Friday, May 31, 2019
The Enduring Significance of Pocahontas Essay -- Chief Powhatan
Pocahontas Pocahontas was the daughter of the American Indian psyche Powhatan. Pocahontas, a young Powhatan Indian princess, affected a remarkable and significant relationship graduation with a small group of English settlers at Jamestown and later with the English rulers of the New World. She worked to maintain good relations between the Indians and early English colonists in America.Pocahontas emerged from a culture of dark superstitions. A culture of easy cruelty and primitive social accomplishments. Her father was a remarkable and powerful leader- fierce and clever. By the seventeenth century he had make his people not less primitive but certainly stronger and more formidable than they had ever been before. He added ruthless organization and totalitarian methods to their lives. He was ready to deal in his own confident and often cruel way with anyone who might challenge his authority. It was into this world, into the household of Chief Powhatan and Powhatan cultu re, that Pocahontas was born, probably in 1596 or 1597. It is believed that Pocahontas birthplace was Werowocomoco, Powhatans residence until 1609. Which of Powhatan many wives was Pocahontas mother is unknown. Pocahontas, like the other Powhatans , had two names. Pocahontas given to her by her father means vivid Stream Between Two Hills but in Powhatan tongue might mean Little Wanton. Her secret name, known only among her tribesmen was Matoax, Little Snow Feather. Pocahontas had her ordinary and her secret names. She had her place in the Powhatan tribe. She was a favorite daughter in her fathers home. As a princess, she was as privileged within the Powhatan world as anyone too her father could be.Pocahontas performe... ...on after she boarded, Pocahontas became very ill, probably pneumonia or perhaps tuberculosis. Pocahontas died at the age of twenty, far from home in a foreign land. Her body was inclined(p) for burial, and on March 21 1616 buried at an ancient ch urch standing near the waters edge. Her death at Gravesend marked the beginning of her immortality. Pocahontas has been made the heroine of numerous stories plays and poems that have made her seem more a figure of legend than one of history. Yet it is her true story that took place many days ago, that gives her enduring significance.Bibliography1.)Fritz, Jean. The Double Life of Pocahontas. 1983. Harrisonburg, VA. R.R. Donnelley and Sons Company.2.)Woodward, Grace Steele. Pocahontas. 1969. Norman, OK. Univ. of Oklahoma Press.3.) The World Book Encyclopedia. 1998. 15. World Book Inc.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Shelby Footes Shiloh Essay -- Shelby Foote Shiloh Battles War Essays
Shelby Footes ShilohIn the novel Shiloh, historian and Civil War expert Shelby Foote delivers a spare, unflinching account of the battle of Shiloh, which was fought over the run of two days in April 1862. By mirroring the troops movements through the woods of Tennessee with the activity of for each one soldiers mind, Foote offers the contributor a broad perspective of the battle and a pointednessed view of the issues behind it. The battle becomes tangible as Foote interweaves the observations of Union and Confederate officers, simple foot soldiers, brave men, and cowards and describes the roar of the muskets and the haze of the gun smoke. The authors vivid storytelling creates a rich chronicle of a pivotal battle in American history.This book is a wonderful example of his abilities and deals with the battle of Shiloh through the eye of several men on both sides of the conflict. His characters are not the generals on the field, rather they are common soldiers ranging from private s who have never seen battle up to a colonel (Forrest) -- people that dont have all the answers, separates who are still searching for the questions. The wonderful thing about Footes writing is his ability to make you feel care you were there without bogging the story down with too many numbers and statistics, but allowing the viewer a much deeper understanding of the events of the battle by giving us a glimpse through the eyes of those who were there.Foote is one of the great authorities on the War, and though he wrote this when pretty young it is still filled with detail and knowledge of the war. It conveys well the chaos of the fighting and how, as so often, small failures of generalship cost the battleShelby Footes Shiloh is a novel about a real Civil War battle told from the point of view of a few common soldiers, both northern and southern, who fought there. Because he chose to depict the action from these points of view, he limits what can be say of the big picture. If one can ignore that big picture, the book works very well at showing the reader what the experience must have been like for individuals caught up in different parts of the fight. Yet needing to provide some of that picture, Foote has each character present punctuate on specific generals and their actions leading up to Shiloh. This exposition is, for the most part, pretty clumsy and simply detracts from ... ...the most horrifying part of the surgeries was the absence of anesthesia and antiseptics. separately hurt man would have to be held down as he experienced excruciating pain, but many passed out and later died of infection. Finally, I realise how much suffering two opposing forces can bring upon one ground dying soldiers, devastated country, and unbearable sadness. For example, Foote describes the mile-long lines of men from the South and North opposing each other. Each side would test the cannons range, and, after a while, would be destroying huge groups of men and creating ga ping holes in the earth. As a northern infantryman said as he watched the mini balls cut down his friends, they died for nothing (p.191). The front line would also shoot grapeshot that would burst into thousands of tiny pieces and destroy the other armys front line. All of Shiloh was about two sides of America fighting over slaver y and secession. About 26, 000 men died without respect, a prayer, or a marked grave. Shiloh is a historically accurate book that would interest anyone who likes to read about the Civil War and wants to understand the pain and suffering our country went through on April 6-7, 1862.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Music Censorship :: essays research papers
Music Censorship The Circumstances Causing the Controversy Imagine, if you will, a domain of a function where we are told what music to sing, what music to play, and even what we may comprehend to in the privacy of our own homes. That world already exists as a reality in more countries that you might imagine, and that very reality is knocking on our door In the USA, lobbying groups have succeeded in keeping popular music off the plan stage, out of the media, and off of the shelves. Of course, if presented with this contingency, any one of us would declare how horrible this reality would be. Why then, do we hear about citizens and organizations fearfully protesting the apparently-so-inalienable right to extend ourselves though music. As a society we want our young people to be literate, thoughtful, and caring human beings, however we also attempt to control what they read, listen to, and seeand ultimately w hat they think and care about. One piece of ass understand the instinct to need to protect" children from dangerous or disturbing ideas and information, but this compounding of the multiplicity of values and the concern for young peoples minds keeps censoring alive in school, public libraries, and other common places. We party favor music censorship? No, thats non true, says Wendy Wright of an organization, Concerned Women for America, on the enemy list of virtually all other anti-censorship supporters. Censorship means that the government restrains speech. We are in favor of those in the music industry using common sense In essence, that they dont promote behavior or activities that they wouldnt want attached against their wife or children. CWFA sees music the music in question as having potential to cultivate certain ideas in the minds of the youth.The argument that it does not affect kids, that it does not promote similar behavior, is ridiculous. I f that were true, they would not advertise or rely on marketing both fields depend on the fact that humans can be enticed into doing something that they wouldnt have thought up on their own. In our community, on that point are mixed views about this issue just as in that respect are in the wider world setting where this conflict is now unfolding I think there should definitely be some censorship, like with the movies where there is a rating system. The music thats out now is too graphic for younger kids to be listening too and its beginning to evidently bollix up our society.
Osama Bin Laden’s Claimed Motivations for 9/11 are False Essay
Osama Bin Ladens Claimed Motivations for 9/11 are FalseWhere did the animosity which lead to the terrorist acts of September 11, 2001 originate? It is axiomatic at this point in time that the leader of the al Qaeda network, Osama bin Laden, was the mastermind behind the attacks, but the reasons why the attacks occurred and the fact that a depleted majority of people can support such acts remains very unclear. Osama bin Laden stated in his February 1998 Fatwah, The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies- civilians and military- is an individual job for every Moslem. When examining the three direct reasons given by Osama bin Laden to kill Americans his reasoning based on factual evidence veers far from the verity and his reasoning based on religion is not a true reflection of the Islamic religion thus creating an illogical argument. Osama bin Ladens reasons for killing Americans and their allies are insufficient in the sense that his claims about joined States motivat ions are wrong and that his justifications are not grow in the Muslim religion. In looking specifically at each of Osama bin Ladens reasons their invalidity as well as, their true purpose, to give rise an uprising amongst his followers to succeed in his Fatwah, to kill Americans and their allies becomes apparent. Osama bin Laden refers to his reasons as facts. In his first fact he addresses the issue of the United States forepart in sanctified Middle Eastern places. He believes that the United States is there for the wealth and not only to harass Iraq, but other Muslim countries. Osama bin Laden must have forgotten that in Iraq invading Kuwait it was a breech of International Law and had that not happened the United States presence would not have r... ... Islamic countries. Bernard Lewis also raised an additional point that Osama bin Laden felt he had to fight the United States because there was no one else who could since the fall of the Soviet Union. Osama bin Laden h as made such allegations against the United States not because they are true, but only to help him in his final goal of proving to the World that the Islamic world can defend itself and that he is capable of it. He also made such allegations to try to unite the Islamic world in hopes that an Islamic state may rise. Works CitedAlexander, Yonah, and Swetnam, Michael S., Usama bin Ladens al-Qaida Profile of a Terrorist Network, Transnational Publishers, September 2001Bergen, Peter, Holy War, New York Free Press, 2001 Lewis, Bernard, The Revolt of Islam, The New Yorker, November 19. 2001Miller, Judith, Interview PBS, 2001
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Tragedy of Brutus in Shakespeares Julius Caesar :: Julius Caesar Essays
The Tragedy of Brutus in Shakespeares Julius Caesar Throughout many of Shakespeares plays, a tragic hero is admit a courageous figure that possesses a tragic flaw, which eventually leads to his d protestfall. In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, there have been arguments over who is in fact the tragic hero. numerous people concur that Brutus is the tragic hero. However, others argue and name Julius Caesar as the tragic hero. After learning more about these two characters, a conclusion bathroom be effortlessly drawn. Brutus is indeed the tragic hero of this play because when a person who possesses such heroic qualities dies, it is a true tragedy. In order to be the tragic hero the person must contain at least one tragic flaw, and Brutus contains many, but three of them stick out distinctively. His overconfidence along with his impatience and his nobility brought about Brutuss downfall. However, I believe that the main cause of his downfall was his naivety or the fact that he was an idealistic man. At the reference of the play, I believe that Brutus was a much different man than he turned out to be. He did not want to take part in the conspiracy, but Cassius was very persuasive and convinced him that it was what needed to be done. After Brutus had decided to go along with the idea I think that he judge it all to happen too easily. He was too confident that their plan would work exactly like they had planned and that nothing could go wrong. Along with be overconfident, he was also a very impatient man. They had only generated their plan a couple days before and did take not enough m to realize the consequences of their actions. If they had taken more time to think things through and had planned for the worst to happen, I believe they would have been ready for what would happen next. After the putting to death of Caesar and rioting of the plebeians after the funeral the two armies were ready to fight, which again showed signs of impati ence. When going into the battle Brutus advanced too quickly which led to the killing of many of his men and his own suicidal efforts.
The Tragedy of Brutus in Shakespeares Julius Caesar :: Julius Caesar Essays
The Tragedy of Brutus in Shakespeares Julius Caesar Through away umteen of Shakespeares plays, a sad hero is acknowledged a courageous figure that possesses a tragic flaw, which eventually leads to his downfall. In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, there have been arguments over who is in item the tragic hero. Numerous people concur that Brutus is the tragic hero. However, others argue and name Julius Caesar as the tragic hero. After learning more about these two characters, a conclusion can be effortlessly drawn. Brutus is indeed the tragic hero of this play because when a person who possesses such heroic qualities dies, it is a true tragedy. In order to be the tragic hero the person must contain at least one tragic flaw, and Brutus contains many, but three of them stick out distinctively. His overconfidence along with his impatience and his nobility brought about Brutuss downfall. However, I believe that the main cause of his downfall was his naivety or the fact that he was an elevated man. At the beginning of the play, I believe that Brutus was a much different man than he turned out to be. He did non want to scud part in the conspiracy, but Cassius was very persuasive and convinced him that it was what needed to be done. After Brutus had decided to go along with the idea I specify that he expected it all to detect too easily. He was too confident that their plan would work exactly like they had planned and that nothing could go wrong. Along with being overconfident, he was also a very impatient man. They had only generated their plan a couple days before and did take not enough time to realize the consequences of their actions. If they had taken more time to think things through and had planned for the worst to happen, I believe they would have been ready for what would happen next. After the killing of Caesar and rioting of the plebeians after the funeral the two armies were ready to fight, which again showed signs of impat ience. When going into the battle Brutus advanced too quickly which led to the killing of many of his men and his own suicidal efforts.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Oedipus Rex Essay
Oedipus the King, excessively known as Oedipus Rex is one of the three Hellenic plays about Thebes written by Sophocles. In item the plays form a trilogy (Oedipus Rex, Oedipus Colonus and Antigone) with the same characters. The plays are sometimes referred to as the Oedipus Plays since Oedipus is the main character. Sophocles genius lies in the crafting of these plays, and their characters, almost bringing them to life. Throughout the course of study of Oedipus Rex he expresses the power of fate and predestination that leads the characters astray. In fact, it was the stubborn belief in superstitions and prophecies that Sophocles highlights.Both the heroes, Oedipus and Creon are popular tragic heroes of Greek mythology. Oedipus is b well(p) and has levelheaded intellect, notwithstanding at the same time is quick to make rash decisions without much thought. Creon though is depicted as a earth of reason, much more than subtle, unlike the brash Oedipus. The play begins with Oedip us ruling Thebes with a firm hand. The people believe him to be their savior because Oedipus is the one who saves them from the curse of the Sphinx, a half egg-producing(prenominal) half lion monster, by solving her riddle. King Lauis who ruled before Oedipus had left Thebes for a while under the queen regnantship of Creon. plainly King Lauis is killed. Meanwhile Creon offers his babes hand in marriage to anyone who could rid the city of the Sphinx by solving her riddle. It is Oedipus who is able to solve it, marries Jocosta (Creons sister), and gains rule of part of Thebes. From the beginning Oedipus is mindful of that there is some curse on him. He learns from an oracle that he is destined to kill his father and mate with his own mother. But it is his over-bearing belief in this curse that eventually results in his fall. At the beginning of the play Oedipus is shown to have great strength of character and will, and is a man of understanding.People have a high regard for him an d fear him the same. But the one weakness that lied in Oedipus was his impulsiveness. Throughout the play are numerous instances where Oedipus makes rash decisions, and is quick to cross to conclusions without much thought. His vanity leads him to kill Lauis over a mere brawl. afterwards when the projection screen prophet Tiresias warns him not to investigate the murder of Lauis, Oedipus is incensed and argues that Tiresias himself is the murderer. When the prophet reveals the truth, Oedipus is enraged, objective the old man of corruption.He is bent on believing that Creon wants to seize power until he realizes that Creon himself chooses not to rule even thought he has the right to a third of Thebes. When Jocasta kills herself, Oedipus gouges his eyes with her broaches blinding himself in despair. And when he does learn the truth, he demands his own exile out of shame and disgust. Sophocles portrays Oedipus as a man of honor and dignity, a matter of prime importance to ancient G reeks. He was also a man of great intellect another feature esteem by them.The riddle of the Sphinx was baffling to say the least, but it was only Oedipus who could solve it. What is the creature that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three in the evening? To this Oedipus replies, Man (who crawls on all fours as a baby, walks upright later, and needs a walking stick in old age)1. Oedipus, in fact was a typical hero in every sense of the word. He was short-tempered, proud, and stubborn, with unflinching dedication and loyalty. He had a strong conscience, an intelligent mind and madness to do good for his people and his city. But worst of all was his inability to see clearly. Sophocles describes this by using a theme of sight and blindness in the play often.Oedipus after part see, but remains blind to reality. In contrast, the old prophet can see clearly even though he is blind. such themes were often a part of Greek mythology. But the theme of blindness h as special importance in Oedipus Rex at times literal, at times metaphorical. Later when Oedipus learns that Jocasta has killed herself, and when he does learn that he fulfilled the prophecy, he blinds himself out of guilt, and anger at not being able to see or think clearly. Oedipus is over-bearing in many ways, and it is his over-bearing sense of self that misleads him so easily.After blinding himself he leaves to spend the rest of his life in exile, with the aid of his daughter Antigone. Creon, Jocostas brother, and Oedipus proportional and friend stands in sharp contrast to Oedipus. In Oedipus Rex Creon plays the role of a calm and controlled man with a mind that reasons. Creon is a close friend of Oedipus, but that too does not keep the headstrong Oedipus from suspecting that Creon wanted to rule Thebes. Creon though claims that he is not interested in ruling Thebes, and that Oedipus is only a king in name, since he has the right to as much of Thebes as Oedious himself.He rep resents a semblance of diplomacy and stability. In fact, these were the very things lacking in Oedipus. Creon also shows traits of being much more reasonable. An example is when Creon brings news from the oracle and wishes to tell it to Oedipus is person. Oedipus though is insistent that it be told in public, not keeping anything from anyone. One can see various instances where the two heroes are opposing in their approaches, and manner of dealing with situations. While Oedipus can be called childish and haughty, Creon was much more clear-headed and foresighted.But there were some things that the two heroes shared in common. Both had won the hearts of the people, were respected, and loved the city of Thebes. They were also very keen followers of the Greek gods. Since most Greek mythology was built around gods and goddesses, they played a crucial role ion determining the course of the story. In fact the theme of gods and of predestination plays a key role in Oedipus Rex. Oedipus is a lways wary of his curse told to him by an oracle. He seeks help from Apollo to determine the cause of the plague. Creon too follows the will of the gods.When Oedipus demands to be exiled, Creon waits for eulogy from the gods before taking any action. It is worth mentioning here that if Oedious Rex and Antigone are compared, one can see that both the kings accuse the old prophet Tiresias of corruption when he tells them that the gods are against them. But there is also a clear difference that follows. While Creon tries to change, and amend his wrongdoings, Oedipus remains blind and refuses to acknowledge his mistakes. Eventually, Oedipus is left wandering blind and lonely, while he leaves his daughters in Creons care.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Supply and Demand and Dell Laptops
1. 1 Origin of the report As a explode of the Principles of Microeconomics course, this report has been assigned to me by our respected Professor Dr. A. K. M. Saiful Majid as a term paper. The topic has been decided after consultation with our course instructor and fork over been asked to submit an elaborate report on the topic. 1. 2 Objectives and scopes * Analyzing the affect and bring out of dingle laptops. * Analyzing the current trade situation of dell laptops. * Analyzing the factors affecting the demand and allow of dingle laptops in Dhaka city. Analyzing the harm elasticity of demand and supply of dingle laptops. 1. 3 Methodology The data needed to prep atomic number 18 this report was basically learned from the course and the workshop held by the instructor. The methodology subprogramd are fol imprints Primary Data Source Secondary Data Source 1. 4 Limitations duration doing the term paper, I faced some obstacles. These are given below- * The main limitation was the unavailability of information and its confidential nature. * Time constraint was a big problem in preparing the report. An separate limitation of this report is organizations policy of not disclosing some data and information for obvious reason, which could be actually much useful. * Lack of experience of this type project. * Minimum knowledge on Economics(half a semester). 2. 1 Product background A laptop, alike called a notebook, is a personal computer for mobile use. A laptop integrates most of the typical comp iodinnts of a desktop computer, including a display, a keyboard, a pointing device (a touchpad, also known as a trackpad, and/or a pointing stick) and speakers into a single unit.A laptop is powered by mains electricity via an AC adapter, and can be used away from an outlet using a recharge sufficient battery. Portable computers, originally monochrome CRT-based and developed into the modern laptops, and were originally considered to be a shrimpy niche market, mostl y for specialized field applications such as the military, accountants and sales representatives. As takeout computers became smaller, lighter, cheaper, more powerful and as screens became bigger and of better prize, laptops became very widely used for all sorts of purposes.The basic components of laptops are similar in function to their desktop counterparts, but are miniaturized, adapted to mobile use, and designed for low power consumption. Because of the additional requirements, laptop components are usually of inferior performance compared to similarly charged desktop parts. Furthermore, the design bounds on power, size, and cooling of laptops limit the utmost performance of laptop parts compared to that of desktop components. Bangladesh started importing laptops as early as 2002. Imports figures were not found accurately. 2. 2 Company background Dell, Inc. s an American multi subject field information technology corporation based in 1 Dell Way, Round Rock, Texas, United Sta tes, that develops, sells and supports computers and related products and services. Bearing the name of its founder, Michael Dell, the company is one of the largest technological corporations in the world, employing more than 103,300 people worldwide. Dell is listed at number 41 in the Fortune 500 list. Dells headquarters is located in Austin, Texas. As of 2010 the company employs about 16,000 people in the facility, which has 2,100,000 square feet (200,000 m2) of space.As of 1999 almost half of the general fund of the City of Round Rock originates from sales taxes generated from the Dell headquarters. A board of directors of nine people runs the company. Michael Dell, the founder of the company, serves as chairman of the board and chief executive officer. Dell advertisements have appeared in several types of media including television, the Internet, magazines, catalogs and newspapers. slightly of Dell Incs marketing strategies include lowering prices at all times of the year, go free bonus products (such as Dell printers), and offering free merchant marine in order to encourage more sales and o stave off competitors. In 2006, Dell cut its prices in an effort to maintain its 19. 2% market share. Dell first opened their retail stores in India. Dell started selling their laptops in Bangladesh back in late 2002. Since then they have been able to capture the greater market share(about 29. 91%). 2. 3 market place overview The laptop market can be described with two aspects- * The products that different sellers are offering are exactly the same. * The number of sellers and buyers are so numerous that each has a negligible impact o the market price.In economic theory, pure(a) contention describes markets such that no participants are large enough to have the market power to set the price of a homogeneous product. Because the conditions for perfect competition are strict, there are few if any perfectly competitive markets. Perfect competitive market seems a bit theoretical for Bangladeshi context. By considering these aspects of the laptop market, I concluded that the laptop market is a competitive market. Because each brands are selling laptops with same strain, consumers have so many choices. cryptograph can be a price maker because of the wide range of choices. Figure Product life cycle 3. 1 Factors influencing demand 3. 2 error of demand diverge The demand curve shifts in two ways. If any of the factors sum ups the standard demanded, it is called an increase in demand and the demand curve shifts to the right. And if any of the factors decreases the amount demanded, it is called a decrease in demand and the demand curve shifts to the left. Income If income of people in Dhaka city, people lead buy more laptops. In that strip it becomes a normal good. (i. a good for which, other things equal, an increase in income leads to an increase in demand. ) Price of substitute goods If the price of substitute goods (HP, Acer and so on ) develops, the demand for Dell laptops rises because people guide to shift away from their previous brands. Taste The brand Dell has captured the consumer loyalty of the techno yellowish browns of Bangladesh. A large number of this fan base is in Dhaka city. These consumers prefer Dell laptops to many other brands that are available in Bangladesh. Expectations Due to frequent IT and laptop fairs, people gestate the price of Dell laptops to fall.So, they are willing to buy more Dell laptops. These fairs lead to a rightward shift of the demand curve. Number of buyers The number of laptop buyers in Dhaka city has increased in a very short span. This leads to a rightward shift of the demand curve. Besides these factors, there are some factors that causes the increase in demand for Dell laptops. IT fairs are frequently arranged in BICC, Agargaon. Dell provides various offers like discount, scratch cards in these fairs. This increases the demand for Dell laptops. IT fairs have increased the demand about 25%.The recent advancement of technology also has a major role in change magnitude the demand for Dell laptops. Due to recent introduction of Wimax technology in Bangladesh people has easy access to internet in different places. People are responding to this incentive and are buying more and more laptops. Figure Shift of demand curve 3. 3 Current market demand The relation between the price of Dell laptop and the quantity demanded is ostracize to its price. Therefore, if the price of Dell laptop increases, the quantity demanded in Dhaka city will decrease and vice versa.Market demand is the sum of all the individual demand. To get the big picture about the market demand, I have surveyed two retail outlets of Dell laptops in Bangladesh- calculator Village and industrial plant systems. Previously the price of Dell Vostro 3450 was Tk. 55000 Computer Village sold 72 of these laptops and Flora sold 70 of these laptops. That means the market demand was 70 laptops. ( Its only for one brand, one model and two showrooms, actually the market demand is the total demand of Bangladesh). The price has gone protrude to Tk. 49000 and the demand has increased to 80 laptops. A 12. 5% decrease in demand increased 15% quantity of laptop demanded. % Figure Sale of Flora systems Figure Sale of Computer Village Figure Movement along the demand curve 3. 4 Forces influencing supply 3. 5 Shift of supply curve The supply curve shifts in two ways. If any of the factors increases the quantity supplied, the supply curve shifts to the right and vice versa. Number of sellers The more the number of sellers in the market, the larger the supply. The number of laptop buyers is increasing day by day. That is an incentive for the suppliers to come in the market as there is so much opportunity for them.Expectations As the demand is increasing rapidly, the suppliers are expecting that the price of the laptop will go up. That is why they are hoarding laptops to sell it later at a higher(prenominal) price. Technology It allows the producers yield more profit by making the production process more efficient and effective. Input price The production of laptops is more productive when the components of laptops go up. As a result, supply of laptops increases. Government has introduced its development plan in relation to improvements in the economic conditions in Bangladesh.Digital Bangladesh within 2021 is the biggest example. In recent years, the government has reduced taxes, levied import duties on technology and provided grants for all the industries that have dedicated itself to nationwide technology spread and availability. Introduction of DOEL brand, which is a national company, is another big citation of how government has patronized the laptop market of Bangladesh. To meet the increasing demand, the supply of Dell laptops has increased. This leads to an increase in the supply of Dell laptops. Figure Shift of supply curve 3. Movement along the supply cu rve The relation between the price of Dell laptop and the quantity demanded is negative to its price. Therefore, if the price of Dell laptop increases, the quantity demanded in Dhaka city will decrease and vice versa. The relation between the price of Dell laptops and the quantity supplied is despotic. Therefore, if the price of Dell laptop increases, the quantity demanded in Dhaka city will increase and vice versa. The number of sellers has increased over the years. There are many outlets of Dell like Computer Village and Flora systems.As the number of individual suppliers is increasing, the market supply is also increasing. Due to increase in profits and laptop price, the supply of Dell laptops has increased. Figure Movement along the supply curve 3. 7 Equilibrium Market price always tend to move towards the point where the demand curve and the supply curve intersects. This point is called the equilibrium point. It is the point where the quantity supplied equals quantity demande d. At this point, buyers are fairly well-provided with the price and sellers are also satisfied with the amount of profit they are making.The price at this point is called the equilibrium price and the quantity supplied or demanded is called the equilibrium quantity. I have calculated weighted average of the whole Dell range keeping certain parameters- * The lowest offering of Dell is Tk. 23,000. * Highest price Tk. 1,75,000. In laptop fair 2011 the lowest price sold 8 units and highest price sold 1 unit. Weighted average = (8? 23000) + 175000/ 9 = 40000 So the equilibrium price of Dell laptops is Tk. 40000 and the equilibrium quantity is 9 units for laptop fair 2011. FIGUREEQUILIBRIUM 4. Price elasticity of Demand As the buyers can switch to HP and other brands if the price increases, so the demand for Dell laptops are elastic. Laptops of various brands like HP, Acer, Asus, Samsung, Compaq are available in the market. HP provides the consumers with almost the same quality as Dell and brands like Acer and Asus provides the consumers laptops of same configuration at a cheaper price. Dell laptops are attractive, shiny and have sleek metallic body. similarly people prefer it because of its comfortable weight and its easy to carry. We can classify Dell laptops as luxury good.The demand for Dell laptops is inelastic over a larger time period. Because if the price of Dell laptops rises, it will take time for buyers to switch to another brand. But, eventually in the long run the price of other similar brands being lower than Dell laptops would have buyers interest turning to them. FigureElastic demand of Dell 4. 2 Income elasticity of demand and print price elasticity of demand Dell laptops are normal goods. Higher income raises the quantity demanded. Since Quantity demanded and income move in the same direction, Dell laptops have positive income elasticity.Again, since Dell laptops is a luxury good, it has a relatively larger income elasticity because consumers f eel that they can easily switch to other low priced laptops consisting of similar configuration like Acer, Asus etc. Dell laptops has many substitutes like HP and other low priced Acer, Asus, Fujitsu etc. So, if the price of Dell laptops rises, the quantity demanded for these substitute goods will rise and eventually, the cross-price elasticity of demand of Dell laptops will rise (positive). Again, there are many complement goods to Dell laptops like laptop bags, headphones, pen drives, laptop cooler, portable hard disk etc. hat are used along with it. So, if the price of Dell laptops rises, the quantity demanded of these goods would fall and ultimately, the cross-price elasticity of demand of HP will fall (negative). 4. 3 Price elasticity of supply The supply of Dell laptops is almost inelastic i. e. as price tacks the quantity demanded of Dell laptops doesnt change significantly. Sellers have a tendency to keep the supply unchanged whatever is the price. Figure Inelastic supply B eing in a competitive market, Dell cannot set the price. The consumers of Dell are satisfied with the service that it provides.So, most of the consumers are brand loyal and they will stay loyal until the scenario changes drastically. So, it can be give tongue to that Dell has a little competitive advantage over its competitiors. The IT sector of Bangladesh is developing in a fair pace. Using computers in educational purposes is increasing rapidly. As laptops are easier to carry and use, it can serve this purpose very well. Government has reduced taxes, levied import duties on technology. Bangladesh has recently started manufacturing laptops to supply the laptops to the ones who cannot afford the costly foreign brands.Bangladesh needs to assemble laptops to increase market growth. Steps should be taken to make the laptops affordable to the general public. 1. www. wikipedia. org 2. www. banglapedia. org 3. www. webbangladesh. org 4. www. thedailystar. net 5. www. prothom-alo. com 6. www. newnation. com 7. Principles of Economics, 3rd Edition, N. Gregory Mankiw 8. The Economist, September 2011 9. Computer Jagat, August 2011 Survey questionnaire 1. Do you use laptop or desktop? 70% use laptop, 30% use desktop 2. Why do you use laptop? -easy to carry 62. 9%, net use 24. 3%, office work 12. 8% 3.Which brand do you prefer? -29. 91% Dell, 24. 2% HP, 14. 3% acer, 9. 4% Compaq, 8. 6% Samsung, 4. 3% Toshiba, 4. 3%fujitsu, 2. 9% apple 4. Why do you prefer this brand? -38. 6% use for configuration, 24. 3% use for comfort, 21. 4% use for attractive looking, 15. 7% for long last assurance. 5. For which do you give importance? -56. 7% for price, 29. 4% for configuration, 12. 9% for brand 6. Do you think that supply of laptop is enough? -57. 1% think enough, 42. 3% think not enough 7. What can increase demand of laptops? -61. 4% cheaper rate, 15. 7% more radio set free zone, 22. 9% user developed Thank you
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Genetically modified (GM) foods Essay
What does a tomato, soybean, and McDonalds French fry have in common? They argon all slightly of the most commonly cistrontically modified foods sold on the market today. By using the genetic information from one organism, and inserting or modifying it into a nonher organism, scientists quite a little make food crops stay new, grow bigger, and have the crops create their own pesticides. Nevertheless, the technology to modify genes has surpassed its practicality. communicableally modified foods need to be removed from nonchalant agriculture beca determination of the threat they pose to human health, the environment, and the impact on global economy.Genetically modified (GM) foods could produce new toxic substances, and/or allergens. A gene from the Brazil nut was inserted into the DNA of a soybean plant to increase the nutritional value of the soybean. However, this particular gene in the GM soybean as well as produced an allergen (a substance that causes allergic reactions in people). Fortunately, the plant was non put into production (McHughen 119). Another example is of a GM tomato called FLAVR SAVR. The tomato is larger, tastier, and stays fresher longer than commercial tomatoes on the market. Combining conventional tomato genes with the genes of an arctic trout produces the FLAVR SAVR. Nevertheless, questions such as Will people with sea food allergies be suitable to consume the tomato? and Will the trout genes in the tomato enable new bacteria growth, and thereby make the tomato hazardous to eat? have tranquillise not been answered.This causes the FLAVR SAVR to be a potential hazard to human health (McHughen 14, 112). Since technology is new with regards to genetics, there is no real way of knowing whether genetically modified foods would take a negative impact on the body. An incident that occurred in 1989 concerning the nutritional supplement L- Tryptophan is one way of testing the semipermanent effects of a GM food (Background on L-tryptophan and 5-hydroxy L-tryptophan and the eosinophilia myalgia syndrome, U.S. Food and Drug Administration). The manufacturer had app atomic number 18ntly altered its manufacturing process to speed up production, and had not realized the toxic side effects.However, it caused a potentially fatal illness called Eosinophilia Myolgia Syndrome in which 37 people died and 1500 more were permanently disabled (Background on L-tryptophan and 5-hydroxy L-tryptophan and the eosinophilia myalgia syndrome, U.S. Food and Drug Administration). thitherfore, it was taken off the market shortly after the reports of widespread illness among consumers of the supplement. Another two examples of unhealthinesss that have been created by GM crops are glufosinate (Hart 21), which causes birth defects in mammals, and glyphosate (Hart 88), which is now linked to non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Therefore, it is evident that the general public is the guinea pig for GM food, and todays drugs may not be able to combat the dise ases that may arise from eating the food.Superbugs are created when genes transfer from one species to another, and if an antibiotic-resistant or pesticide-resistant gene were to transfer from an organism into a disease creating bacteria, then an antibiotic-resistant or pesticide-resistant bug would be created (Miller 83). This applies to bacteria and viruses that are symbiotically related. Gene modification is in swayly making life resistant to diseases, and these bacteria and viruses ordain adapt to the new form of life and create new disorders. Furthermore, GM crops may make the normal biological pest spray obsolete. This is because pests will curtly develop resistance to the spray because of the widespread planting of GM crops. Nevertheless, superbug pesticides have not yet been manufactured, nor have superbug antibiotics been created (Miller 92). Consequently, the health risks for humans by means of superbug infections or by eating GM food is very serious, and the consequenc es that may come about have the potential to be life threatening.Genetic engineering of food crops has the potential to affect the biodiversity of a region in effectively two ways. First, wild populations of weed may be replaced by GM crop/weed, due to the GM crop spreading outside the crop field and interacting with natural weed and slowly becoming GM weed. Since GM crops are produced to be resistant to pesticides and herbicides, there is the possibility that they could invade wild grasslands and other places and prosper because of these special characteristics. If this happened, the native grasses would be unable to compete and biodiversity would be illogical in these regions. Also, many genetically engineered crops contain anti-viral genes and there is the potential that these genes could combine to form new and dangerous strains of viruses, which could destroy specific crops. Although, to date, there is no direct evidence of these occurring naturally, the potential is clearly i ncreasing (UK Agricultural Biodiversity Coalition.What is happening to Agricultural Biodiversity?). The second way in which the biodiversity of a region is potentially affected is by the decreasing crop varieties that are being planted. This is a problem already existing in agriculture today, and results in a loss of genetic florilegium within crop cultures. Farmers being forced to use only patented sources are an example of a potential decrease in biodiversity. If traditional seed varieties are used, farmers will be at a financial wrong due to better tasting, better looking crops produced by farmers using GM seeds. In the U.S., and some other countries, laws have been passed and are currently in effect stating that the use of non-patented seeds is prohibited. This will restrict the crops to a few species, leaving them more at risk to new pests that may form (UK Agricultural Biodiversity Coalition. What are the underlying causes of the Losses of Agricultural Biodiversity?).The E uropean community is by far the most anti-GM, so to speak, when it comes to the retail of GM food in their supermarkets (Tackling Food Safety Concerns over GMOs, Consumer attitudes and decision-making with regard to genetically modified food products). Regulations are being imposed on the European Parliament, individual European nations, and some stores themselves have all imposed restrictions on GM foods. Manufacturers must label all foods that might have genetically altered ingredients. This includes food with genetically manufactured organisms, food with an intentionally modified molecular structure, and food that has been isolated for microorganisms, fungi, and algae. Furthermore, the genetically altered food must not mislead the consumer, present any danger to the consumer, or differ from the food that it is intended to replace so that the altered food is a nutritional disadvantage to the consumer (Tackling Food Safety Concerns over GMOs, Development of methods to identify food s produced by means of genetic engineering).This legislation has now created trade barriers for food coming into Europe some imported food is genetically modified and creates a risk to the peoples health and safety. Nevertheless, because some supermarkets in Europe have decided to be non-GM only, this has created a competitive disadvantage for the half-GM supermarkets. This response to consumer pressure is also having an effect on some companies or countries that cannot meet the legislative needs, and are have to lose markets and/or market shares (Tackling Food Safety Concerns over GMOs, European network safety assessment of genetically modified food crops). If the world in conclusion agrees to the consumption of GM food, European countries will be the last to give-in to the more lenient regulations.If one is to ask a North American if the product he or she is eating contains GM food, he or she will most likely show a blank stare. This is because regulation of GM food in North Am erica is relatively relaxed when compared to Europe (Borger, second paragraph). Since the manufacturer is not required to label their products, the consumer is oblivious to buying GM food at the supermarket. cultivation and technology are both being heavily invested in the United States. Profit is an important driving force for the developed world, and agricultural exports make up a large portion of exports from the United States (Borger, third paragraph).Since the demand for food is always increasing, the demand to produce more food at a blistering rate requires the need for better biotechnology to be put into practice. And because of the lax laws in effect for the United States, and Canada, North Americans are in the dark with regards to what they are eating during their meals. North Americans are not educated about the risks of GM food, nor are they aware of where to find information regarding how much GM food is in their groceries (Borger, 12th paragraph). This poses a serious threat to the potential health of North Americans, as they are nothing but lab rats waiting for their first supernormal twitch.Human health can be seen as the greatest factor when considering the manufacturing of GM food. This is because of the few diseases and viruses that have been discovered which formed through the use of GM food. Also, the potential for new diseases and/or viruses through the use of GM food is increasing, and people are not aware of the risks. Antibiotics or pesticides have not yet been created to combat the superbug, and this is a concern for humans, as it will infect people, and crops altogether. There is a potential for the biodiversity to decrease because of gene transfers from one species to another, creating more tendinous crops, which may take over the natural populations of weeds and grasslands.An additional way for the biodiversity to decrease is by farmers planting only a single variety of crop, thereof wiping out the varied species needed to keep the diversity within crop fields. Europeans are the most aware of GM food, and are taking the necessary precautions and legislative actions to protect themselves against the use of GM food. However, North Americans are the least aware of GM food, and their government has not yet educated their citizens on the risks of GM food. There are too many risks involved in the use of GM food, and its removal from the agricultural and biotechnological industries will benefit human health, the environment, and global economy.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Backyard burgers
The approve Yard Burgers operates and franchises tumultuous nutrition eating houses across the United States. It has its headquarters in Memphis, Tennessee. The strong regimen chain is historied for its charbroiled freshly prep atomic number 18d gourmet hamburgers and sandwiches. The chain has 183 egresss, 44 of which ar company-operated and 139 argon franchisees. Since its inception in the class 1987 the company has expanded considerably following a well defined marting and operating outline. The fast food attention has in analogous manner witnessed a gradual change over the twelvemonths and the emerging merchandise trend has enormous potential to beleaguer.The insurrection challenger and ever-changing demographics in this industry has presented new ch eachenges to the existing companies. What are the repulses that result drive the trade learn and how effectively can the companies adapt themselves to these changing forces are nigh of the questions that need to be crumbled in a broad perspective. The paper analyzes the existing strategy and stag positioning of the ski binding Yard Burgers the emerging market place trends and the capability of the company to adapt to these changing forces.The paper to a fault recommends changes in the companys operational and marketing strategy to face these challenges in the coming years and establish a inviolable market presence. Introduction The fast food industry Home cooked food has rapidly presumptuousness way to over the counter fast food service appealing to the taste buds of the masses. This change in food culture was fuelled by a number of factors that made a huge intrusion on the American lifestyle. The rising number of women joining the work force leaving them with lesser time to spend in the kitchen and cook for their families is seen as the predominant factor.A number of companies and brands came to the forefront to tap this extensive revenue generating ancestry. Well cognize brand s like McDonalds, Wendys and Burger King have been widely recognized by the consumers. The supremacy fashion model was adopted extensively to generate to a greater extent outlets over the artless and build a global presence. The past four decades has witnessed an enormous growth in the fast food industry in the United States. Small stalls and outlets selling homemade burgers and hotdogs have invaded every nook and corner of the country.Most of the fast food outlets offer hamburgers, pizzas, sandwiches, and opposite snack items with accompaniments like French fries, soups, beverages, and desserts. Fast and effective customer service, effective management, and aggressive marketing strategy drive the profitability of companies in this industry. The industry has propelled chains of eating house outlets across the nation with universal brand positioning strategies. The franchise concept has seen wide acceptance in this business arena. This business requires voluminous processing o f ready to eat food items, packaging, and delivery at a fast pace.Hence fast and efficient customer service is of prime importance. A nonher distinctive feature of this industry is the location of these outlets supermarkets, railway stations, airports, petrol pumps, and other high traffic subject fields. support Yard Burgers an introduction Lattimore M. Michael founded the Back Yard Burgers in the year 1987 in Cleve vote down, Mississippi. He started as a grocery shop owner and extended his business to providing delicious homemade burgers that became quite famous in the area.Aided with a bank loan and family investment Michael opened the first retell drive through restaurant on March 21st, 1987 in Cleveland, Mississippi. This outlet offered charbroiled wispy Angus beef burger dressed with lettuce, tomatoes, red onions, pickles, mayonnaise, mustard, and ketchup. The popularity of this outlet generated franchisee inquiries and a year posterior in 1988 a franchise store was ope ned in Greenville, Mississippi. The victor of these outlets paved the way for 180 restaurant outlets across 20 states by the year 2007.To deliver the highest quality service and best tasting food in a clean environment for a fair price states the representation of the fast food restaurant chain. Quality food, exceptional service, and clean eat environment are the key ingredients to the achievement of Back Yard Burgers. After all it is only great food and good service that will keep customers returning for more. The fast food chain continued to do big business till the mid 90s recording sales of $17. 2 million and a net profit of $682,000 in 1994. The consecutive years witnessed a gradual ebb in sales and profit margins.What went wrong and how could this situation be redressed? The study reflects the company strategy and policies adopted over the years, the issues and shortcomings faced by the company and its alterative measures. Back Yard Burgers The business model The Back Y ard Burgers has 183 outlets of which 44 are company-operated and 139 are franchisees. The principal source of revenue for the company is from company-operated restaurant sales, franchisee fees, area development fees, and royalty fees paid by the franchisees. 84. 9% of revenue is accounted to come in restaurant sales and 10.8% to royalty fees from the franchisees. Royalty and advertising fee revenue is careful on the sales amount reported by the franchisees on a weekly basis. Franchisee fee is realized when the company has assisted the setting up of the franchisee in terms of training, site location, equipment, structural design and operating guidance. The area development fee is applicable when a franchisee has been given the right to develop, own, and operate additional units of Black Yard Burgers outlets in certain geographical areas.Other revenue items include sale of proprietary food ingathering to franchisees and payment from other vendors on volume buy from the franchisees . The companys operating strategy endorses a diverse menu that is non only fresh but too competitive with other food chains in terms of quality and pricing. The company also emphasizes the restaurant design having a single drive-thru concept in integration with an indoor dining area. Training and supervision of franchisee and company operated restaurant staff is given due priority to meet the goals of a prompt, friendly and efficient customer service.Growth strategy model The company growth strategy focuses on increasing sales through good quality food and efficient service. Addition of dining rooms to seduce a pleasing ambience and a memorable dining experience, opening of more franchised outlets along with increasing number of company operated restaurants are synonymous to increase sales and revenue. Back Yard Burgers started with a small double drive through outlet catering to 120 to 140 cars per instant generating sales of $600 per hour at peak times.The concept was widely p opular and within a year the company saw growth in number of outlets using the franchisee model. The success of the franchisee model was mainly due to the low startup cost and seen as an lureive investment option. The setting up of a franchisee on leased land and a building structure required an investment of $260,000 to $400,000 as compared $1 million investment for franchisee of other reputed fast food brands. Back Yard Burgers husband a dedicated staff for training and assisting the opening of new franchisees and supervising the franchisee operations.The team helps in monitoring and assessing the quality of food being served, cleanliness of the restaurant, and the service efficiency. They go out inflexible adherence to company guidelines and policies. The team sends a report to the franchisees with their observations and in case of any lapses in any area the suggestions to overcome these shortcomings are also given. This strategy keeps the company updated with all facts and e nsures an overall supervision over all its franchisees. The company enters into a 10-year agreement with the franchisees that is renewable for a fee of $500.The key to success in the franchisee model is uniformity. The uniformity of outlets in terms of design, color-coding, logo, style, menu, and quality is extremely important. Customers are drawn to known brands and the uniformity of the outlets assures them of the brand and quality of service. The franchisee strategy spells success and but with ever changing market trends and rising rival managing this strategy is getting tougher. Market Competition Back Yard Burgers faces stiff competition from lead major brands that have gained acceptance and popularity among the masses.Burger King, McDonalds, and Wendys are the biggest competitors that Back Yard Burgers has to face today. The global recognition of the McDonalds brand and its universal presence makes it atomic number 53 of the biggest challenges that Back Yard Burgers face. Th e visibility of the McDonalds has spread to such an extent that even toddlers recognize Ronald McDonald. The success of McDonalds encouraged others to tap this huge market in the fast food industry. This saw a rise in number of fast food outlets in the country.Wendys and Burger King are also growing brand names that have given stiff competition to fast food giants like McDonalds. Their success is attributed to their marketing strategy that involves deep market penetration and brand recognition among children and adolescent who form a large chunk of the consumer base. Back Yard Burgers face stiff competition from supermarkets and convenience stores to a fault that offer the consumers take out meals and discount stores like Wal-Mart too pose a challenge to the company. The home delivery system introduced by companies like dominos is also eating away the market role of the company.So what are competitive forces that the Back Yard Burgers face? The brand popularity and image recogni tion of the McDonalds trademark logo and character in the form of Ronald McDonald that has become iconic in the fast food industry. The training of personnel in the hamburger industry given by McDonalds that has provided a new career avenue for the youngsters. The innovation in the menu and product offerings by Wendys targeting the matured consumer base. The penetration of market members by Pizza Hut, Dominos, cafeterias, and coffee joints. The introduction of home delivery system of pizzas by Dominos. The option available to the consumers with take-away meals from convenience stores. The widespread openings of discount stores like Wal-Mart. These are some of the major competitive challenges faced by the company. A look into the strategies of big brands like McDonald and Wendys highlights the importance of branding. It is the force of a strong brand presence that drives the consumer taste and preference. Brands create a consumer expectation with their consistency and uniformi ty of service and quality.Strong brand cognizance correlates with loyal consumer base and change magnitude revenues in the fast food industry. An effective strategy to achieve this goal is the company logo that portrays the companys image in the consumer minds. In the initial stages Back Yard Burger had managed to capture the consumer sake with its homemade burgers and sandwiches. Consumers came back for more of the great taste and quality of food being served to them. As part of its expansion strategy, Back Yard Burgers had entered into a Development Agreement with the YUM Brands Inc., for sub licensing of the Back Yard Burgers concept and trademarks in the year 2002. YUM Brands were given the right to open ten Back Yard Burgers outlet as part of multi brand units with Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and KFC. But this agreement fell through and further discussions were terminated. Lattimore M. Michael, Chairman of the Board and nous Executive Officer of Back Yard Burgers, had stated on th is development, While we are disappointed with todays developments, we are optimistic about the coming(prenominal) of the fraction of the quick-serve restaurant industry that seeks to provide premium food and service.We will continue to focus on our principal growth strategy of setting our restaurants apart from other fast-food competition by serving freshly prepared, great tasting food comparable to that of the best full-service casual dining restaurants. SWOT Analysis An elementary step to analyze the companys strategies and policies is to assess the strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats that are faced by the company. A SWOT analysis can provide the framework for identifying and analyzing the companys opportunities and future course of action to achieve the marketing goals.The strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats for Back Yard Burgers is identified in the incidental paragraphs. Strengths Home cooked quality of hamburgers and other products offered on the menu that the consumers tone worth the money to pay for. Cleanliness of the restaurant premises and fast efficient service by the staff. Rapid expansion strategy using the franchisee concept to tap the regional markets. Strict control of the over the franchisee operations and management right from the site selection to establishment and starting up of the restaurants. Well-trained and experienced staff attached to training and assisting the franchisees as part of company franchise program. Black Angus Beef Burgers charbroiled and grilled to perfection with variety of toppings is one of the USPs of the company. Weakness Declining market share with other big brands playing a dominant role. Weak brand positioning and brand awareness Low control over franchisees at later stages of operation Slow growth of revenue Opportunities Brand development and brand positioning creating an awareness among the consumers Tapping the overseas market Promoting healthy alternatives to attract the health apprised segment of the consumer base. Threats Competition from big brands and other upcoming eateries and joints Growing awareness of the consumers to healthy eating habits Advertising and Promotion Strategy Since the inception of the companys first outlet in Cleveland, Mississippi in the year 1987, Back Yard Burgers depended mostly on the word of mouth publicity to spread awareness and foster its home cooked burgers.New outlets that opened in the subsequent years expanded not only the companys consumer base and revenue but also stressed the need for aggressive marketing strategy to sustain the increased cost of operations. Back Yard Burgers started advertising on the television in the year 1993. The initial advertising campaigns were titled the great burger wars that took a punch at the competitors. In June 1994 the company launched a series of campaigns that featured Dennis R. Phillipi, a popular comic in Memphis who soon became famous as Dennis the Back Yard Bur gers Guy.The commercials projected the burgers as bigger, tastier, and healthier than those offered by the competitors due to its grilled cooking method that melted most of the fat. The advertising campaigns were effective in increasing sales and raising the revenue by 10 to 15%. Launch of new products and subsequent commercials on the television featuring Dennis Phillipi was an effective strategy. The company used the audio of these commercials in radio advertising that was cheaper. In addition the company also used direct mail advertising.The company collects 1% of taxable sales from each franchisee and company-operated restaurants that goes to the national advertising computer memory. 50% of this fund is utilized for marketing promos through various channel like radio, television, and print media. The rest 50% is used for market research, new product testing, and development, improvising on the operational front. The companys marketing director monitors product launch and new restaurant opening promotions and marketing managers with a well-trained staff.The management works in collaboration with the franchisees towards advertising and promotion of its restaurants. The advertising fee take in by the company increased from $314,000 in July 1, 2006 period to $318,000 in June 30, 2007 period. The $4000 increase over the earlier period is accounted to the 1% of sales that goes to the national advertising fund as per company policies. The company also recorded an increase in the advertising expense from $668,000 in the July 1, 2006 to $814,000 in June 30, 2007 that attributes to approximately 5% of the net restaurant sales on advertising in the past year.(see annexure for the comparative income statements). The company has been stressing on the advertising and promotion strategy but it has not been very effective. on that point are some important points that can be highlighted in this respect. The company has not been able to create brand loyalty and brand awareness in spite of good quality products and effective marketing strategy. This could be attributed to low brand visibility. This can be remedied with aggressive market campaigns that aim at the young generation since this is the biggest consumer segment for the fast food industry.Strategies that aim for deeper market penetration, fun logo that people can relate to enjoyable food and moments are infixed for brand positioning. Fun logo is a concept that the consumers can equate with good times. The simple logo of McDonalds is easily identifiable and children and youngsters can location it from a distance this is one of the best examples of effective brand positioning. The other concept that the Back Yard Burgers can adopt is the use of silvery color-coding for their outlets and the signboards.A bright color scheme attracts the younger generation and gives it an inviting look. The uniformity in look and feel of the franchisee restaurants and the other company-operated restaur ant is essential to make an easily identifiable construe in the consumer minds. In running a successful brand promotion campaign the essential point is to identify the consumer segment. Who are the consumers and the target focus convention for this chain of restaurants? The children and adolescents who form a major chunk of the consumer stem typically favour the fast food industry.The working people segment is another segment that will stop by for fast and filling food in their office hours. Fast service food is ideal meal for this segment. Campaigns attracting these two segments will create brand awareness and spell higher revenues for the company. Last but not the least the quality of food and service efficiency is the crux of the fast food industry. A good and satisfying meal will have the consumers returning for more. The satisfied and happy customer will not only promote brand loyalty but will have high recommendations regarding the food and service to their friends and fa milies.This is the greatest form of publicity that a fast food outlet can expect. External factors affecting the fast food industry There are a number of external factors that have a deep impact on the sales and revenue earnings of the fast food chains. The changing demographics, shift in consumer taste and preference, eating habits, increase in cost of supplies and labor, sparing condition of the geographical area in which the outlets are located all these are some of the factors that affect the profitability of the business. Pricing strategyFamilies and individuals in the higher income group are most frequent visitors to the fast food restaurant. The disposable income plays an important role in determining consumerism in this sector. The prices on the menu card is not so important when it comes to catering to high disposable income group. But that restricts the customer base and may not be an ideal situation for the company. Todays lifestyle has incorporated the fast food indust ry into its daily schedule. The Wendys or the McDonalds have menu cards that suit the pocket of the low-income segment group too.Recently McDonalds had introduced the Dollar Menu where all items cost $1 only. It was a runaway hit with the teenagers and youngsters. The variance in price has enabled McDonalds to attract customers from all segments. In response to this pricing strategy Wendys and Burger King also introduced low priced meals to suit the pocket of all segments. Back Yard Burgers on the other hand have higher priced burgers at $3. 59. The premium priced menu card has not found acceptance with all consumer segments but the management does not want to compromise on the price of the products.It believes that in terms of quality of the food items the prices are reasonable. Back Yard Burgers wanted to distinguish itself from the cutthroat competition in the industry with premium quality products. The management strategy holds good in terms of quality and service but is it good enough for the endurance of the company? A look at the sales figures for the past 3 years gives an indication of the sales and revenue trend. Consumer taste and preference The ever changing taste buds and increasing changes in lifestyle of the consumer has kept the fast food industry on their toes.Rising mobility, increasing number of women joining the workforce and hectic schedules impart very little time for a home cooked meal. The need for faster options in food and service was felt that led to the tremendous growth in the fast food industry. Quick serve burgers, pizzas and sandwiches accompanied by French fries and coke became the ideal meal for the average Americans. A diet adequate in fat and sugar attracted the consumers in plenty. This resulted in obesity and a disease prone society. Diabetes, heart problems were some of the impacts that the cheesy diet had on the consumers.Lawsuits were filed against some major players in this field like McDonalds for the growing obesit y among children and adolescents. This awakened the consumers of fast food and they realized the necessity for healthy alternatives. Health conscious consumers are more alert of what they eat and how it can affect them. The industry witnessed a radical change in consumer taste and preference. This brought about a sharp set in revenues for the fast food industry. The fast food chain operators brought about a change in their strategy by adding salads, fruits, and soups to the menu cards.Low calorie burgers and sandwiches are offered in addition to the regular menu items. This offers the customers with choice to healthier meal options. Back Yard Burgers has also adapted to the changing consumer preference by adding alimentary salads and milkshakes to their menu card. Introduction of grilled charbroiled burgers that claim lesser fat and lower calories have attracted the consumer interest and taste. Healthier and tastier alternatives in food items prepared with fresh ingredients are th e strategic point of Back Yard Burgers customer service.This has not only earned it a good reputation among the loyal consumers who return for more of the great quality food and taste but has also strengthened its market position. But the fast food industry cannot ensure consumer loyalty since the interest of consumers is flickering. They always want to try something new and better variety of options in food that they consume. To serve the changing tastes of the consumer and maintain their interest the restaurant needs to endlessly make changes to its menu card by adapting to their taste buds.Back Yard Burgers should keep this mind while formulating their operating strategy. With more fast food companies offering a wide range of products and services, Back Yard Burgers should also draft changes to its existing operating structure. One way of achieving this objective would be to combine the essential features of twain fast food and full service restaurants. A menu card that feature s in a regular full service restaurant integrated with fast food service will work wonders for the company boosting sales and revenue with an increasing consumer base.Event catering and home delivery service could also open newer avenues for the company. hands Issues The fast food industry is a labor driven sector. It has an extensive requirement of manpower to serve the increasing flow of consumer traffic at the outlets. adroit labor with fast pace of work is the basic requirement for this job. It is mostly youngsters who are eligible for this job but it can be stressful and at times hazardous. This industry requirement for long hours of duty, on the toe at all times and attentive to the needs of the customer is quite an uphill business.There is no doubt that the emergence and growth of this industry sector has solved the unemployment problem to a great extent. Many youngsters have found a living in this industry but the pay packages earlier were not very attractive. The pay sc ales have no doubt improved now but the work conditions bear on almost the same. The Back Yard Burgers currently employ over 10,000 people throughout their chain of restaurants. Each restaurant employs around 25 employees, of which some are part timers. A company-operated restaurant has a unit supervisor and two co-unit supervisors.Each unit supervisor reports to the district manager. A district manager has about v to eight restaurants in their supervision. Their role constitutes of keeping tabs on all aspects of operations and management of the restaurants in their jurisdiction. Each of these district managers report to the Director of Operations. The company endorses strict training and personnel development strategy. All personnel have to go through a personnel-training program on fast friendly and efficient customer service, restaurant cleanliness, and proper management of day-to-day operations.The employees have to go through classroom sessions that brief them about aspects o f food safety, sanitation, laws, and regulations related to the food industry and operational aspects of restaurant. The company envisages labor to be a critical factor in the coming years since the opportunities have increased manifolds. The demand for skilled labor is rising and this will lead to higher wages and compensation packages. Managing and retaining quality workforce in this industry will be a little difficult task and the key to effective manpower management is to keep the employees happy and satisfied with their jobs.Financial Analysis The Back Yard Burgers has 183 restaurants 44 company-operated and 139 franchisees as on June 30, 2007. The sales figures portend total revenue of $12,610,000 as compared to last year sales figure of $11,695,000. Restaurant sales accounted for $10,688,000 that is a 10. 3% increase from last year figures of $9,686,000. let out of this 10. 3% increase of revenue, 6. 8% is attributed to the addition of two new company-operated restaurants till Jun 30, 2007 since July 1, 2006. The remaining 3.5% increase in the revenue from restaurant sales is from the existing restaurants. disceptation of income for the period July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007 The statement of income shows a net income of $209,000 only for the current year as compared to $576,000 in the previous year. An increase in the general and administrative expenses and increased advertising expenditure accounts for the lower net income of the company. The annual turnover of the company in the year 2006 was $44,710,000 as compared to $41,000,000 in the year 2005. The company reported a 9% annual growth in sales.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Problems and Prospects of Poultry Industry in Bangladesh Essay
Problems and Prospects of domestic fowl Industry in Bangladesh An Analysis Muhammad Mahboob Ali *Md. Moulude Hossain** Abstract The bird perseverance has been successfully becoming a leading attention of Bangladesh. The primary objective of the determine is to identify the mingled aspect relating the egression and sustainability of bird industriousness in Bangladesh. Authors argued that st posegic caution in domestic fowl area requires comple workforceting to achieve present Govt.s vision of Digital Bangladesh 2021. This industry smoke erect various opportunities to increase GDP issue rate plus equitable distri barelyion through arranging forage security as soundly as ensuring self-importance usance, creating purchasing power and minify poverty at a large scale. Allowing importance of the expanses fowl industry in companionship to suss out the sustainable frugal reading it is forthwith high clock time to step forward for the better accumulation of resources available from this industry and to save the sm only and specialty farmers.Authors observe that to import domestic fowl related products huge amount of valuable strange exchange will be spent. They proposed for providing completesidy to the local industry and foster safeguard to the local entrepreneurs of the bird industry. Vaccine, vaccinations assists, choice to vaccine services, antibiotic dedicate additives and otherwise inputs and services of the poultry sphere should be developed locally as suggested by the authors.Keywords domestic fowl, GDP, scantness, Bangladesh*The first author is Professor and Head, M.H. School of Business, Presidency University. **The second author is lecturer, School of Business, Institute of Science and Tech nary(prenominal)ogy under national University.2IntroductionBangladesh is one of the high density countries of the origination has a population of 150 one thousand thousand population within the area of 143,000 km2. About Eighty perce nt people of this country still live in villages and are extremely shortsighted. Both the judicature and a variety of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are actively promoting poultry development at all levels. The Bangladesh unpolishedAdvancement Commission (BRAC), the largest, shows in its annual report that more than 70% of country stick outholds are involved in poultry keeping.But they face serious constraints, as the mortality rate of poultry is said to be as high as 25%, due to a combination of improper guideing practices, ignorance of management needs and poor distribution of vaccines. bird sector will create job opportunity for 10m people as claimed by poultry leaders in a roundtable titled Present Crisis and Prospects of Poultry Industry in Bangladesh (Source Financial Express, Bangladesh 23 July,2010).Small-scale poultry production has developed in a large number of developing countries around the world as an grievous source of earning for the rural poor. In the perish few years, the recognition of keen-scale commercial-grade poultry production attends to accelerate the pace of poverty reduction riding in new height in Bangladesh. The poultry industry has been successfully becoming a leading industry of the country. The sector is as well as growing rapidly for last two decades though it started state during mid sixties in this country. It has already capable to rise at an annual growth of around 20 per cent during last two decades. This industry has immense potentialities from the point of view of the economic growth of the country as well as fulfillment of basic needs and to keep the price at a minimum level and ensuring food oddly animal protein for the human being.The current farming structures of poultry in the country can be in general separated as mentioned below Conventional countryside backyard or scavenging/semi-scavenging system while another system is a business-related farming system. Conventional poultry production is an inborn part of rural farm household activities a few birds are reared with little or no feed complement to generate addicts and gist for home consumption and any excess is interchange. Business related poultry farms are definite for raising birds in restricted environment support on high yielding breeds, for profit feeds and business exercises. But recently declining trend in the poultry industry has been creating a problem for the country.This industry has immense orbit for the country through following points i) Changing livelihood & food habit ii) Reduction of dependence of philia related to Cow and goat, iii) Ultimately has positive reach on GDP growthrate of the country. The poultry industry has been qualification progress despite i) Avian Ininfluenzaenza/bird flu outbreak ii) terms rises of desolate materials in the international market iii)Lack of infrastructural support Research question of the contain is to assess the impact f the poultry industry among the pe ople of the country.Literature refreshGopalkrishnan and Mohanlal(1994) argue that food costs represents 65 to 75 per cent of total cost of commercial policy production, depending mainly in the relative costs of feed constituents ,labour ,housing., miscellaneous items of costs in a particular situation. Therefore it becomes imperative that economic as well as nutritionally balanced diets are provided during all phases of productive life-in eggers, chickens ,growers and layer stages and in broiler ,starter and finishing 3stages. The economics of poultry feeding depends to large extent on the local situation of food handiness and competition for the same food staff for use by human beings. Hunton (2001) in a study argue that, there is no doubt that elicit times lie ahead for the Bangladesh poultry industry. The combination of basic low input-low output, subsistence level growers, and all combinations up to and including large scale commercial production, presents a scare off and st imulating prospect to a government preoccupied with poverty and malnutrition.Nevertheless(prenominal), the poultry industry represents one way of accomplishing several national goals under a hit banner. Employment, poverty alleviation and improved nutrition are all potential benefits from continued support and encouragement of poultry development. Islam(2003) comments that the poultry sub-sector is crucially important in the context of agricultural growth and improvement of diets of people in Bangladesh. The sub-sector is particularly important in that it is a important source for the submit of protein and nutrition in a households nutritional intake. It is an attractive economic activity as well, especially to women and poor population.Banerjee(2004) observes that in comparison to other livestock ,Poultry requires less investment to start the farming. Persons from low income group whitethorn excessively start the business on a small scale. Poultry farming fling opportunities fo r fulfillment or part time employment particularly women, children or elderly person on the farm operation.Khan , Miah , Bhuiyan , Begum , Hussain and Khanum (2006) observe that Local chickens dominate poultry production in Bangladesh. In Sylhet mainly poor families, who have arrived from outside and are landless rear poultry.Most of the households (58.33%) had 0-15 chicken. Most of the families (75%) reared their chicken in combined house with duck. Materials used for housing were similar to other parts of the country. Mainly female members were involved in poultry rearing. About fifty percent farmers got on an median(a) less than 70 bollock per year per bird.A few farmers (5.56%) informed that they had collected more than 130 eggs from a bird in a year. In most of the cases (47.22%) the length of clutch was less than 20. Interval between two clutches was found in highest percentage (42.22%). Highest egg production was spy in winter season (52.78%) followed by summer, spring and late autumn. upper limit (60%) farmer had vaccinated their birds and 55% farmers got service from Department of Livestock Services.Jabbar et al.(access on 31 December ,2007) comments that since the early 1990s, contract farming as a market institution in the poultry industry in Bangladesh has evolved along with the expansion of commercial poultry farming. Apart from classical contract farming within vertically integrated enterprises, there are also formal and informal contract arrangements in input marketing and output marketing A high drop-out rate among commercial poultry beatrs is observed. Results of a survey conducted among farmers who dropped out of the poultry business in recent years are presented, highlighting the causes of dropping out and the possible role of contract farming in addressing them.Akter and Uddin(2009) argue that as an important sub sector of livestock production, the poultry industry in Bangladesh plays a vital role in economic growth and simultaneously c reates 4numerous employment opportunities. The poultry industry, as a fundamental part of animal production, is committed to supply the nation which a cheapsource of good quality alimentary animal protein in terms of meat and eggs.Aho (2010) predicts that poultry meat output may be impacted and fall before that of eggs in the world production. The portions that influence the production of poultry meat and eggs, he said, are real income per capita, the distribution of that income, the cost of grain and the size of the human population. Poultry will do well despite higher grain costs, said Dr Aho. This is because, at around 21, feed efficiency is better for poultry meat than pork (31) or beef (41), largely thanks to the tremendous progress made by broiler genetics companies over the last 50 years or so. Another important factor is the difference in water requirement 3,000 litres for chicken compared to 6,000 litres for pork and 16,000 litres for beef. Bangladesh Food Security Invest ment Forum Report (May 2010) state that, the vibrant fisheries sector in Bangladesh accounts for roughly 20 percent of the agricultural GDP while the growing livestock sector comprises around 12 percent. More than 10 cardinal Bangladeshis directly depend on these sectors for their livelihoods.A large proportion one of these people are smallholders whose production on of milk, meat, and eggs increased significantly between 2002 and 2008 primarily because of improved breed, feed, and fodder available veterinary health services and investments led by the private sector. The growth rate in the fisheries sector has also improvedfrom 2.33 percent in 200203 to 4.11 percent in 200708. This growth is largely from intensive technological management practices in agriculture. Pond aquaculture has also been improving and now produces about 866,049 metric tons (mt) per year, representing 41.92 percent of total inland fish production on (2,839 kilograms/ hectare). Shamsuddoha (2010) observes tha t sustainable development of environment friendly commercial poultry industry in Bangladesh seems to have attracted little attention. gibe to http// Cervantes commented that contrary to public perception, the continued use of antibiotic feed additives is beneficial for both, animal and human health (accessed on 5th November,2011).He said that there are numerous scientifically documented benefits derived directly from their use, much(prenominal) as the prevention and control of enteric diseases, enhance foodsafety, improved animal welfare, preservation and less contamination of the environment, improved efficiency of production and lower cost of production resultanting in lower prices for the consumers who can continue to enjoy an abundant supply of safe and nutritious food products of animal origin at an affordable price.According to http// d on 5th November,2011) small poultry enterprises with adequate institutional support targeting the poorest rural women and their families can help them take the first step out of poverty. However, for the concept to report as a poverty breaking tool (i) the beneficiaries moldiness come from the poorest segments of the village, (ii) the cost of producing an egg must be lower than in the commercial sector, (iii) an change environment must be established to keep a small flock of hens, inter alia, access in the village to feed, vaccine, vaccinations services, micro-finance, marketing and other inputs and services, and (iv) the modify environment must contain 5institutional and political space to provide the people involved the possibilities and opportunities to take the next step out of poverty.Objectives of the playing fieldThe primary objective of the study is to identify the various aspect relating the growth and sustainability of poultry industry in Bangladesh. We also attempt to seek the factor that making this industry vulnerable in terms of growth potentials. Along with theses we had tried to design recommendations for the developments of our poultry industry. Besides theses primary objectives there are some unessential objectives of the study as follows To identify the various stakeholders and market players in the poultry industry of Bangladesh as well the firm size, growth and market structure. To observe the factors that yarn-dye competitive advantages, profitability and firm growth potential within the poultry production supply twine. To determine the impact of the poultry industry on the food supply chain of Bangladesh. To address risks associated with the poultry industry and how to mitigate those risks for the sustainable growth and development ofpoultry industry.Methodology of the StudyThe study is an explanatory nature. The study is based on mainly secondary sources. Moreover, the study will also try to investigate internal sources of di fferent poultry firms. Time period of the study is January 2011 to April 2011.Exact sources including books, journals, websites, research reports etc. which will be mentioned.Making Vision 2021 a Reality Prospects of Poultry IndustryAccording to OUTLINE PERSPECTIVE PLAN OF BANGLADESH, 2010-2021 fashioning VISION 2021 A REALITY -Poor nutrition represents a study health problem. It is evident that a substantial majority of the population suffer from varying degrees of malnutrition, including protein-energy malnutrition, micro-nutrient deficiencies (such as vitamin A deficiencies, calcium deficiency disorders), iodine deficiency disorder, Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia, and vitamin deficiencies. Poultry sector in this regard has been playing a significant role in providing protein at a lower cost. Most probably it is the only sector that can grow vertically and produce uttermost amount of egg and chicken using the minimum land. However below we see list of calories from different types of meat List of calories in various meats send back1Meat Type Calories FatBacon Calories ( come rashers) 500 45gBeef Calories ( reasonable lean) 275 20gLamb breast (roast) 398 30gLamb Chops (grilled) 368 28gLamb Cutlets (grilled) 375 31g6Lamb Leg (roast) 270 17gLamb berm (roast) 320 24gPork Belly rashers (grilled) 400 35gPork Chops (grilled) 340 24gPork Leg (roast) 290 20gPork Trotters (boiled) 290 23gVeal fillet (roast) 240 12gChicken Calories (average) 140 12gDuck (roast) 330 30gGoose (roast) 350 25gPartridge (roast) 250 8gPheasant (roast) 250 9gPigeon (roast) 242 13.5gjoker (roast) 165 6gHare 155 6gRabbit 187 8gVenison 200 6.5Values for the calories in meats may vary due to different cooking methods http// Industry part to rural & national economy Livestock is playing an important role in the national economy, contributing significantly to agriculture and the gross national product. 44% of human daily intake of an imal protein comes from livestock products. Furthermore it plays a pivotal role in the rural socio economic system as maximal households directly involved in livestock. Investment in poultry sector should be doubled within the next decade and it will enhance the growth of this sector and contribute in the GDP and creates employment opportunity. In the nineties total investment in this sector was only BDT 15 hundred crores taka, but now it is more than BDT 15 thousand crores It has created job opportunity for more than 60 lakhs people. The poultry industry has been engaging supply of quality protein to the Bangladesh population at the lowest price in the world.Present situation of the Poultry industry has been shown below 7Table2June 2010 December 2010 March 2011Production of red cent(Million Kg./day)1.95 1.70 1.6Egg production(Million /day)27.5 26 23.5Numbers offarms of Poultry1,14,000 98,000 75,000(SourceChowdhury,2011)From the aforesaid table 2, we are seeing that declining tr end of production is prevailing in the poultry industry of Bangladesh.Moreover, price of the feed of the poultry rises around 30% during last six months. Poultry industry doe not count in the SME sector of the country. Maximum commercial deposes are not interested to finance this sector as they think it as a risky sector.http// _flu_outbreaks.html reported that (March 24,2011) that Over 1 million people involved in Bangladeshs poultry industry have lost their jobs in recent months due to outbreaks of avian influenza, according to the Bangladesh Poultry call down Protection National Council. http// December 22,2011) reported that The World Organisation for Animal Health received follow-up report no. 36 yesterday, 21 December. The causal agent has been identified as H5N1 virus and all four outbreaks took place at commercial pou ltry farms located in Dhaka and Khulna. According to the report, a total of 14984 birds were found susceptible to the outbreaks, out of which 1257 cases were identified, indicating a 100 per cent apparent case fatality rate (meaning all 1257 affected birds were found dead). A total of 13727 birds were destroyed.Fisheries and Livestock Minister of Peoples republic of authorities of Bangladesh Abdul Latif Biswas recently has said the government is considering the import of essential antibiotics to sustain the growth of poultry industry in the country (Sourcehttp// Essential antibiotics are needed to protect poultry from diseases. The government is considering lifting the ban on import of antibiotic for poultry as commented by the aforesaid minister. He said Since the independence, the countrys poultry industry has achieved significant growth both in terms of production and quality. The Daily sentience reports that he added now, a 10-million workforce are involved in the poultry industry and there are 150 million consumers.(Source ibid)Poultry Industry tag on of Animal Protein, Food Security Rising population, moderate growth of per capita income and higher income elasticity of demand for livestock products are likely to bring a shape up increase in the demand for livestock products. The demand for milk and eggs has increased by 6, 5.2, per cent respectively which is well above national average in the past.8 Bangladesh is a densely populated country. Agricultural land is limited and is reducing at a rate of 1 percent per annum. As such scarcity of production of agricultural product will be felt. Fish & cattle production are decreasing. These also require longer time to produce. But poultry production is relatively easier if both public and private sector initiatives go side by side. Poor nutrition represents a major health problem. It is evident that a substantial majority of the popul ation suffer from varying degrees of malnutrition, including protein-energy malnutrition, micro-nutrient deficiencies, iodine deficiency disorder, Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia, and vitamin deficiencies. Poultry sector in this regard has been playing a significant role in providing protein at a lower cost. Most probably it is the only sector that can grow vertically and produce maximum amount of egg and chicken using the minimum land. A report titled Climate transmute as a Security Risk said that the probable loss of arable and residential lands through flooding in this part of the world (Bangladesh and its neighbourhood) would result in increase ofinternal and external environmental migration and strained relations between countries. A solution to the issue of farmland depletion could be formulation of a sensible and realistic land-use policy. Moreover, from the poultry sector biogas plant and organic fertilizer can be prepared. State of protein deficiency & contri bution of Poultry Industry According to FAO each person should takeo 56 Kg. meat per annum while 365 eggs per annum. But in Bangladesh per head use of meat is only 14.57 kg per annum while use of egg is 31 per head per annum only.o As a resultant factor suffers from malnutrition and prevails disparity between poorer and richer section of the rescript. Currently as per UNICEF report total population is 16.40 crore. If population growth rate rises at the rate of 1.40 % per annum, then protein deficiency will rise, which can be mitigate from the poultry sector as this sector has immense potentialities. Poultry Industry Creating Huge Job Opportunity The sector can create huge job opportunity. The upright Finance Minister and the Food Minister also declared that poultry sector can create more job opportunity. Poultry farming offer opportunities for fulfillment or parttime employment particularly women, children or elderly person on the farm operations.compass of Four Folds Increase i n Poultry ProductionIn a handbook of poultry farming and feed formulation it was commented that the first and foremost reason of poultry farming is a high nutritious food in a reasonable price. There is a scope of four folds increase in poultry production. The milk, which is a conventional protein food for growing children and other vulnerable population, is getting costlier and there is every chance of adultering in it. 9 In future, one can visualize the egg and poultry meat not only as asupplementary protein food but also as a substitute of other meat products and even milk for a healthy purpose. Major Challenges Facing Poultry IndustryYesterday who was a solvent farmer has become a poor guy today- this is basically true to the poultry farmers. The farmers are severely suffering from security of their farms and investment. Every year thousands of farms are collapsing due to bird flu outbreak and many for their incapability to by high priced poultry ingredients and absorbing losse s from market price fall. However the poultry industry of Bangladesh currently face the following challenges against its growth potentials.Porters Five Forces Model of Poultry Industry is shown below (Source Porters Five Forces Framework used for Poultry sector) General Challenges In the country the epidemic of some infections coupled with increase in feed cost sometimes emerge to be the most significant hinders for this industry. Recently NBR is trying to impose new taxes on maize import. This has created problem as maize is the key ingredient to prepare poultry feed. Moreover, the tax unsusceptibility on poultry will also come to an end by June 2011 which increased up to 2013. The price of poultry raw materials has hiked up sharply in the international market. Very naturally the production costs have also hiked up. The banks interest rate in this sector is very high which is on an average 12-14% per annum and real effective interest rate is around 18-20% per annum. Moreover, lo t of hidden charges and costs are associated in this sector to avail the loan from the banking sector. Actually bank interest rate should be 10%.Moreover,NGOs and also Grameen bank should play more active role to lower the interest rate for poultry sector under their social business program so that rural people can be motivated. Cost push pretension and demand pull inflation both are presently prevailing in the country. As a result purchasing powers of the people are declining. According to Economic Trends (2011) the annual rate of inflation increased to 9.43 percent at the end of the August 2011 from 7.87 percent at the end of August 2010. This sector faces the problem of load shedding.Avian flu outbreak A threat for poultry growth Currently the country has been affected by Avian Influenza and as a resultant factor suffered losses around BDT 700 core taka (as per Breeders Association of Bangladesh). This is a huge losses for the producers and they did not get any sort of fiscal help to mitigate this huge losses As per FAO report (20 April, 2011), Bangladesh and other five countries India, China, Egypt, Indonesia and Vietnam has been suffering from the H5N1 virus. This is because of firmly entrenched due largely to weak producer and service associations to support farmers. In aforesaid countries avian flu is still endemic due to poor veterinary and livestock production services retard withdraw revealing and managing of infection. Due to bird flu we can not know exportation chicken in Nepal and also Middle East countries. As such negative impact has been felt. In this context, expansion of veterinary services including vaccination is essential. Need for countrys strategy, long-term planning and its effective implementation to feed the population of the country as well as export in abroad to be added by 2021. Currently eggs and chickens are distributing through midwaymen, as a result The farmers are not getting actual price. Since the last 6-7 months they are counting huge losses, as the production cost is high and selling price is low. Therefore the actual producers wont get any benefit of the high price as they are oppressed by the middle men who suck the profit. Lack of modern management of poultry farming is also creating negative impact. Moreover, the end users i.e. customer has to pay higher price. Conclusion and Recommendationsstrategic management in poultry sector requires complementing to achieve present Govt.s vision of Digital Bangladesh 2021. As this sector has immense potentialities, so there are no 11other alternative but to give more emphasis in the context of issue the demand of the people of the country. Bangladesh should not be a place of contradictory country which will use dumping technique to capture the local market. Hunton (2001) observations that exciting times lie ahead for the Bangladesh poultry industry is also observed in the study. Poultry industry of the country should thrive or it may lose its dist inct competencies in the sectors like biscuits or detergent powders which has faced serious problem during early nineties. As such protection and special measures are being required to be taken by the present govt. Price of meat of chicken and egg should be stable so that lower income group and middle income group ofpeople can afford. clownishs persistent poverty may bound the number of people who can afford to consume chicken more than suggested by the simple consanguinity between per capita GDP and chicken consumption. However, recently present Govt. is trying hard to reduce poverty level and arranging nutrition for the inferior segment of the society in terms of arranging earnings capability. As purchasing power is lower especially for the aforesaid group, employment opportunity will create their redistributionary income effect. However, we should be more cautious to remove bird flu problems for which not only govt. machineries but also local supportive tool are being required. borrowing of the most recent technology in poultry sector especially to control environment and process of automation are being required. These require to feed, drink, and other managerial and day to day operational activities and to build capacity. This will add creation of value. Efficiency and effectiveness of production should be brought through cost-cutting technique and reducing heavy dependence on high-cost imported raw materials for this sector. Alternative arrangement should be developed domestically for cheap feeding cost as well as air cleaning mechanism.Technical ability requires being careful in cooperation farmer and extension levels. Locally available craftsmen could be trained to produce tiny equipment, like feeders, drinkers, etc. Vaccine, vaccinations programs, and other inputs and programs of the poultry sector should be available for which research and development program may be taken as well as local pharmaceuticals come with developing vaccines and other relate d medicine to keep poultry sector disinfected. Environment of the farm area must be cleaned to protect them.Arrangement for training through lives stock agencies, NGOs and private agencies are necessary for mutually farmers and labours associated in this sector as well as extension level which may include sickness manage, accommodation and tools, give food to, inherited step up and promotional activities. Essential information in precise kind of poultry grounding and composition are also vital to recognize the foundation of the exceedingmatter.Accommodation and organization might be enhanced from side to side through arranging suitable farmer guidance, if possible manner to run the farm smoothly. Akter and Uddin (2009) comment is assume as this poultry sector has immense potentialities in the economic development provided public-private partnership with join collaboration and be arranged so that nutrition especially meat and eggs can be available for the poorer section at a cheaper rate. If Bird flu can be removed we can be able to export meat and eggs in foreign countries for which special strategy is being required.12Considering the importance of the countrys poultry industry in order to ensure the sustainable economic development it is now high time to step forward for the better accumulation of resources available from this industry. This industry can provide various opportunities to increase GDP growth rate plus equitable distribution through arranging food security as well as ensuring self employment and creating purchasing power at a large scale. Islam(2003) observations about the poultry sub-sector is crucially important in the context of agricultural growth and improvement of diets of people in the country which also reveals from our study.Besides this, the developments of poultry industry in Bangladesh surely help the government to mitigate the problems of food crisis of the country. Price of chicken and egg should keep stable and problem of middlem en can be lowered down through arranging effective and efficient supply chain management by the Govt. as well as Private sector through keeping in mind about the customers protection and reducing economic disparity and eliminating poverty. Bangladesh Food Security Investment Forum Report (May 2010) should be considered as an important factor to develop the poultry industry of the country and people can get access of protein related food.RecommendationsFollowing recommendations may be considered to sustain the poultry industry of the country To mitigate food famine especially protein related food, the poultry sector needs special attention for which Public and private collaboration is essential. To fulfill the dream of present Govt.s Vision 2021, poultrysector can act as an auxiliary force to arranging food at cheaper rate. As such tax exemption can be extended for the period of 2025. Imposition of tax on import of maize ought to be withdrawn urgently as producers of the poultry se ctor specially small farmers are facing Bank loan in the poultry sector should be arranged at a 5-7% simple interest rate per annum considering compress sector. Conditions of loan providing should be eased. Moreover, Bank should come forward so that new entrepreneurs as well as NRBs can come forward to invest in this sector through opening special window in each bank arranging not only bank loan but also offering special services starting from pure line farms and Hatcheries to Consumers. Banks who wont be interested to invest in the poultry sector may be penalized by the Bangladesh Bank. This industry also treated under SME sector. Livestock department should be more effective and efficient. Proper human resource management and staffing as well as extension of the livestock office is required. They should play proactive role. As such livestock institutes at Sylhet and Gaibandhya should be effective and regional research centers should be more active. To face the global warming pro blem, this sector should get more priority so that they can be able to cater the demand of the food deficit. The price of chicken and egg, if fixed, should not for only some months but whole year considering the production cost so that producer deficit not occurs. 13 Supply chain management should be improved so that the poultry farmers can directly supply to the retail shops and middle men can not suck the profit. Avian Influenza affected farms should get subsidy immediately after culling. A special fund may be created by the Govt. to help the actual producers. Poultry Insurance should be introduced immediately. Insurance companies should come forward with such policies. Electrify arrangement is required for the poultry farms. The government may come forward to produce bio-electricity or support the poultry farmers to produce it. Govt. Hatcheries should be reactivated and play due role so that they can supply huge deficit of protein related food. Transportation costs and facilit ies for eggs and chicken and chicken related products should be kept minimal so that consumers can bribe at a reasonable price. Govt. should come forward to deal with the problem of Avian Influenza as FAO reported that Bangladesh is one of the Sixth worst dupe nations. To raise export of chicken related products abroad we need to come out from this worst disease. The role of the farmers are laudable and that could export poultry products to foreign market if a capacity building can be developed and growth of strategic alliance among private sector, govt., Bangladeshi embassies and NRB can be developed. Poultry industry needs special attention from the Govt. as this sector will not only mitigate huge deficit of protein related food at a cheaper cost but also can create employment of 1 crore people in this sector as projected by this research worker by the year 2021 which will complement present Govt. decisions to create employment. Government needs prior planning and preparation for bird flu and should arrange appropriate steps so that farmers can maintain bio-security and keep healthy environment inside and outside the farms. Department of Livestock should come forward to holistic uprise for developing the poultry sector. Organogram of Livestock may be restructured and it should be set up office at least union level. Efficient and dynamic personalities should be appointed. They must not fix maximum price of one-day chick and it is unjustified. To mitigate deficiency of veterinary doctors, four years diploma courses after SSC level may be introduced. Trade courses may also be introduced so that technicians can be available to mitigate immediate shortage of nursing of the poultry industry. AIT on maize import should be withdrawn and tax imposed on pelleted feed production. Poultry sector faces problem due to lack of insurances. Insurance companies of the country did not come forward with insurances in the Poultry sector. Importing live poultry is very muc h sensitive as it relates not only to financial matters but also to human health. Therefore, strong measures should be taken so that the guideline of the World Organization of Animal Health (OIE) is followed strictly while importation One-day old chick, hen or egg. 14 Moreover, to import products from outside the country instead of lock chicken and eggs huge amount of valuable foreign exchange will be spent. As such subsidy should be given to the local industry and protect safeguard to the local entrepreneurs of the poultry industry. 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