Thursday, November 28, 2019
HARRIET TUBMAN Essay Research Paper free essay sample
HARRIET TUBMAN Essay, Research Paper Many slaves tried to get away from the South to the freedom that awaited them in the North. One adult female who made it to the North, nevertheless, repeatedly risked her cherished freedom and returned to the South to smuggle out 100s of slaves. To free themselves of this irritant in their sides, the slave proprietors offered a immense wages # 8211 ; 40 thousand dollars for her gaining control! But they neer captured Harriet Tubman. Harriet Tubman was born into bondage on a Maryland plantation in the 18 mid-twentiess. Hired out as a nanny at the age of seven, she was beaten every clip the babe cried. Finally, she ran off from the plantation, but she was captured and returned to it, merely to be treated worse than earlier. Although she was hardly five pess tall, Harriet Tubman was hired out to lade wood, split tracks, and do other sorts of tough physical work. We will write a custom essay sample on HARRIET TUBMAN Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Then she worked with her male parent, Ben, a powerful adult male who was at place with nature and the land. Ben taught Harriet the art of endurance. Soon she could observe which berries were comestible and which were toxicant. She could walk through the wood without doing a sound. Harrie t Tubman was ready to apply her knowledge of the outdoors to reach her goal. When Harriet Tubman discovered that she was to be sold, she knew the time had come. She must escape. One night, with little more than the clothes she wore, she slipped off into the dark, traveling in shadows and resting in hiding places that she found along the way. Harriet Tubman finally was free, but she was not content. This selfless woman would not be satisfied until every slave was freed. She led out members of her own family, then anyone who had the courage to make the trip. Harriet risked her own life to help free others. After nineteen trips into the South, she had led hundreds of slaves to freedom. She became a legend of the Underground Railroad. But her life’s work had not yet ended. During the Civil War, the sick, hungry, and wounded fugitive slaves were housed on the islands off the coast of South Carolina. Harriet Tubman, of course, was there to help nurse them to health. She even serve d as a scout for the Union Army and joined Union soldiers on their raids. Having risked her life so many times, it was amazing that this brave woman lived to be over ninety.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Warbling and Garbling
Warbling and Garbling Warbling and Garbling Warbling and Garbling By Maeve Maddox I thought I knew the meaning of warble and garble. If asked to define them, Id say that warble means to sing melodiously and garble means to distort spoken words, or to distort the sense of something written. These definitions from the OED suggest that Im on the right track: warble: v. intr. To modulate the voice in singing; to sing with trills and quavers. In later use †¦ to sing softly and sweetly, in a birdlike manner; often merely a jocose substitute for sing. garble: v. To make selections from with a (usually unfair or mischievous) purpose; to mutilate (a statement, writing, etc.) with a view to misrepresentation. A singer might warble a song. A sound transmission might become garbled. A translator might garble a work in translation, or a sentence might become garbled when transcribed or digitalized. The words can still be found used with the meanings I recognize: Connie Francis warbles the hit title tune [Where the Boys Are]. Russias Mr. Trololo†¦may warble across America: The clip, which features Khil wordlessly warbling his way through a track †¦ has been viewed several million times on YouTube†¦ Some writers seem to be using warble when they mean garble: the person†¦proved your point with their warbled comment†¦it was difficult to even follow their train of thought the whole table began singing a warbled but hearty version of the song My head is full of warbled wordswords that don’t quite form the pictures because they are so outlandish. Sometimes warble and garble occur in tandem: Like some vamp from a bygone era, Connie Chung, the former CBS and CNN anchorwoman warbled and garbled - it cant be called singing - a farewell†¦ She [a court defendant] calls into question the violation of her constitutional right to have the proceedings interpreted when she says that she has been advised that the presiding officer warbled and garbled some interpretation to her. The process of digitalizing audio and video seems to have revived another meaning of warble in a sense that the OED labels obsolete: to vibrate, quiver; to wobble: Im wondering if people know how a lot of the warbled/warped sounds ala Boards Of Canada/Warp Records is achieved? I am just embarking on the ripping of old cassettes and the first one I popped into my deck today is warbled beyond repair. I convert a lot of old time radio shows to mp3s so I probably notice it more, but once you go below a certain level of kps, you start to get a warbled quality to the audio. [or should that be garbled?] And then there are the uses embedded in language whose overall meaning I can only guess at: When i tried to open an avi file with gxine, the picture was warbled and i got an error message I did what you suggested and it is better. The bounce to .wav played fine in the workspace. I open itunes imported the .wav then made an mp3 version in itunes. It was not as good as the .wav thinner sounding but none of the warbling like you were tweaking a flanger. Anybody know what a flanger is? Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Examples of Passive Voice (And How To Fix Them)What is Dative Case?Types of Ignorance
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Philosophy Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Philosophy Paper - Essay Example An in-depth analysis of Aristotle’s criticism of Plato will necessarily reveal that, in some cases, Aristotle has failed to perceive the heart of Platonic concept of ‘form’. In other cases, it seems that Plato himself failed to predict oppositions such Aristotle’s criticisms and, therefore, to add some reasonable tenets to the concept of ‘form’. For example, he could say that Forms are the replications of the One and Oneness, and as the terms, ‘one’ and ‘many’, are meaningless without one another, ‘form’ and ‘particulars’ are meaningless without each other. For human cognitive process, both are simultaneously necessary, though ‘form’ precedes physical reality, as one precedes many. Indeed, these tenets are inherent to the idea of ‘form’ and they need not be invented; rather they need to be discovered. Aristotle’s criticisms themselves have limitations; therefor e, referring to those limitations and proving the effectiveness of the concept of ‘form’ to explain those limitations, Plato could make his theory of ‘form’ more self-sufficient. Plato claims that different ‘forms’ of different physical realities exist prior to the existence of physical realities. For him, the physical realities are the replicas or facsimiles of the ‘form’. He sees it as the ideal essence of the physical existence of things in this world. It is perfect, indivisible, transcendent and immutable. He believes that because of an innate idea of these forms, man can know things as they are. On the other hand, Aristotle complains that though ‘form’, as Plato assumes, exists prior to things’ physical existence, â€Å"Forms arises even of things of which we think there are no Forms†(Socrates 27). He further complains that Plato’s ‘form’ is applicable to static images of things (which he often names ‘substance’); therefore, it is not applicable to dynamic process of things such dissolution, decay, birth, etc. In Aristotle’s own words, â€Å"what on earth the Forms contribute to sensible things, either to those that are eternal or to those that come into being and cease to be. For they cause neither movement nor any changes in them†(Socrates 28). He makes his third criticism on the ground that the ‘substance’, which is concrete also, cannot evolve from the abstract, as he says, â€Å"All other things cannot come from the Forms in any of the usual senses of 'from'†(Socrates 34). Aristotle’s most severe criticism of Aristotle comes in a form of question: â€Å"why should '2' be one and the same in the perishable 2's or in those which are many but eternal, and not the same in the '2 itself' as in the particular 2?†(Socrates 39) Here, he asks that if two different particulars have something in comm on, will there be three forms (two for the two particulars and one for the common feature)? Plato could star his refutation of Aristotle’s criticisms by excavating the inherent limitations of Aristotle’s theory of ‘substance’. According to Plato, â€Å"‘Forms’ are as it were patterns fixed in the nature of things. The other things are copied from the Forms and are similarities.â€
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
GBST300 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
GBST300 - Essay Example For example in the book â€Å"How to get filthy rich in Asia†by Hamid a poor person who is the protagonist moves to city and becomes an industrialist. In a city, the education, health and security is better in village than city. Education a person can get from a school or college in village because comparing to health and security, education takes a second place. In city health and security is less and in village people can get fresh air, food and water. In village people can feel safe as there are no crowding people and there is no traffic of strangers. In a village the people know each other and feel safe. There is good health due to the reason that people are physically active. They do not spend their time leisurely and get enough time to walk or get active. Moreover they do not eat fast food or other processed food like city dwellers. They raise their own food and eat wholesome food which give them good nutrition and health. They also have access to fresh water and are not subjected to pollution. The â€Å"White horse village†is a documentary which shows the unhealthy ways of city dwellers that in greed of money and power are destroying a village in China. Getting ahead in cities is not easy. For this one person need to be competitive and need to be selfish and be materialistic. They need to be thinking of earning money by any means and others interests does not stand in their way. One needs to sacrifice their morals and ethical standard. In city one need to avoid love friendly attitude and should be ready for debt. In the book by Hamid the characters are all thinking that they are the hero which is the attitude needed in city life. The people should be ready to be unethical and the protagonist of his novel wants to go back to rural life after being rich and lost in a city lifelike the protagonist in the novel by Hamid who ignores religion, value and love
Monday, November 18, 2019
Article Review for Research Class Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Article Review for Class - Research Paper Example The demographic collection of data was done in the two metropolitan cities of china. The samples were different from one another in terms of age and genders of adolescents. The first sample for the method of study included 110 female students from junior high school, out of which 96, 52 and 52 were from grade one, two and three respectively. The first sample was conducted in the Guangzhou city only. The second sample included 114 females and males students from high school out of which 53 were males and 61 were females. The third sample was based upon 270 late adolescents. In this sample 170 students were male while 100 were female students. The third sample included students from the University of Zhejiang. Along with these three samples of male and female students, the researchers conducted the research with the help of a questionnaire that was designed to evaluate the relationship of students with their fathers and mothers. The questionnaire also evaluated the relationships of ado lescents with peers. The questionnaire that was conducted for the research was Inventory of parent and peer attachment that was designed as a self-report (Song, Thompson, & Ferrer, 2009). After the analysis of the qualitative research, it is visible that the design of method greatly supported the main objective of the research that was to analyze the relation between attachment and self-evaluation. The relation had been used in the study to juxtapose the age and gender differences among the adolescents. The method of analysis procedure included the closer evaluation study of age difference in terms of attachment, age differences in terms of self-evaluation, the nature of relationships in terms of the constructs, gender differences in terms of self-evaluation and attachment and most importantly test of variance and factors that loaded variance and covariance
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Hohfeldian Analysis Of Rights Philosophy Essay
The Hohfeldian Analysis Of Rights Philosophy Essay The concept of analyzing legal rights in a broader sense was given by Professor Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld. Professor Hohfeld was born in 1879. He graduated in 1901 from the University of California and moved to Harvard Law School. There, he served in the capacity of editor of Harvard Law Review and graduated with honors in 1904. Professor Hohfeld then taught from 1905-1913 at Stanford Law School. Later in his career, he shifted to Yale Law School. He taught at the prestigious law school until his demise in 1918 [1] . Professor Hohfeld has contributed significantly to the field of Jurisprudence. He attempted to simplify the term right by creating an analysis that separates various core concepts in law. These core concepts were then shown to be inter-related and a framework of such relationships was construed. The analysis of the connectivity in relationships can shed light on implications of policy and decision making. Thus, his work has permitted the deconstruction of legal principles into individual elements [2] . Professor Hohfeld has propounded that the different meanings of the term right are often conflated in a single sentence. In any given sentence, the usage is switched several times. This lack of precision in the language subsequently indicates a lack of precision in thought and the conclusions that are derived in turn. His efforts to facilitate reasoning led him to break the meaning of rights into eight unique concepts. These terms are defined with respect to one another to eliminate the presence of any ambiguity. Four pairs of opposites and correlatives are said to exist as illustrated below [3] . Jural Opposites comprise of the following: 1. Right/No-Right 2. Privilege/Duty 3. Power/Disability 4. Immunity/Liability Jural Correlatives are mainly constituted by: 1. Right/Duty 2. Privilege/No-Right 3. Power/Liability 4. Immunity/Disability RIGHTS AND DUTIES What is a right? A right can be defined as an interest recognized, protected and enforced by law. Justice Strong has held The word right is defined by lexicographers to donate, among other things, property, interest, power, prerogative, immunity, privilege (Walkers Dict. word Right). In law it is most frequently applied to property in its restricted sense, but it is often used to designate power, prerogative, and privilege, [4] Justice Jackson [5] further states The words right or privilege have, of course, a variety of meanings, according to the connection or context in which they are used. Their definition, are given by standard lexicographers, include that which one has a legal claim to do, legal power, authority, immunity granted by authority, the investiture with special or peculiar rights. A man has several rights over both tangible as well as intangible objects. He also possesses rights as a person such as the right to enjoy a certain reputation, the right to not be assaulted or injured, rights in a domestic environment and rights that are related to other rights e.g. contractual rights. Certain other rights of a contractual nature may also exist such as those rendered for service e.g. master and servant, doctor and patient. Rights over intangible objects would include copyrights, patents, trademarks etc. Thus, rights can be considered as advantages or benefits that are conferred by law [6] . Rights can be divided into 4 different kinds: Rights in the strict sense Liberties Powers Immunities The correlatives of each of these rights are illustrated below: Duties No-Rights Liabilities Disabilities Each and every right has a corresponding duty. Duty may be defined as an internal feeling of an obligation towards someone. A duty or a legal obligation is that which one ought or ought not to do. Duty and right are correlative terms. When a right is invaded, a duty is violated. [7] Rights and duties are like 2 sides of a coin and always go hand in hand. Thus, right and duty are correlative. This implies that if X enjoys a right against Y, then Y is duty bound to respect this right. Rights in the strict sense can therefore, be held to be benefits, which are derived from duties imposed upon others [8] . Several different kinds of rights exist. These are elucidated below. The first classification is that of perfect rights and perfect duties. Rights which go along with perfect duties are known as perfect rights and perfect duties are those which not only possess legal recognition but are also, strictly enforceable. Thus, a breach would constitute some action or prosecution and the State may use reasonable force if necessary [9] . However, both rights and duties fall short of this perfect system [10] . Some examples of imperfect legal rights would include time barred claims, claims that cannot be enforced due to lack of proof, certain claims against states etc. While in all these cases, there is no cause of action yet legal recognition still exists. The principle of ubi jus ibi remedium which means where there is a right, there is a remedy, serves an exception to imperfect rights [11] . The second category is that of positive and negative rights. The correlative of these rights are positive and negative duties and acts performed by those in whom the duty vests determine the nature of the right. A positive act relates to a positive right whereas any abstinence from it would constitute a negative right [12] . A third distinction is made between rights in rem and rights in personam. Both these terms have been derived from civil law [13] . A right in rem is a right that exists against the entire world whereas a right in personam is against a specific individual. The right to spend my money from my wallet is a right in rem but the right to recover it from a debtor is a right in personam. Similarly, the right to exclusive enjoyment of my apartment is a right in rem whereas upon the lease of the same apartment, only a right in personam would exist against the leasee. Rights in rem are considered as negative rights whereas rights in personam are usually positive in nature [14] . Rights in personam are predominantly derived from the existence of personal relations whereas rights in rem offer a relation between the owner and a plethora of individuals. Thus, rights in personam are held to be paucital rights and rights in rem are multital rights. A contractual right is a paucital right as it is specifically enforceable only between the parties entering into a contract. A property right, on the other hand, is a multital right as the person has a right to exclude any and every individual. In essence, it can be said that multital rights are constituted by several, separate yet identical paucital rights [15] . Proprietary and personal rights form the fourth category. The former is concerned with value while the latter is not. Value, in the case of proprietary rights, is derived from assets, estate, property and so forth. Rights, therefore, which are proprietary in nature deal with monetary or economic value. On the contrary, personal rights are associated with status, reputation and welfare [16] . Right of not being inflicted with harm and rights in respect of domestic relationships can be called as personal rights [17] . Rights are also divided into jura in re propria and jura in re aliena. A right in re aliena, also termed as an encumbrance, is one which detracts from another in reference to a subject. Thus, the right is limited in its ambit with respect to the superior right. For instance, a landlords right to use the property temporarily may be restricted by a tenant. The 4 main classes that constitute jura in re aliena are servitudes, trusts, securities and leases. All other rights fall in the domain of jura in re propria [18] . A property owner has a jus in re propria i.e. a right over the property owned while a pledgee possesses a jus in re aliena i.e. a right over another persons property. A right is known as servient when it is subject to an encumbrance whereas the encumbrance derived is called dominant [19] . By subletting a property, the sublessee is conferred with a jus in re aliena by the tenant. Thus, the right of the tenant is servient with respect to the sublessee but dominant as against the landlord [20] . Servient and dominant rights are concomitant and may vary in their degree of coexistence. Leases, mortgages and easements are examples of the same. An opposite relationship is observed in the case of principal and accessory rights [21] . LIBERTY AND NO-RIGHTS Liberty is defined as the exercise of a right without the interference of law. To say that A has liberty means that A can do all that pleases because there exists no duty to refrain and at the same time, no one else can prohibit X from exercising liberty. There exists a relationship between all individuals that is woven together and held in a matrix. By collectively adding all the rights and duties across relationships, the extent and degree of liberty can be determined. The classic example of perfect liberty is one where no one has any exclusive right to prevent the occurrence of a given act [22] . Legal liberty encompasses a sphere within which the law leaves the individual alone. Liberty, however, does not mean interference with another e.g. liberty to voice opinion on public affairs does not grant a person the right to publish defamation. Similarly, one has the liberty to self-defense against violence but no right is conferred to engage in revenge against someone who has caused the injury. A man has a perfect right to fire off a gun, means, apparently, that a man has a freedom or liberty to fire of a gun, so long as he does not violate or infringe anyones rights in doing so, which is very different thing from a right, the violation or disturbance of which can be remedied or prevented by legal process. [23] In Quinn v. Leatham [24] , Lord Lindley has stated The plaintiff had the ordinary rights of the British subject. He was at liberty to earn his living in his own way, provided he did not violate some law prohibiting him from so doing, and provided he did not infringe the rights of other people. This liberty involved the liberty to deal with other persons who were willing to deal with him. This liberty is a right recognised by law; its correlative is the general duty of every one not to prevent the free exercise of this liberty or right to deal with others is nugatory unless they are at liberty to deal with him if they choose to do so. Any interference with their liberty to deal with him affects him. Liberty is therefore, the exercise of unrestrained activity permitted under law. The primary difference between liberty and rights in strict sense is that things I may do for myself are classified as liberty whereas things which others ought to do in my respect are classified as rights in strict sense [25] . Legal liberty is considered as a legal right where any interference by other persons is not justified. During the expression of ones opinions, it can be stated that other persons are legally duty bound not to curtail them. However, there exist liberties which do not enjoy the company of rights of a protective nature. Thus, a landowner, who gives a license to trespass his property, can exercise an equal right to prevent the usage of his property as much as the liberty conferred by the license granted by him. The license basically serves the purpose of making an unlawful act lawful. In Clifford v. ONeill [26] , the Court held A license is merely a permission to do an act which, without such permission, would amount to a trespassà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦nor will the continuous enjoyment of the privilege conferred, for any period of time cause it to ripen into a tangible interest in the land affected. Similarly, a trustee has the liberty to ask for compensation from the estates beneficiaries for administration purposes. But the beneficiaries are under no duty or obligation to provide him with the same. Yet another example is that a foreigner has the liberty to enter any country of his choice but the government can exercise an equal right to prevent the individual from entering. Thus, rights when classified as liberties aid in elucidating the meaning of law [27] . No-right is the correlative of liberty and consequently, of no duty. It is actually a word that has been coined indicating the absence of a right. The term no-right basically implies that a certain person does not have a right against another individual in a particular respect. The evolution of this term is said to have taken place in a negative context. So, if X has the liberty to undertake a particular act, it means that Y has no-right to say that the act will not be done e.g. a trespasser has no-right to be removed with force suggesting that the occupier has complete liberty of ejection [28] . Another example that can be considered in the same light is that of an alien who has no duty not to enter a foreign country i.e. he has liberty to enter. By the same token, the authorities have a no-right against him i.e. they may not have any right in the strict sense though they may still possess a liberty to refrain him from entering. Cases in tort that are principally of Damnum Sine Injuria in nature i.e. incurrence of some damage without the violation of a legal right are entirely no-right situations [29] . POWERS AND LIABILITIES Yet another classification of legal rights can be seen in the form of powers. Several examples of powers exist. A few to name are the power to make a will, the power to sell a property if the mortgagee does not receive back the mortgage money from the mortgagor, the right of re-entry that is possessed by a landlord, the power to revoke a contract for fraud, the power to take legal action against someone, the power to punish and arraign, the power to appoint officials for fulfilling functions, the right to issue an execution in respect of a certain judgement and other such powers vested in the judiciary to meet the ends of justice [30] . Powers constitute interests that are legally recognized. If one possesses power, one possesses the ability to change by ones own will, the liabilities, duties, rights and any other relations of oneself or with respect to other individuals [31] . Powers owe some resemblance to liberties although they differ in the aspect that the act so performed need not be innocent. The power to create a will does not imply that no wrong is done in the process. It does not mean that a will is made innocently, it simply implies that a right to create an effective will subsists. In a similar light, if a landlord possesses the right to re-enter his property, it does not mean that no wrong is committed but if such an act is committed, it does imply that the lease is effectively terminated [32] . Powers and rights in the strict sense can also be differentiated. In the latter case, a corresponding duty always coexists whereas this is absent in the former case. An example of the same is that the right to create a will does not result in a corresponding obligation for someone else. Similarly, one can see that the power to sell the mortgagors property by a mortgagee does not create an obligation on the mortgagor to pay back the mortgage money. It does, however, confer the right on the mortgagee to receive back the sum given as a debt to the mortgagor. A debt and an action to recover money fall under two different categories. While the first case can be classified as a right in the strict sense which would correspond to a duty to repay, the latter is an example of a power given by law that imposes a liability and consequently, results in the institution of legal proceedings [33] . Powers can be classified based on the domains in which they are exercised. Hence, powers can be categorized as either private or public. Private powers are exercised by individuals with respect to themselves. Public powers, on the other hand, lie with state agencies or instruments that carry out public functions. Examples include powers exercised by the judiciary, legislature and executive [34] . Power helps to determine legal relations and thus, gives rise to either authority or capacity. The term authority is defined as the exertion of power over others whereas capacity is defined as the power exerted over oneself [35] . Liability of an individual arises when power is vested in another. It can broadly be defined as the alteration of a persons legal rights by the person who exercises power. A few examples that illustrate this concept are the determination of a lease by reentry of the landlord that places a liability on the tenant, liability of a disloyal partner to seek divorce, one against whom a judgement has been passed is liable to have a decree of execution issued and the liability of a mortgagor that arises from the sale of the property by a mortgagee in the event of non-payment of the loan advanced [36] . Liability is unconcerned with the fruitful or unfruitful result in any given case. It is inherent in nature and bears no relation with any duty to pay compensation. For instance, a person committing a tort is duty bound to pay compensation and is liable for an action to be brought against him/her as well. However, someone who is not a tortfeasor is not under any duty to pay compensation but is equally liable for an action to be instituted, that in all probability will fail, as no grounds exist. Similarly, a statute in Virginia provided that all free white male persons who are twenty-one years of age and not over sixty, shall be liable to serve as jurors except as hereinafter provided. [37] This enactment resulted in the imposition of a liability and not a duty. Liability is said to be harmonious in nature with no-right. If a tenants goods are seized for non-payment of rent, he has no-right not to allow his supplies to be handled by the landlord and at the same time, the liability to secure and sell the merchandise against his pleasure also remains in effect [38] . Liability can also be seen as an advantage or benefit. A person who professes to transfer his property as a gift through the exercise of power, the person entitled to the gift has a liability to receive it. While referring to a gift causa mortis and the liability of the donee to have his gift revoked, Justice Smith has said: The title to the gift causa mortis passed by the delivery, defeasible only in the lifetime of the donor, and his death perfects the title in the donee by terminating the donors right of power of defeasance. The property passes from the donor to the donee directlyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦and after his death it is liable to be divested only in favor of the donors creditorsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.His right and power ceased with his death. [39] IMMUNITIES AND DISABILITIES Another category of rights is immunity from legal power. Immunity grants an exception to change any legal relations. The right of an individual to be tried by members of society of equal standing creates an exclusion from being tried by a jury. The relationship between immunity and power is identical to that of liberty and right in the strict sense. Immunity implies a complete lack of liability [40] . Cases of immunity from taxation are well documented in the U.S. In Phoenix Ins. v. Tennessee [41] , Justice Peekham stated the following: In granting to the De Soto Company all the right, privileges, and immunities of the Bluff City Company, all words are used which could be regarded as necessary to carry the exemption from taxation possessed by the Bluff City Company; while in the next following grant, that of the character of the plaintiff in error, the word immunity is omitted. Is there any meaning to be attached to that omission, and if so, what? We think some meaning is to be attached to it. The word immunity express more clearly and definitely an intention to include therein an exemption from taxation than does either of the other words. Exemption from taxation is more accurately described as an immunity than as a privilege, although it is not be denied that the latter word may sometimes and under some circumstances include such exemptions. Disability, the correlative of immunity, is better known as inability and signifies the absence of power. The legal maxim Nemo dat quod non habet which means that no person can transfer a better title in property than what is possessed by oneself, is an expression of disability [42] . SUMMARY In conclusion, 4 independent, unique and distinct classes of rights are guaranteed by law. These are rights in the strict sense, where law restricts others in my respect; liberty, which permits a reasonable degree of freedom to pursue uninterrupted and unrestrained activity; power, that gives a right to execute an action effectively and immunity, which creates an exemption from being subjected to a power. A right in the strict sense imposes a duty on others, a liberty allows an action to be performed innocently, a power confers the right to accomplish effectively and an immunity denies others the right to exercise power effectively in my respect [43] . Correlatives are related vertically and read as is the presence of in another. Thus, duty is the presence of right in another and power is the presence of liability in another. Diagonal relationships indicate jural contradictories and are read as is the absence of in oneself. Thus, liberty is the absence of duty in oneself and immunity is the absence of liability in oneself. The contradictions of jural correlatives are connected by horizontal arrows and can be read either way as is the absence of in another. Thus, no-right is the absence of duty in another and disability is the absence of liability in another [44] .
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Tragedy of Fraternity Hazing :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument
The Tragedy of Fraternity Hazing Hazing (subjecting newcomers to abusive or humiliating tricks and ridicule) has always been seen as a secretive campus activity when it comes to fraternities and pledging. As a result, Dr. Mark Taff resorted in his article that, "..a series of 168 cases of injuries and deaths related to fraternity hazing activities...[occurred] in the United States between 1923 and 1982" (2113). Young college men are being hospitalized and even worse, dying, just for a couple of friends that give them a sense of belonging. The major causes of hazing are the students' wanting a sense of belonging in a big college campus, the college's infrequent knowledge of what occurs in fraternities, and the unwillingness of fraternities to change tradition. Since hazing has been around for more than a century, one cannot expect the practice of hazing to stop all together. It will probably take years before hazing perishes from the fraternity scene. Nevertheless, until an end is put to hazing, solutions can be used to make hazing less common, until it no longer exists. These solutions that may be able to put an eventual stop to hazing, in the long run, are better education about fraternity hazing, stricter laws to prevent hazing from occurring, and more intervention from college administrators. Stories of hazing incidents are all too common in the news media today. It would not be out of the ordinary, upon opening the newspaper, to read the testimony of some fraternity pledges "'We were taken to a deserted park and blindfolded...We sat on our knees for an hour. Then they began slapping us on the back of our necks, real hard, and then they started pouring hot wax down our back'" (Milloy CL). Also, an article stating that "...A sophomore at Alfred University in New York was locked in a car trunk with two others and told to drink a bottle of Jack Daniel’s, wine and a six-pack of beer, one wintry night in 1978. He died of alcohol poisoning and exposure" (O'Connor 32). Fraternities are getting away with hazing practices, every single day. If a stranger did this to a civilian, they would automatically be arrested and imprisoned. The humiliations of hazing are said to build bonds between pledges and fraternity brothers. According to fraternity beliefs, the theory goes, if you and a couple of friends go through fraternity initiations, drinking excessive amounts of beer and being beaten by fraternity members etc. The Tragedy of Fraternity Hazing :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument The Tragedy of Fraternity Hazing Hazing (subjecting newcomers to abusive or humiliating tricks and ridicule) has always been seen as a secretive campus activity when it comes to fraternities and pledging. As a result, Dr. Mark Taff resorted in his article that, "..a series of 168 cases of injuries and deaths related to fraternity hazing activities...[occurred] in the United States between 1923 and 1982" (2113). Young college men are being hospitalized and even worse, dying, just for a couple of friends that give them a sense of belonging. The major causes of hazing are the students' wanting a sense of belonging in a big college campus, the college's infrequent knowledge of what occurs in fraternities, and the unwillingness of fraternities to change tradition. Since hazing has been around for more than a century, one cannot expect the practice of hazing to stop all together. It will probably take years before hazing perishes from the fraternity scene. Nevertheless, until an end is put to hazing, solutions can be used to make hazing less common, until it no longer exists. These solutions that may be able to put an eventual stop to hazing, in the long run, are better education about fraternity hazing, stricter laws to prevent hazing from occurring, and more intervention from college administrators. Stories of hazing incidents are all too common in the news media today. It would not be out of the ordinary, upon opening the newspaper, to read the testimony of some fraternity pledges "'We were taken to a deserted park and blindfolded...We sat on our knees for an hour. Then they began slapping us on the back of our necks, real hard, and then they started pouring hot wax down our back'" (Milloy CL). Also, an article stating that "...A sophomore at Alfred University in New York was locked in a car trunk with two others and told to drink a bottle of Jack Daniel’s, wine and a six-pack of beer, one wintry night in 1978. He died of alcohol poisoning and exposure" (O'Connor 32). Fraternities are getting away with hazing practices, every single day. If a stranger did this to a civilian, they would automatically be arrested and imprisoned. The humiliations of hazing are said to build bonds between pledges and fraternity brothers. According to fraternity beliefs, the theory goes, if you and a couple of friends go through fraternity initiations, drinking excessive amounts of beer and being beaten by fraternity members etc.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Living Abroad
Living and working abroad Today several numbers of people desires working and living outside their home countries. The reason behind this is that many believe that better jobs and living are found in foreign countries than their own. The advantages of working and living abroad consist of various factors. First, many developed countries have much diverse people and cultures. Learning and experiencing this diversity can be fascinating and delightful.In addition, owing to the mixed in population, people working or living overseas are able to learn new languages, styles of dressing as well as cultural activities. This in turn makes living problem-free and pleasurable. Therefore, allowing people to forget about difficulties and hardships faced before migrating abroad. Moreover, gaining excellent knowledge and experience in jobs can be very beneficial, particularly back in their home countries.Overseas works are exceptional, mostly in developing existing skills and acquiring new ones, maki ng one more equipped and attractive to employers. Despite the above advantages of working and living abroad, there are also disadvantages associated with working and living abroad. Language barrier is one of the major problem facing new foreigners in many of the developed countries. This difficulty to understand the language hinders their progress and adaptation to the new life style and environment. As a result, finding and obtaining a good living may be tough and for some impossible.As well, in some countries, there is discrimination at workplace, making it difficult for foreign migrants to settle peacefully and also blend in with the citizens. This discrimination is not only in colour but also in religious beliefs and sexes. For that reason, life in some abroad countries is very stressful and upsetting. So, knowing the country one wishes to live in is essential, in particular if one chooses to migrate to an English speaking country, one must be able to communicate fluently in spo ken as well as written English as this is the only business language.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Atlantis essays
Atlantis essays Setting: The book had four time periods in it. It started in the Cambodian jungles in the year 800 A.D. Then it goes to the Bermuda Triangle in the year 1945. After that, we go ahead in time back to Cambodia in 1968. Finally, to the present, where most of the story takes place. Protagonist: He is Eric Dane, an ex-special ops during the Vietnam War. He has a special power where he can "feel" certain things like upcoming danger and communicating telepathically. Antagonist: This is a mysterious green mist. It is located at three main spots: the Bermuda Triangle, the Devil's Sea in Japan, and in the jungles of Cambodia. Major Characters: Eric Dane, Forman, Flaherty, Lawrence Freed, Beastly, Sin Fen, Ariana Michelete, Paul Michelet, and Patricia Conners. Describe the plot: A strange mist has been in the Cambodian jungles for many years and nobody knows what it is. All they know is if something goes in, it never comes out. In present day, a plane of a corporation's wealthy owner goes down, with his daughter onboard. He assembles a team led by the one man that has made it out alive, Eric Dane, and they head into it. Meanwhile, the mist is growing rapidly. They have to rescue the daughter and try to stop the mist from expanding all over the world. Describe the plot in detail: The story starts in the ancient city of Angkor Kol Ker. The water around the city has evaporated because of a drought and everybody is evacuating because the mist is coming. Fifty warriors have stayed behind but they don't last long. Then it goes to 1945. The US is setting up an experiment with the Bermuda Triangle and the mist in the Cambodian jungles with a man named Forman in control. Something goes wrong and the plane in Cambodia and the submarine named the Scorpion in the Triangle disappear. Later, in 1968, Eric Dane leads a squad of commandos into The Cambodian jungles. They find the ruins of Angkor Kol Ker and the mist...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Impact of Deregulation and Low Cost Carriers on the Airline Industry The WritePass Journal
Impact of Deregulation and Low Cost Carriers on the Airline Industry Introduction Impact of Deregulation and Low Cost Carriers on the Airline Industry Introduction ConclusionReferences and Bibliography Related Introduction The report will be assessing and evaluating how deregulation and the growth of low cost carriers have affected global competition and market trends in the types of products offered to customers in air travel. The report will identify the key roles of the low cost carriers and how they are affecting the global competition and the market trends by introducing their means and methods over the bigger airline industry. It will also be witnessed in the report how the airlines have come a long way from the past till now and how the industry is on a constant change due to needs and demands put up by the customers which currently is being handled by the low cost carriers in some ways. While air travel was once a luxury only the rich could afford, the entry of more airlines serving the busiest and most profitable routes has caused airfares to plummet. Some of the airlines that will be looked at are Buzz, Go, Ryan Air, and Easy Jet. These are well known low cost airlines. This report will look sequentially at the marketing environments of the airline industry and will analyze the main forces shaping its future. It will concentrate on the impact of low-cost airlines on this industry. Main The airlines are relatively new as a market driven industry.  In 1938, the airlines faced steep competition that was vigorous and unstable.  The industry asked the government for a regulatory body to control competition.  The newly formed CAB froze the industry structure and blocking out new firms, which ended up creating monopolies. The industry continued in this state despite growth in traffic, increased profits, and changing conditions. The turning point for the airline industry began in the late 1970’s when the industry needed to break free from its regulated environment.  New technology and ample profits made competition a viable option. The result was the passing of the Airline Deregulation Act in 1978. One of the large effects of deregulation was the increase in the number of carriers and increased competition. In 1978, there were 43 carriers certified for scheduled service with large aircraft.  By 1983, there were over 60 new carriers since the act was passed.  With the slew of new airlines, the airline industry was able to reach new markets and grow tremendously. United with the price drops, air travel became a more favorable way to travel.  Today there are no close substitutes for travel over 150 miles.  However the trend of an invasion of airlines eventually turned into many mergers, acquisitions, and bankruptcies in the late-1980s to early-1990s (see Figure 1) Still seen today, another effect of deregulation is the development of the â€Å"hub-and-spoke†network.  The major airlines developed this network to efficiently manage and serve more markets with the same fleet of planes.  Another advantage of the â€Å"hub-and-spoke†network is that airlines will carry the traveler from departure city to arrival city and not have to hand over customers to competing carriers.  Travelers enjoyed traveling with one airline though an extra stop was required. A marketing innovation that airlines initiated after deregulation was the frequent flyer program.  Repeat customers earned points toward free tickets or upgrades. This program generated loyalty beyond service and satisfaction with travelers. Recently, the frequent flyer program extends beyond receiving points for flying. The most popular is the use of credit cards (points per pounds/dollars) and using points to purchase things other than airline tickets. A technological advance in the industry came with the introduction of computer-reservation systems (CRS).  This allowed airlines to keep track of fare and service changes.  The systems allow agents to process millions of reservations a day.  Today these transactions have significantly increased and with the introduction of the Internet redefined how travelers shop, purchase, and receive tickets. According to Geneva News article low-cost carriers found not just tourism to help it establish it self in travel. They found out that what could begin as a tourist route may be quickly adopted by businesspeople. This meaning that the low cost airlines also are used by business. So the companies also get some business even during the off-seasons. These airlines help offer a cheap way to be able to get to the business places, historical area, and Interesting cities. We see in Belobaba (2003) report that Easy Jet, Europe’s leading low-cost airline. Now what helped it become such a big name in low cost air travel in Europe? Going to Easy Jets website, they attempt to explain how they work. It can be seen that they broke it down into three things to make them a low cost airlines; The first thing is it is a ticket less airline, this cuts cost of paper and printing. The next thing they do is efficient use of airports; this means Easy Jet can make the most of its time. Easy Jet also made a few deals with airports cutting landing fees. The last thing Easy Jet has done to make its airline so low cost is theres no such thing as a free lunch. This helps as it cut costs of food, and may help the airlines earn money on the food they sell. In Belobaba (2003) report we see the U.S. situation with airlines. The report starts off talking about the 11/09/01 incident. Were after the attacks on the twin tower, the whole thing had negatively affected the volume of business travel and 12.5% lower than in the preceding year. The report goes on talking about the growth of low cost airlines. Reduced willingness on the part of business travelers and tourist to pay the higher airfares charged by network carriers. Also some interesting points in the report are. â€Å"In the US, low-fare airlines have exhibited slow but steady growth since deregulation, but low-fare carriers as a group accounted for less than 7% of US domestic air passengers in 1991, compared to 81% by Major network carriers [The remaining 12% was carried by smaller regional and local carriers]. Low-fare carriers grew more rapidly in the US through the 1990s, to the point that the carried 20% of all US domestic passengers as a group in 2002.†To look at a more world aspect of tourism we see in Christianto (2003) article that in 2000, there were 7.58 million passengers, but the number increased to 8.27 million in 2001 and to 8.96 million in 2002. Also according to the article the figures are expected to reach 10.34 million in the coming years. It goes on talking about the price war. A war between the more high class big Airlines, and many of the airlines that offer cheaper tickets. In this war they are trying to set a floor price were airlines may not go under this price. This is due to the high numbers of passengers going to low cost airlines to travel. We are starting to see that with these low cost airlines the bigger airlines are having problems holding on to their customers. Now there are airline companies that are forced to lower their price to compete with these low cost airlines. We see British airways as one of those companies. British airways have recently launched a series of cheap flights. In the future there is a big possibility that all these big airlines will have to lower their prices considerably. As theses low cost airlines seem to be taking all the possible clients away from these big airlines. There is also too say that these big airlines are holding on to their passengers for long distance travels. As these airlines are more comfortable and more advanced the travelers like them more. As if you have to spend a long time in an airplane you would choose the best situation. There are only a few low cost airlines that are set up. The number of airlines in general isn’t too high. We see in the U.S. for low cost airlines you have only two or three. As it’s about the same for Europe as we see airlines like Easy Jet, Ryan Air, Go, Buzz and only a few others. As for other areas it was hard to find information on cheap airlines.  Europe seems to big the biggest point of low cost airlines. In Christianto (2003) report its shown that travel between Europe has been seeing some serious growth. This alone shows that with low cost airline, there comes more tourism. There is also to say that in Europe it is convenient for people to move around for business and travel. The first successful low-cost carrier is generally acknowledged to be Southwest Airlines in the United States, which pioneered the concept when founded in 1971 and has been profitable every year since 1973. With the advent of aviation deregulation the model spread to Europe as well, the most notable successes being Irelands Ryan air, which began low-fares operations in 1991, and easy Jet, formed in 1995. As of 2004, low cost carriers are now edging into Asia, led by operators such as Malaysias Air Asia. Many carriers have opted to launch their own no-grills airlines, such as KLM’s Buzz and British Airways Go, but have found it difficult to avoid cannibalizing their core business. The European airline industry is being shaken up by the presence of low-cost airlines. It is estimated that existing low-cost airlines has expanded their European market share from 5% in 2000 to 25% by 2010, as illustrated in figure 7, establishing themselves on a long-term basis which will have major effects on the European airline industry as a whole The low cost carrier’s airline industry is having a huge impact on the global airline industry. The table below highlights how the market is migrating to a new business model: customer behavior is changing ââ€" ºÃ‚ Customers expect internet to provide lowest possible price offerââ€" ºÃ‚ Price becomes decisive factor:– Destination is not! –     low cost carrier’s develop routes according to costs ââ€" ºÃ‚ low cost Carriers have generated growth of aviation in this segment –  People fly who would not have otherwise flown Market structure is changing ââ€" ºÃ‚ Erosion of traditional â€Å"national†markets:ââ€" ºÃ‚ Segmentation of market into:– low cost on local markets – Regional niche markets – International/alliance markets Greater flexibility and simplicity of traditional model ââ€" ºÃ‚ Established airlines are questioning their models.ââ€" ºÃ‚ Some have moved into the no-frills segment. Flexible adaptation of traditional pricing models ââ€" ºÃ‚ Many full-service carriers offer simple and low prices. Marketing focus on the actual product offered ââ€" ºÃ‚ Some carriers are marketing frills aggressively. The SWOT analysis is used to analyse the internal and external view of the low-cost airline industry with a view to analyse the situation of the no-frills model upon today’s world wide global industry. STRENGTHSSimple fare structureRelative low unit costs Multi-base network offering point-to-point service Strong corporate culture i.e. Easy Jet High commitment to safety and customer services Efficient use of airports with rapid turnaround times Highly profitable with rising demand WEAKNESSESCustomer expectations of service are increasingHigh aircraft utilisation means more vulnerable to delays Prices are low, but they are not as low as they could be. Weak brand loyalty between low-cost airlines and passengers Growth in size means complexity Seasonal variations and cyclical demand Affected by economic downturns OPPORTUNITIESEurope is a land of opportunity for low-cost airlinesSignificant growth of internet bookings expected 17% annual compound growth rate of Internet user population Increase in Britons buying second homes abroad Outsourcing of IT functions such as call centres in India Airport expansion THREATSFlag carriers imitate low-cost business model offering ‘cheaper flights to people booking well in advance’BA, as well as other airlines has redesigned its website to make online booking easier New EU legislation travel compensation laws Air passenger duty to rise  £5- £15 on economy tickets Some customers prefer to book through a travel agent The development of rail network within the EU Video conferencing may take an increasing share of the business clientele Threat of terrorism e.g. bombings in Madrid Lack of take-off and landing slots Conclusion Since deregulation arrived, budget carriers such as Easy Jet and Ryan air have grown to account for around a fifth of European air travel, thriving after the events of September 11th; their market share has grown rapidly. Observers of the European airline industry have long believed that the flag-carrier system has created too many airlines and led to inefficient excess capacity. The suggested remedy is consolidation of the European industry via cross-border mergers, an avenue that is now open as a result of EU deregulation. The first major consolidation event is currently with the proposed Air France-KLM merger recently approved by EU regulators. It is likely too that the low-cost sector will experience consolidation leaving Easy Jet and Ryan air as the two main players.  While the big airlines consolidate, trying to win more premium business traffic, the cheap fares airlines will fight ruthlessly for leisure traffic.  British Airways has already withdrawn from European routes where it makes a loss. In the longer term, airlines are looking to join forces in the context of the prospects of the liberalization of air traffic between the United Statesand Europe, which is expected to lead to fierce competition on both sides of the Atlantic. Two things matter to airlines the amount of empty seats on their planes and the cost of getting those planes into the air.  Reducing those two factors leads to profits, and in recent years, the European industry has been struggling. The fear of terrorism and disruption in the worlds aviation system has simply made things much worse. And looking to the future of European aviation, it seems that the issues associated with the environment will be addressed severely, possibly leading to taxation on the one thing supporting airline growth; Kerosene.  Furthermore, the matter of over-capacity, which has lead to a lack of taking-off and landing slots, could hinder further growth and drive up prices for the low-cost airlines. While the full-service carriers are struggling to get back to the traffic levels they enjoyed in 2000, the budget airlines are growing by more than 10 per cent a year. The expansion of the EU provided vast opportunities for the low-cost sector but for the budget airline industry to thrive; low-cost really does have to mean low-cost. References and Bibliography Lectures notes – week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Graham, A. (2009) 3RD edition Managing airports: an international perspective Definitions of deregulation from Wensveen, J. and Leick, R. (2009) the long-haul low-cost carrier: A unique business model, Journal of Air Transport Management Volume 15, Issue 3, Hanlon, J.P. (2007) 3RD edition Global Airline: competition in transnational industry Morrison, S. and Winston, C (1986). The Economic Effects of Airline Deregulation Belobaba, P. (2003)  The Airline Industry and Current Challenges. British Airways. (2003). Can be obtained at; Burghouwt, G. and Huys, M. (2003). Deregulation and the Consequences for Airport Planning ORL website: Christianto, I. (2003). Airlines earn their wings in increasingly crowded skies Easy-jet. Company website. Accessed May 10, 2004 from Easy-Jet. (2003). How We Offer Such Low Fares. Can be obtained at; Ryan air.. Progress Report. Can be obtained at; Two UK low-cost air lines open up new direct links between North-East England and Geneva.  Geneva News
Monday, November 4, 2019
The translatability of poetic language Dissertation
The translatability of poetic language - Dissertation Example According to the research findings the ability to create specific expressions within literature is not only bound by the expectations of the author. There are also expressions which are reflective of social and political issues as well as the historical applications of the time. These become essential in defining the approach which is taken toward writing poetry and fiction. The expressions change in terms of the literary devices which are used as well as the way in which the literature is able to create and define the expressions and experiences throughout the piece. The difficulty which often arises in literature comes with the translations which are associated with literature and the way in which this becomes bound to the literary meanings. This is furthered by complexities from the translators, specifically because of the limitations in understanding the full expressions and meanings which are associated with literary devices and the way in which various words, phrases and overal l concepts are a part of the language. The problem which arises becomes based on the translators’ interpretations as well as the knowledge that is based around the original writing and literary devices which are used. Beginning to transform this particular aspect of literature then leads to different definitions and meaning behind the literature when translated. This research paper will define some of the common difficulties with translation and the ability to alter the meanings of various pieces of literature through the philosophies and interpretations of translators. Specifically, there will be an examination of the work of Hikmet and â€Å"The Epic of Sheikh Bedreddin.†This particular work was noted as one of the most controversial of the time, specifically because of the relationship to the revolution in Turkey and the social, cultural and political stigma which was surrounding the era. The author had direct relationships to the intent of the epic as well as the literary devices which were used throughout the epic to convey the various meanings and deeper understanding of the time frame (Wade, S, 2001).
Friday, November 1, 2019
Analysis of a movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Analysis of a movie - Essay Example is an art of making motion pictures, encompasses different criteria or qualities by which its aesthetic quality can be evaluated depending on the person viewing it. Thereby, its classification as a beautiful film depends on the subjective nature of the person who viewed it. It is in this regard that this essay is written to present an analysis of Rain Man in terms of addressing the following questions: (1) keeping in mind what you have learned in class thus far about literary elements, what does this movie mean to you? (2) What is this movie really about? (3) Is there a "moral to the story," a theme to be explored, or comment to think about? (4) What is the point of the movie? And (5) did you find this movie meaningful for you personally? Why or why not? Rain Man is a movie an uplifting experience through the spectacular performance of the actors, both Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise. For me, it is one of the best movies I have seen and have continued to remember so far due to the theme and the characters of the movie. The most critical factors that qualify a film or movie as good in my own conviction are as follows: (1) a good plot (or the content of the story), (2) the quality and choice of casts, (3) genre, (4) excellent audio visual quality, (5) cinematography (or the form which is the actual beauty of fine art) and (6) moral or message of the story. Contemporary films do not necessarily comply with the standards of aesthetic quality despite the developments and utilization of technology to apply special effects. In fact, according to Osider (2009), â€Å"lately, the blockbuster has fallen into the habit of replacing beautiful form with thrills. These films contain mainly shallow themes and impressive special effects. The audience might like the film, but again that does not make it a good one.†An aesthetically crafted film should show a good quality that not only entertains but inspires. The content and form combine beautifully to create film art. Osider
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