research, distinctive research in the range of bookkeeping can be performed to bring improvement and development inside the ebb and flow bookkeeping methodologies, process and techniques. Interestingly, through the positive bookkeeping hypothesis, diverse applications, ideas and crucial standards could be connected inside the bookkeeping setting (Porter and Norton, 2008). These are the significant elements and functionalities that bring contrasts among the positive research and positive bookkeeping hypothesis. Besides, positive bookkeeping examination is likewise considers and manage the different gauges, principles and directions and such standards are set by the controllers and additio nally arrangement creator (Deegan, 2014). Moreover, every one of the choices and activities with respect to the positive accounting research are taken by the experts, unique specialists and evaluators. However, with a specific end goal to lead the review, the researcher had embraced different hypothetical strategies that don't give legitimate and proper avocations. For instance, in the review, the analyst had expected that human are judicious in more than eighty percent cases which demonstrates that more than 20% exclusion to this situation. In the meantime, it is additionally found from the review that, positive bookkeeping hypothesis has an immediate and roundabout association with an organization's legally binding worth (Ittner, Larcker, and Meyer, 2003). Additionally, in this review, the scientist had concentrated on embracing both speculation and measurable testing procedures of research keeping in mind the end goal to test, and assess the sensibility of human conduct yet have sorrowfully unsuccessful in the same. There is no particular cause is discovered in light of the fact that the speculation is completely in view of the picked tests. There are a few confinements in the examination concentrate done by the creator (Dunmore, 2009). Furthermore, it can also be outlined that, in this review, the researcher had legitimately centered on creating and crating much better hypothetical models and strategy for the testing that are amazingly defenseless and modern to help thorough testing. Furthermore, in the review, diverse ideas identified with positive research, positive bookkeeping, estimation are outlined by the writer in the review that are more critical in understanding the human conduct in the bookkeeping setting. Thus, extraordinary particular and critical ideas are talked about in the review by the creator (Drake, and Fabozzi, 2012). Research Questions The findings and facts of the research article address several significant and more valuable research questions for the further study. For case, the following are the main research questions linked with this research article are listed as below: How positive accounting theory as well as positive research are interrelated with each other. Provide specific reasons and their implications? What types of roles could be played a business firms by using positive accounting research? What are the key advantages and disadvantages of using positive research accounting setting? (Homaifar, 2004) How a company could bring innovation and development through positive research approach for the purpose to improve productivity and profitability? How different applications and principles of positive research and theory could be applied in the accounting practices by a company? Describe how mathematical and hypothesis could be used for the research in the area of accounting? What types of issues and difficulties could be encountered by a company in using positive accounting research? How to use qualitative and quantitative to develop and conduct positive accounting research? (Porter, and Norton, 2008). Explain the roles, significance, value and importance of positive accounting research in analyzing and understanding the attitude and behavior of human being in the accounting? All these are the key research objectives that are directly or indirectly linked with the given research article and provide scope for the further research in the area of accounting research. Theoretical Framework In this research, the researcher had talked about various hypothetical ideas in the region of bookkeeping and fund that could be utilized by the reviewers, bookkeepers and back trough in their practices to enhance their comprehension. For instance, this exploration gives hypothetical discourse on the utilizations, noteworthiness and significance of the positive bookkeeping hypothesis and research in bookkeeping setting. Such hypothetical structure can likewise be utilized by the bookkeepers inside their beginnings keeping in mind the end goal to bring advancement and improvement inside the present bookkeeping frameworks. In addition, with the assistance of positive bookkeeping research, they would likewise have the capacity to lead investigate in the range of bookkeeping. It would likewise enable them to take most suitable choices to enhance the monetary and bookkeeping exchanges (Lobo, and Zhao, 2013). Similarly, the hypothetical ideas examined in the examination by the analyst would help in enhancing the basic leadership capacities of the troughs and bookkeepers. For instance, the hypothetical structure identified with positive bookkeeping examination would help the bookkeepers to understand complex issues of the business viably. Then again, through the powerful utilization of hypothetical models talked about in the review, an individual bookkeeper can enhance current bookkeeping activities, practices, and systems. It would likewise bring responsibility, adaptability, unwavering quality and exactness inside the different bookkeeping exchanges and process. Aside from this, it is additionally found that, the primary hypothetical system related with this exploration paper is to examine the human conduct in the bookkeeping setting by utilizing different measurable and hypothetical research strategies in a viable and legitimate way (Nissim and Penman, 2001). Significance and Limitations The principle noteworthiness of the exploration article is that it gives extension to the further review on the subject "effect of positive accounting research on the aggregate achievement and development of an organization. The researcher had talked about various inspecting, hypothetical and speculation strategies and systems to test the outcomes. Along these lines, it is critical to see how to utilize different sorts of research technique to direct the exploration contemplate and accomplish the normal results. What's more, this examination article is additionally critical in light of the fact that it improves information and comprehension about the effect of positive bookkeeping hypothesis on the accomplishment of an organization. Furthermore, the review had likewise examined different ideas identified with the positive bookkeeping hypothesis and research. This enhances understanding about the significant contrasts among these two and their effect in the bookkeeping setting. Alongs ide this, this examination article had opened the way to talk about the different points with regards to positive research. Similarly, one might say that, this examination article is more profitable, and critical. The primary restriction of the article is that, in this article more muddled and commonplace research strategies are utilized to test the outcomes and accomplish the examination results. For case, the specialist had utilized more perplexing speculation, examining and hypothetical technique for research with a specific end goal to satisfy the points and targets of the review. In this way, these strategies are difficult to utilize and comprehend and make perplexity among the perusers (Hay, Knechel, and Wong, 2006). Then again, the exploration had not exhibited and talked about the examination questions, look into targets and research points that are a key constraint of the review. Alongside this, he had likewise considered and talked about most basic piece of the exploration that required more recommendations. In the meantime, the creator had greatly centered on past reviews to finish the examination that shows need utilization of essential technique in the review. For instance, the specialist had utilized different existing speculations and their applications with a specific end goal to lead the review however these have changed every now and then and this may influence the exploration results and results. Alongside this, the exploration did not utilize factual strategy against the estimation mistakes that is a principle restriction of this review. In addition, it is likewise found that, there is no connection of research targets with the exploration issues. Consequently, all these are the real restrictions related with this examination article (Schmidt, 2014). Conclusion On the premise of above discourse, it can be reasoned that, positive bookkeeping research has more extensive degrees than positive bookkeeping hypothesis. Additionally, it can likewise be presumed that, with the powerful utilization of positive research, the human conduct can be broke down in the bookkeeping setting. In the meantime, it is additionally broke down that, in the present time, positive bookkeeping is not filling in according to gauges, standards so there is it require more methodological and efficient techniques. Also, one might say that, with the assistance of positive research, particular bookkeeping choices could be taken by the organization by fathoming different bookkeeping challenges. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
International Of Advanced Research Computer â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The International Of Advanced Research Computer? Answer: Introduction The main aim of the report is to focus on the aspect of ransomware attack which has recently. The working of the threat of the ransom ware attack and with the attack the recommendation for the company is put forward. The main economics of the report is a detailed description of the revenue cycle that is mainly followed by the organizations with it identification of the threads which is incorporated in the system which is followed by the organization. Overview of the Revenue Cycle The main functionality of the company is the manufacture of motherboard, card and microchips graphics repairs across the Australia in a central city and the departments are located on the outskirts of the town (Wells Bravender, 2016). Being a small enterprise company the revenue system which is followed by the company is very much precise. The main feature which is incorporated by the company involve payment through a credit card with the use of the online website of the company. The order is invoiced and the main order is send to the ware house in order to the packing of the goods. The service of the customer is mainly done through the alphabetical manner. The source number is usually twenty in number and the overall orders which are going out is mainly more than that. When there is loss of any product the process which is incurred is that the item is logged into a log book in order to get updated into the record. Identification of threats The following table mainly discuss about the threats that are faced by the company Internal Control Weaknesses There is no physical counting of the inventory items. Impact These Weaknesses If the items are not kept a track of then if something gets lost then it will not be found Specific Internal Controls Tagging the items in the inventory and then keeping a track of the location the item was last stored can help in the tracking of the lost items. Also keeping an active connective closed circuit camera would help in looking after the warehouse floor (Sittig Singh, 2016). Impact of the weakness In any organization the database in order to keep the record of the customers plays a vital role, the company lags behind in this field (Kharraz et al., 2015). In the process of not keeping the record when the size of the item increase. On the other hand, the customers get a free trial of 30days this puts high stress on the working team and also on the financial aspect of the company. The use of dock for the outgoing and accounting delivery of the item can be stated as a point of concern. Overview of the Ransom ware attack The main factor which caused the problem was a self-replicating software piece that mainly took advantage of the different vulnerabilities with the main focus on older versions of Microsoft windows. Finding an exposed target, it spreads from system to system. the attack of the ransom ware resulted in demand of ransom which varied from an amount of $US300 and it mainly accompanied increase in amount on an hourly basis. The security holes where disclosed several weeks after by the shadow brokers, this group was a mysterious group that mainly published different hacking tools which was used by the NSA (Collier, 2017). Right after the discloser the Microsoft company issued softwares which mainly included the patches which was made for the loop holes. On the other hand, it can also be stated that many companies did bot install the patches or used older versions of the operating system which did not support the patches which was oriented to protect the system (MohurlePatil, 2017). The most disruptive kind of attack was targeted towards the clinics and the hospital which were in Britain. The case forced to turn away patients after the access of the computer system was not allowed due to the attack. There were many other countries which were involved in the attack for example Spain, Russia, Portugal. Cyber extortionist mainly ticked the victims in order to open malicious attachment which had the malware in order to spam emails that mainly appear to be contained in job offers, invoices, warning which are related to security and other files of legitimate. Recommendations From the above discussion it can be stated that the most important aspect that is related to the problem is that is the company Motherboard and Pvt Ltd faces problem with the tracking of the goods in their warehouse. The items have been tagged and kept in the shelf. The items should be tagged and number with the help of a radio frequency identification tags (RFID). This would help in knowing the location of the product and if an unauthorized way were taken up to take the item out of the warehouse then the tags would help in informing the authorities about the item being taking out of the warehouse (Gupta Tripathi, 2017). Conclusion It can be concluded from the report that the ransom ware attack on the organization has faced many loss of data in aspect to the financial condition and related to the company. The detailed study of the case study is mainly based on the drawback which is related to the technical drawback related to the warehouse. 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