Saturday, December 28, 2019
Ethnographic Comparison African, Indian, and Chinese cultures - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1266 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/06/24 Category Culture Essay Level High school Topics: Ethnographic Essay Did you like this example? Throughout the duration of this composition, I will provide cultural information depicted from the African, Indian, and Chinese cultures. The information will consist of background information, societal issues, policies that are implemented, and the profound decisions, law making and the way a group of individuals live in general. (Petrakis, Kostis, 2013) explained how cultural differences were a notion utilized in policy creation that highlights the impact of cultural capital on population and individual behavior. The cultural and social capitals experience stress when the individuals in charge of policy creation and how policies come into contact with financial incentives and the access to information that has an effect on widespread human conduct. The the accumulation of knowledge, behaviors, and skills is known as cultural capital, this is also a social asset that advances social mobility (Lareau, 1987). To give a better understanding, things that fit such a criteria may consist of, schooling, dress style, reason, outward impression, and verbal accent. The influence that these things exert over a culture covers mass communication, friends, establishments, and family members. Change is exhibited in many ways including societal normalities, and viewpoints that influence the actual implementation of action. The African, Indian and Chinese societies actually share some of the same qualities and are also able to be contrasted as well as it relates to cultural alterations, law making, and widespr ead fiscal determinations. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Ethnographic Comparison: African, Indian, and Chinese cultures" essay for you Create order India happens to be an extremely diverse religious country with many cultures living there and none of these differences has deterred their unionship. The Indian culture has greatly impacted the fiscal outcome and widespread way of living because of an incline in wise choices. This is largely attributed to the training of the Indians (Tenhunen), 2012). There exists a great educational system in place within the Indian culture. Such system aids with the raising and instilling of morals and values, along with helping them develop the skill of great decision making. Also, in their culture, children are raised in a way that propels the probability of them being a accountable progressive adult. The way that they dress is multifarious and distinctive as it pertains to fashion. It exhibits the diversity of cultures within the country. These distinctive ways of living has undoubtedly been a influential force as it relates to the behavior of individuals and the widespread normalities of livin g. Also, more individuals are in stable jobs in India than China and Africa. The continent of Africa is flourishing with countries being advanced, as well as so many different cultures and tribes. In Africa, the culture directly guides law making and fiscal behavior. For instance, education in Africa is progressively improving, individuals are realizing the importance of educating their familial construct in order to advance the future fiscal situation of the country. It has been asserted that the norms within the culture are able to impede the educational mutations. It requires much effort to terminate regressive societal normalities like female genitalia disfigurement. The dress code is an additional cultural capital that has a notable impact on the mutation of abilities into good beliefs that may be utilized to create more meaningful policies. Most African people have begun dressing in a more contemporary light. With the exception of those communities that still live in what is considered the wild. The quality of life in Africa is not adequate when equate d to China and India, this is largely attributed to lack of gainful labor and destitution. The way that the young is raised in Africa has an immense impact on the temperament and the way that the generation behaves and make decisions once they become of age. Many traditional families in Africa determines the role of the female to be one which takes care of and raises the children. This may cause a distorted development of conduct that could also cause distasteful being. China is the most populated country in the world. It has over 1billion people compared to 7 billion world population. Its economy is also one of the strongest in the world due to the use of modern technology in manufacturing of products. Because of that varied tribal, ethnic and racial population that is in one geographical place, there are various social and cultural aspects that influence the decision making, standards of living and general economic behavior of the country. According to Chu, G. C., Ju, Y. (1993), various forms of cultural capital such as education and intellect among others has enabled China to make public policies that helps the country to expand its global market of goods and services and thus creating a stronger economy. Education and the role of parenting in shaping child education is lower in china compared to India though there are many intellects in china because they stress in gaining of knowledge and technical skills even using informal means of education. The behavior of Chinese people and their innovative skills is a product of the kind of parenting and social influence by close associates that cause the culture change that has helped drive the economic performance of the country. Chinese enjoys higher standards compared to Africans and the Indians due to the use of skills and intellect to improve their infrastructures and other social amenities. The benefits, social problems and policy issues associated with culture change According to Liu, K. (2004), Culture change has been a benefit the three ethic societies but in varied measures depending on the degree of influence of the role of parenting, families, close associates and institutions in shaping the attitudes, believes and the behaviors of its people. The influence of culture change brings socio-economic development which in terms improves the standards of living, employment levels and the welfare of the people. Cultural capital is an ingredient in culture change that catalyses the efficiency of human capital to increase productivity by encouraging good attitude, behavior and focus in good policy and decision making. Adopting good behavior and channeling energy to better ways of improving the standards of living is the only way of ensuring that the optimal social welfare of the people is achieved. The social problems that will arise with culture change my include loss of morals, crime, widening of poverty gap and inequity in social welfare. This is due to unbalanced economic development among various regions in a country and the adopting of new ways of doing things. Conclusion In conclusion, its good to understand that culture change is a long-lasting social process. Policy makers should therefore endeavor to improve and redefine some of the basic cultural traits in the society that will enable people to focus of good decision making. Political and economic institutions should be reformed and restructured to give space to culture change. This will be the only way to influence change and gain from cultural capital that is sometimes underestimated by most policy makers. From the analysis of the three ethnic societies it is clear that culture change is good aspect of good policy and decision making. References Chu, G. C., Ju, Y. (1993). The great wall in ruins: Communication and cultural change in China. Albany: State Univ. of New York Press. Fonlon, B. N. (2010). Challenge of culture in Africa: From restoration to integration. Mankon, Bamenda, Cameroon: Langaa RPCIG. Lareau, A. (1987). Social class differences in family-school relationships: The importance of cultural capital. Sociology of education, 73-85. Liu, K. (2004). Globalization and cultural trends in China. Honolulu: Univ. of Hawaii Press. P.E. Petrakis, P.C. Kostis (2013) Economic Growth and Cultural Change, Journal of Socio-Economics, Issue C, Vol. 47, pp. 147-157, DOI 10.1016/j.socec.2013.02.011 Tenhunen, S., Sa?â‚ ¬a?â‚ ¬va?â‚ ¬la?â‚ ¬, M. (2012). An introduction to changing India: Culture, politics and development. London: Anthem Press.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Othello as an outsider Essay - 768 Words
Set in 16th century Venice, Othello, by William Shakespeare, explores the idea of an outsider from the very beginning of the play. Shakespeare uses Othello, a black army general, to explore the relationship of an outsider in high Venetian society using a variety of approaches. The reader sees characters consistently referring to Othello in derogatory and demeaning terms, as well as frequent implications that Othello is scarcely human. Further exploration of an outsider in society comes from Othello himself, as he outlines a few of the major differences that set him and the community apart. Throughout the first act, a host of disparaging and select terms are used to describe Othello by a number of different characters. Referred to as†¦show more content†¦Another suggestion that Othello is not a normal being comes when Brabantio accuses him of bewitching his daughter: (to Othello) ‘That thou hast practised on her with foul charms/ Abused her delicate youth with drugs and minerals.†Indicating that Othello dabbles in supernatural forces, the implication appears again that he belongs to a very different race to which he lives among. The relationship of an outsider to society is also explored through Othello himself, as he recognises the differences between him and those around him. While describing his and Desdemona’s love, Othello tells (about himself): â€Å"Rude am I in speech/ And little blessed with the soft phrase of peace.†In these words, Othello is able convey that he is a little awkward in speech, and not a smooth talker, with the unspoken understanding that others in the room are. Othello goes on, â€Å"For since these arms of mine had seven years pith/ Till now some nine moons wasted/ †¦in the tented field/ †¦ little of this great world can I speak.†Here the reader learns that Othello, unlike the assortment of senators and the Duke, has spent most of his life in battle, and therefore has not had a lot of lifeShow MoreRelated Othello the Outsider Essay1233 Words  | 5 PagesOthello the Outsider      Shakespeares tragic hero, Othello, was a man whose gifts far outnumbered his weaknesses. On the battlefield, he was accomplished; in his profession, he was highly ranked; and, in his life, he was blissfully married. Despite these great advantages, however, Othellos destiny was ruin. Everything he had so carefully made for himself would be destroyed by one flaw: his fear of remaining an outsider. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
The article on Marlise Munoz by Parker
Question: What evidence has the author used to support his/her view? Is there significant evidence missing or a significant point of view that is not addressed? Answer: The article by Parker (2014) is about a 33-year old Marlise Munoz, a patient who was hospitalized after collapsing due to pulmonary embolism. She was later declared brain dead by the medical team besides discovering that she was expectant with a pregnancy of 14 weeks. She was put on life support with reference to the Texas state laws that advocate for support of a critically ill pregnant patient in order to ensure the unborn baby is born or viable unless these actions are against the advance care directive of the patient specifying the desired actions under these circumstances. However, Marlises spouse and parents were against the medical support, arguing that it was against her advance care directive and under the current situation she was being utilized as an incubator. After a lawsuit by the husband, the court provided a directive to withdraw the life support 10 weeks after hospitalization The ethical dilemma with this case is that the client was declared brain dead and in extension she is dead, and life sustenance support cannot be provided to such a person. Thus the question posed was whether it is ethical to keep a dead expectant woman alive with medical technology support to maintain their pregnancy. Other issues in question include abortion, advance care directive, decision-making capacity of the family for the patient and the rights of the fetus. There are various versions that provide guidance on the matter of pregnancy sustenance in different states, Texas being the most restrictive. The variances are due to the consideration of factors such as whether the child can develop till birth and if there is any advance care directive that provides guidance on decision-making under the circumstances. The question brought forth in the article is the ethics surrounding the issue of life support by medical intervention while the critically and terminally ill patient is pregnant with a confirmed brain death. The life-prolonging as provided by most state laws throughout the United States of America stipulate that they are applicable if only one is alive and without suffering from brain death as the case with Marlise (Stauch, Wheat Tingle, 2012). The medical professionals should, therefore, seek an interpretation of the law agencies to understand the laws as well as have an insight on the ethics governing it not to provide interventions against the wish of patients. Notably, the purpose of the article is to provide information on the ethical dilemmas that exist in the medical profession especially is one is pregnant and critically, how they are handled and what implications they have for both the family of the patient involved and the general public. Therefore, the authors point of view is that it is imperative for the advance care directive of the patient to be followed when they are not competent to make their own decisions besides considering the law that governs withdrawal of treatment. Medical ethics can be maintained by having an in-depth understanding of the laws around the four issues highlighted; advance care directive, withdrawal of treatment, euthanasia and abortion (Stauch, Wheat Tingle, 2012). However, the significant point of view that is not addressed in this case is if patient autonomy ceases with the legally recognized brain death, can the family decide to make a contradicting decision concerning the body of the patient? If I could talk to the author, then I would ask, if the response to this question is yes or no, what laws can be utilized to guide such decisions made by the family and what ethical considerations should be made? References Parker, M, (2014, January 21), Brain death, pregnancy and ethics: The case of Marlise Munoz, Retrieved September 25, 2016, from the, Stauch, M, Wheat, K, Tingle, J (2012), Text, cases and materials on medical law and ethics, New York: Routledge.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Catalina Concert Report free essay sample
I went to Catalina Bar Grill which located at Sunset Blvd, Hollywood to see a Jazz concert, featuring Kevin O’Neal and Patrice Quinn, along with Oscar Hernandez, Sid Jacobs and Aaron Serfaty on Thursday, Mar 06, 2014. My roommate and me were lost and once and had a hard time trying to locate Catalina but fortunately we made it on time anyway. According to our professor the club is a nice place and indeed I have to admit that after I taste the food there. We finished our delicious dinner and wait for the concert to begin. The performance started at about nine o’clock. On that night professor O’Neal was doing a lot of jobs including a bass guitar player, singer, and the composer of this concert. He received rounds of applause as soon as he stood on the stage. There was twelve pieces of melody in this brilliant performance. We will write a custom essay sample on Catalina Concert Report or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The first song was â€Å"Black Butterfly,†and of course the composer is professor Kevin O’Neal who also started with a bass solo, and later on, piano and drum with a fast beat changed the slow bass beat, and then all the three instrument joined together. I think this piece of music was showing the beautiful black butterfly’s journey of life. It made me wonder the taste of nature and the freedom in the sky. The following pieces are â€Å"The way you look tonight,†which composed by Jerome Kers and Lyric by Dorothy Fields, â€Å"They Can’t Take That Away From Me†by GershwinGershwin, and â€Å"Now Or Never†with the composer Holiday, C. R. Lewis. These three melody’s beat was no real difference with the first song, but those three melodies were in a similar theme, which was about the beautiful sad/ romantic love. The singer Patrice Quinn’s singing was really catching to my ear that was really relax and unique. Her voice fully filled this beautiful place until the melody ended. The rests of the songs, â€Å"Pannonica†, â€Å"Ceora†, â€Å"There For You†, â€Å"Ball Chain†, â€Å"California Soul†, â€Å"Save A Thought For Me†and the last piece â€Å"Expectation†are all composed by professor O’Neal. â€Å"There For You†was in a slow beat that was about the happiness love. â€Å"Ball Chain†was showing the black slavery that works for the landlord with nothing. I think this song`s purpose to promote the idea of equality. â€Å"California Soul†was my favorite song since we are here in California. The fantastic thing about this song is that it actually made me feel the breeze from the beach and the smell of the sunshine. â€Å"Save A Thought For Me†was starting with the piano that just remind me of the nature and a beautiful rainbow right after the storm. The last piece of music was â€Å"Expectation. †It begun with a short bass solo then singer Patrice Quinn combined her slow singing with professor O`Neal`s singing. After piano, drum and bass in a faster beat. Both of the singers singing together and reach to the ending of this performance. In conclusion, professor O`Neal`s performance was really interesting because it is actually the first music concert experience for me. Additionally it is also very meaningful because it made me start to get to know more about the jazz musician’s life. Moreover, I have truly experienced the power of music that can infect all different people regardless of their nationality, since all of us international student enjoyed the performance very obviously.
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